Words That Start With S (page 15)
Browse the Student Dictionary
- spicule
- spicy
- spider
- spider crab
- spider mite
- spider plant
- spiderweb
- spidery
- spied
- spiel
- spieler
- spies
- spiffier
- spiffiest
- spiffy
- spigot
- spike
- spiked
- spikelet
- spikenard
- spikey
- spikier
- spikiest
- spikiness
- spiking
- spiky
- spile
- spill
- spillable
- spillage
- spilled
- spiller
- spilling
- spill one's guts
- spill the beans
- spillway
- spilt
- spin
- spinach
- spinal
- spinal column
- spinal cord
- spinal nerve
- spindle
- spindlier
- spindliest
- spindly
- spindrift
- spine
- spineless
- spinelessly
- spinelessness
- spinet
- spinier
- spiniest
- spininess
- spinnaker
- spinner
- spinneret
- spinning
- spinning jenny
- spinning reel
- spinning wheel
- spin-off
- spinster
- spinsterhood
- spinsterish
- spinsterly
- spiny
- spiny anteater
- spiny lobster
- spiracle
- spiraea
- spiral
- spiraled
- spiraling
- spiralled
- spiralling
- spirally
- spire
- spirea
- spired
- spirilla
- spirillum
- spirit
- spirited
- spiritedly
- spiritless
- spiritlessly
- spiritlessness
- spiritual
- spiritualism
- spirituality
- spiritually
- spiritualness
- spirochaete
- spirochete
- spirogyra
- spit
- spitball
- spite
- spited
- spiteful
- spitefully
- spitefulness
- spitfire
- spiting
- spitter
- spitting
- spitting image
- spittle
- spittlebug
- spittle insect
- spittoon
- spit up
- spit-up
- spitz
- splash
- splashdown
- splasher
- splashier
- splashiest
- splashy
- splat
- splatter
- splay
- spleen
- splendid
- splendidly
- splendidness
- splendiferous
- splendor
- splendorous
- splendrous
- splenetic
- splice
- spliced
- splicer
- splicing
- splint
- splint bone
- splinter
- splintered
- splintering
- split
- split hairs
- split infinitive
- split-level
- split one's sides
- split pea
- split personality
- split second
- split-second
- splitter
- splitting
- splotch
- splotchy
- splurge
- splurged
- splurging
- splutter
- spoil
- spoilage
- spoiled
- spoiler
- spoiling
- spoilsport
- spoilt
- spoke
- spoken
- spokesman
- spokesmodel
- spokesperson
- spokeswoman
- sponcon
- spondaic
- spondee
- sponge
- sponge cake
- sponged
- sponger
- spongier
- spongiest
- spongin
- sponginess
- sponging
- spongy
- spongy cell
- spongy layer
- spongy moth
- sponsor
- sponsored
- sponsoring
- sponsorship
- spontaneity
- spontaneous
- spontaneous combustion
- spontaneous generation
- spontaneously
- spontaneousness
- spoof
- spook
- spookier
- spookiest
- spookiness
- spooky
- spool
- spoon
- spoonbill
- spoon bread
- spoonerism
- spoon-fed
- spoon-feed
- spoon-feeding
- spoonful
- spoonfuls
- spoonsful
- spoor
- sporadic
- sporadically
- sporangia
- sporangium
- spore
- spore case
- spored
- sporing
- sporophyte
- sporozoan
- sporran
- sport
- sportier
- sportiest
- sportily
- sportiness
- sporting
- sportive
- sportively
- sportiveness
- sports
- sports car
- sportscast
- sportscaster
- sportsman
- sportsmanlike
- sportsmanly
- sportsmanship
- sports medicine
- sportswear
- sportswoman
- sportswriter
- sport-utility vehicle
- sporty
- sporulation
- spot
- spot-check
- spotless
- spotlessly
- spotlessness
- spotlight
- spotlighted
- spotlighting
- spotlit
- spotted
- spotted fever
- spotted owl
- spotted turtle
- spotter
- spottier
- spottiest
- spottily
- spottiness
- spotting
- spotty
- spousal
- spouse
- spout
- spouter
- sprain
- sprang
- sprawl
- spray
- sprayer
- spray gun
- spread
- spreadable
- spread-eagle
- spread-eagled
- spread-eagling
- spreader
- spreading
- spreadsheet
- spree
- sprier
- spriest
- sprig
- sprightlier
- sprightliest
- sprightliness
- sprightly
- spring