Words That Start With P (page 11)
Browse the Student Dictionary
- premiership
- premise
- premised
- premising
- premium
- premix
- premolar
- premonition
- premonitory
- prenatal
- preoccupation
- preoccupied
- preoccupy
- preordain
- preordination
- prepackage
- prepaid
- preparation
- preparatory
- preparatory school
- prepare
- prepared
- preparedness
- preparer
- preparing
- prepay
- prepaying
- prepayment
- preponderance
- preponderant
- preponderantly
- preposition
- prepositional
- prepossess
- prepossessing
- prepossession
- preposterous
- preposterously
- preposterousness
- prep school
- prepuce
- prerecorded
- preregistration
- prerequisite
- prerogative
- presage
- presaged
- presaging
- presbyter
- Presbyterian
- Presbyterianism
- preschool
- preschooler
- prescience
- prescient
- presciently
- prescribe
- prescribed
- prescriber
- prescribing
- prescription
- prescriptive
- presence
- presence of mind
- present
- presentable
- presentably
- presentation
- presentational
- present-day
- presenter
- presentiment
- presently
- presentment
- present participle
- present perfect tense
- present tense
- preservation
- preservative
- preserve
- preserved
- preserver
- preserving
- preset
- presetting
- preshrank
- preshrink
- preshrunk
- preside
- presided
- presidencies
- presidency
- president
- presidential
- Presidents' Day
- presiding
- presoak
- presort
- press
- press agent
- press conference
- presser
- presser foot
- pressing
- pressingly
- press secretary
- pressure
- pressure-cook
- pressure cooker
- pressured
- pressure point
- pressuring
- pressurization
- pressurize
- pressurized
- pressurizing
- prestidigitation
- prestidigitator
- prestige
- prestigious
- prestigiously
- prestigiousness
- presto
- presumable
- presumably
- presume
- presumed
- presuming
- presumption
- presumptuous
- presumptuously
- presumptuousness
- presuppose
- presupposition
- presweetened
- preteen
- pretence
- pretend
- pretender
- pretense
- pretension
- pretentious
- pretentiously
- pretentiousness
- preterit
- preterite
- preternatural
- preternaturally
- pretest
- pretext
- pretreat
- pretreatment
- prettier
- pretties
- prettiest
- prettily
- prettiness
- pretty
- pretzel
- prevail
- prevailing
- prevailingly
- prevalence
- prevalent
- prevalently
- prevaricate
- prevaricated
- prevaricating
- prevarication
- prevaricator
- prevent
- preventable
- preventative
- preventible
- prevention
- preventive
- preview
- previous
- previously
- previous to
- prevue
- prewar
- prewash
- prewriting
- prey
- preyed
- preying
- price
- priced
- priceless
- pricer
- pricing
- prick
- pricker
- prickle
- prickled
- pricklier
- prickliest
- prickliness
- prickling
- prickly
- prickly heat
- prickly pear
- prick up one's ears
- pride
- prided
- prideful
- pridefully
- pridefulness
- priding
- pried
- priest
- priestess
- priesthood
- priestlier
- priestliest
- priestliness
- priestly
- prig
- priggish
- priggishly
- priggishness
- prim
- primacies
- primacy
- prima donna
- prima donnas
- primal
- primaries
- primarily
- primary
- primary color
- primate
- primatologist
- primatology
- prime
- primed
- prime meridian
- prime minister
- prime number
- primer
- prime time
- primeval
- primevally
- priming
- primitive
- primitively
- primitiveness
- primly
- primmer
- primmest
- primness
- primordial
- primordially
- primp
- primrose
- prince
- Prince Albert
- prince consort
- princelier
- princeliest
- princely
- princes consort
- princess
- principal
- principalities
- principality
- principally
- principal parts
- principle
- principled
- prink
- printable
- printer
- printer's devil
- printing
- printing press
- printmaker
- printout
- print out
- prior
- prioress
- priories
- priorities
- priority
- prior to
- priory
- prise
- prism
- prison
- prison camp
- prisoner
- prisoner of war
- pristine
- prithee
- privacies
- privacy
- private
- private detective