Words That Start With P (page 49)
Browse the Medical Dictionary
- Prevacid
- prevalence
- preventative
- preventive
- preventive medicine
- preventoria
- preventorium
- preventoriums
- prevertebral
- prevertebral ganglion
- prevesical space
- previa
- previable
- previllous
- Prezcobix
- Prezista
- priapism
- Price-Jones curve
- prickle cell
- prickle cell layer
- prickly heat
- prickly juniper
- prick test
- prilocaine
- Prilosec
- primal scene
- primal scream therapy
- primam
- primaquine
- primaries
- primary
- primary alcohol
- primary aldosteronism
- primary amenorrhea
- primary amine
- primary atypical pneumonia
- primary care
- primary color
- primary fissure
- primary health care
- primary host
- primary hypertension
- primary lesion
- primary oocyte
- primary spermatocyte
- primary syphilis
- primary thrombocythemia
- primary tooth
- primate
- Primates
- primatological
- primatologies
- primatologist
- primatology
- prime mover
- primer
- primidone
- primigravid
- primigravida
- primigravidae
- primigravidas
- primipara
- primiparae
- primiparas
- primiparous
- primitive
- primitive groove
- primitive knot
- primitively
- primitive pit
- primitive streak
- primordia
- primordial
- primordium
- primum
- princeps pollicis
- principal axis
- principal plane
- principal point
- principle
- Prinivil
- P-R interval
- Prinzmetal's angina
- prion
- prion disease
- prism
- prismatic
- prism diopter
- prison fever
- Pristiq
- private
- private-duty
- private practice
- privileged communication
- prn
- Pro
- proabortion