Words That Start With C (page 44)
Browse the Medical Dictionary
- cosmid
- costa
- costae
- costal
- costal breathing
- costal cartilage
- costal process
- costarum
- costectomies
- costectomy
- costive
- costiveness
- costocentral
- costocervical trunk
- costochondral
- costochondritis
- costoclavicular
- costocoracoid
- costocoracoid membrane
- costodiaphragmatic
- costophrenic
- costotome
- costotransverse
- costotransversectomies
- costotransversectomy
- costovertebral
- costoxiphoid
- cot
- cotarnine
- cot death
- cothromboplastin
- cotinine
- cotransduction
- co-trimoxazole
- cotton
- cottonmouth
- cottonmouth moccasin
- cottonseed oil
- cotton-wool
- cotyledon
- cotyledonary
- cotyloid
- couch
- couch grass
- cough
- cough drop
- cough syrup
- coulomb
- coulrophobia
- Coumadin
- coumaphos
- coumarin
- counsel
- counseled
- counselee
- counseling
- counselled
- counselling
- counsellor
- counselor
- count
- counter
- counteract
- counteraction
- countercathexes
- countercathexis
- counterconditioning
- countercurrent
- counterelectrophoreses
- counterelectrophoresis
- counterimmunoelectrophoreses
- counterimmunoelectrophoresis
- counterirritant
- counterirritation
- counteropening
- counterphobic
- counterpulsation
- counterpuncture
- countershock
- counterstain
- countertraction
- countertransference
- coup
- couples counseling
- couples counselor
- couples therapist
- couples therapy
- coupling
- course
- courses
- court plaster
- couvade
- couvade syndrome
- Couvelaire uterus
- CoV
- covalence
- covalencies
- covalency
- covalent