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Calling someone a litterbug in the ‘90s was a major insult.—Kara Nesvig, Parents, 9 Oct. 2024 Of all disposals, 17 percent were improper, and 4 percent of people qualified as litterbugs.—Emilie Le Beau Lucchesi, Discover Magazine, 8 Apr. 2023 Some historians argue the concept of the litterbug was meant to deflect responsibility for environmental harm away from the corporation and onto the consumer.—Emilie Le Beau Lucchesi, Discover Magazine, 8 Apr. 2023 China is not the only orbital litterbug.—Christine McDaniel, Forbes, 18 May 2021 At least the lord wasn’t a litterbug.—Steve Meyer, Anchorage Daily News, 27 June 2020 If the litterbug isn’t caught in the act, taxpayers fund the garbage pickup.—Christine McDaniel, Forbes, 18 May 2021 As Trump’s tweets last month continue to reverberate in Baltimore, some residents say the negative attention overlooks persistent and ongoing efforts to beautify blocks and deter litterbugs.—Scott Dance, baltimoresun.com, 15 Aug. 2019 However, a white German woman who did nothing to stop the litterbug was helped about as often (73.3%) as the Muslim woman who went out of her way to do some social good.—Los Angeles Times, 7 Aug. 2019