Words That Start With F (page 4)
Browse the Medical Dictionary
- fatty degeneration
- fatty infiltration
- fatty liver
- fatty oil
- fauces
- faucial
- fauna
- faunae
- faunal
- faunally
- faunas
- fava bean
- faveolate
- favic
- favism
- favus
- FD
- Fe
- fear
- feather
- feathered
- feature
- febricula
- febrifacient
- febrific
- febrifugal
- febrifuge
- febrile
- febris
- febuxostat
- fecal
- fecalith
- fecally
- fecaloid
- feces
- Fechner's law
- fecula
- feculae
- feculence
- feculent
- fecund
- fecundate
- fecundated
- fecundating
- fecundation
- fecundities
- fecundity
- fed
- feed
- feedback
- feedback inhibition
- feeding
- feeding tube
- fee-for-service
- feel
- feeler
- feeling
- fee splitter
- fee splitting
- feet
- Fehling solution
- Fehling's solution
- fel
- felbamate
- Feldenkrais
- feldsher
- Felidae
- feline
- feline distemper
- feline enteritis
- feline infectious anemia
- feline infectious peritonitis
- feline leukemia
- feline leukemia virus
- feline panleukopenia
- feline pneumonitis
- fellate
- fellated
- fellating
- fellatio
- fellation
- fellations
- fellatios
- fellator
- fellatory
- fellatrice
- fellatrices
- fellatrix
- fellatrixes
- fellea
- fellow
- felodipine
- felon
- felt
- feltwork
- Felty's syndrome
- Felty syndrome
- FeLV
- fem