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Not to cast about for trends, but what do the movies of 2023 have against balding, flatulent, socially awkward teachers named Paul?—Justin Chang, Los Angeles Times, 9 Nov. 2023 The balding, bookish 60-year-old was already one of the world’s most influential and prolific inventors, forging text-to-speech software, music synthesizers, and scanning machines.—David Kushner, Rolling Stone, 4 Sep. 2023 Eilish dressed as a baby with big eyelashes and a pink bonnet, while Rutherford showed off a balding head of gray hair and an old man outfit.—Emy Lacroix, Peoplemag, 2 Feb. 2023 When mom steps aside one night, there’s a balding middle-aged man in the audience paying close attention.—Kyle Smith, WSJ, 22 Dec. 2022 See All Example Sentences for balding