: one who provides publicity
less common spelling of flak
: antiaircraft guns
: the bursting shells fired from flak
: criticism, opposition
She has taken a good deal of flak for espousing that view.—
E. J. Kahn, Jr.
When I was a restaurant bar manager I sometimes found myself taking flak from my customers for our high prices …—
Rob Hill
flacked; flacking; flacks
: to act as a press agent or promoter for something
… Taylor Swift (Diet Coke), Beyonce (Pepsi) and Steve Harvey (Coke again) have flacked for soda.—
Michael Roizen and Mehmet Oz
The director has been flacking for the up-and-coming stars in her new movie.
: to provide publicity for or promote (someone or something)
Since "Born to Run" was published in late September, the author has been flacking it in bookstores and theaters across the country.—
Casey Seiler
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