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Scale invariance occurs in trees because trunks, limbs and twigs all branch in similar ways and for similar reasons.—Mitchell Newberry, The Conversation, 11 Feb. 2025 The precise calibration of branch diameter leads to a hallmark of fractal shapes called scale invariance.—Mitchell Newberry, The Conversation, 11 Feb. 2025 The lower-dimensional theory also had an additional symmetry—conformal invariance—where the physical laws don’t change for all transformations of spacetime that preserve angles.—Anil Ananthaswamy, Scientific American, 1 Mar. 2023 With this in mind, the authors set out to prove scale invariance first, believing that rotational invariance would be the most difficult symmetry and knowing that translational invariance was simple enough and wouldn’t require its own proof.—Allison Whitten, Wired, 11 July 2021 The physicists had required a proof in three steps, one for each symmetry present in conformal invariance: translational, rotational and scale invariance.—Allison Whitten, Wired, 11 July 2021 Now, with rotational invariance down, Duminil-Copin and his colleagues have their sights set on scale invariance, their original target.—Allison Whitten, Wired, 11 July 2021 The lower-dimensional theory also had an additional symmetry—conformal invariance—where the physical laws don't change for all transformations of spacetime that preserve angles.—Anil Ananthaswamy, Scientific American, 1 Mar. 2023 This conditional nature of stability means that psychological research cannot be a search for ever-lasting invariance (laws), but only for more or less local and temporary regularity.—Neuroskeptic, Discover Magazine, 2 Jan. 2016