: of, relating to, or resembling anise : having a smell or taste similar to that of fennel or licorice
In the South of France the basil plants are bushy, with very small green leaves; these have a stronger, more anisey flavor than the larger leaf plants.—Martha Rose Shulman, Gourmet Vegetarian Feasts, 1987
Whereas fennel is slightly anisey with a bitter note, cumin is penetratingly earthy with a sour overtone.—Alice Arndt, Seasoning Savvy: How to Cook with Herbs, Spices, and Other Flavorings, 1999
We gnawed so much fennel that to this day I gag at a whiff of that anisey smell, even a pinch flavoring a stew.—Steven Pressfield, Gates of Fire: An Epic Novel of the Battle of Thermopylae, 2005
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