Words That Start With P (page 1)
Browse the Legal Dictionary
- pack
- pacta sunt servanda
- paid-in capital
- paid-in fund
- paid-in surplus
- paid-up
- pain
- pain and suffering
- painless
- painlessly
- pair-or-set clause
- palimony
- palm off
- Palsgraf v. Long Island Railroad Co.
- pander
- panderer
- pandering
- panel
- paper
- paper title
- par
- paragraph
- paralegal
- paramount title
- paraph
- parcel
- parcenaries
- parcenary
- parcener
- pardon
- parens patriae
- parent
- parental
- parentally
- parentela
- parentelic
- parenting plan
- parish
- parish court
- parking
- parliament
- parliamentarian
- parliamentary
- parliamentary government
- parliamentary law
- parochial
- parol
- parolable
- parole
- parolee
- parol evidence
- parol evidence rule
- parricide
- partial breach
- partial defense
- partial insanity
- partial loss
- partial responsibility
- partial verdict
- particeps criminis
- participating
- participation
- participation loan
- particular
- particular legacy
- particular successor
- particular title
- parties
- partition
- partner
- partner in commendam
- partnership
- partnership at will
- partnership by estoppel
- partnership in commendam
- partnership rollup
- part performance
- party
- party aggrieved
- party in interest
- par value
- pass
- passim
- passion
- passive
- passively
- passive negligence
- passiveness
- passive trust
- pass off
- pass-through security
- past consideration
- past recollection recorded
- patent
- patentability
- patentable
- patent ambiguity
- Patent and Trademark Office