Words That Start With H (page 4)
Browse the Medical Dictionary
- halometer
- haloperidol
- halophile
- halophilic
- halos
- halothane
- Halsted radical mastectomy
- halzoun
- ham
- hamadryad
- hamamelis
- hamartia
- hamartoma
- hamartomas
- hamartomata
- hamartomatous
- hamata
- hamate
- hamate bone
- hamatum
- hamatums
- hammer
- hammertoe
- hamster
- hamstring
- hamstringing
- hamstring muscle
- hamstrung
- hamular
- hamuli
- hamulus
- hand
- hand, foot and mouth disease
- handed
- handedness
- handicap
- handicapped
- handless
- handpiece
- Hand-Schüller-Christian disease
- hangnail
- hangover
- hansenoses
- hansenosis
- Hansen's bacillus
- Hansen's disease
- Hantaan virus
- hantavirus
- hantavirus pulmonary syndrome
- H antigen
- hapalonychia
- haphalgesia
- haphephobia
- haplodont
- haplodonties
- haplodonty
- haploid
- haploidies
- haploidy
- haplont
- haplontic
- haploscope
- haploscopic
- haplotype
- hapten
- haptenated
- haptenic
- haptic
- haptical
- haptics
- haptoglobin
- haptophore
- harbor
- hard
- hardening
- harderian gland
- Harder's gland
- hardness
- hard of hearing
- hard pad
- hard palate
- hardware disease
- Hardy-Weinberg law
- harelip
- harelipped
- Harley Street
- harmal
- harmala
- harmaline
- harmalol
- harmine
- harpoon
- Hartmann's solution
- Hartnup disease
- hartshorn
- Harveian
- harvest mite
- Harvoni
- hash