Words That Start With R (page 1)
Browse the Legal Dictionary
- race-notice
- racketeer
- Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organizations Act
- racketeering
- raider
- Railway Labor Act
- rainmaker
- rainmaking
- ran
- rank and file
- ransom
- rape
- raped
- raper
- rape shield law
- raping
- rapist
- ratable
- ratably
- rate
- rate base
- ratification
- ratified
- ratifier
- ratify
- ratifying
- ratio decidendi
- rational
- rational basis
- rational basis test
- rationality
- rationally
- ravish
- ravishment
- re
- re-
- reach
- reachable
- readjust
- readjustment
- reaffirm
- reaffirmation
- reaffirmation hearing
- real
- real defense
- real estate
- real estate investment trust
- real estate mortgage investment conduit
- Real Estate Settlement Procedures Act
- real evidence
- realign
- realignment
- realization
- realize
- realized
- realizing
- real party in interest
- real property
- real right
- Realtor
- realty
- reapportion
- reapportionment
- reargue
- reargument
- reason
- reasonable
- reasonable accommodation
- reasonable care
- reasonable cause
- reasonable diligence
- reasonable doubt
- reasonable force
- reasonableness
- reasonable person
- reasonable probability
- reasonable suspicion
- reasonable use
- reasonably
- reasonably equivalent value
- rebate
- rebut
- rebuttable
- rebuttable presumption
- rebuttably
- rebuttal
- rebuttal evidence
- rebuttal witness
- rebutted
- rebutter
- rebutting
- recall
- recant
- recantation
- recapitalization
- recapitalize
- recapture
- recaptured
- recapturing
- receipt