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The following 7 entries include the term oxychloride.
bismuth oxychloride
noun: a white crystalline basic salt approximately BiOCl made usually by reaction of an acid solution of bismuth nitrate with a solution of sodium chloride and used chiefly as a pigment and a cosmetic
carbon oxychloride
nouncopper oxychloride
nounmagnesium oxychloride cement
noun: a cement that is used only for interior work (as floors in hospitals and public buildings), is made by adding in proper proportions a strong solution of magnesium chloride to magnesia, and when used with small stones, wood flour, or cork sets to a hard mass in a short time and takes a high polish
oxychloride cement
nounphosphorus oxychloride
noun: a volatile fuming liquid compound POCl3 made usually by oxidation of phosphorus trichloride or by reaction of phosphorus pentachloride with phosphorus pentoxide and used chiefly in making phosphoric esters (as tricresyl phosphate)
selenium oxychloride
noun: a vesicant liquid compound SeOCl2 that is made usually by reaction of selenium dioxide and hydrogen chloride or by chlorination of a mixture of selenium and selenium dioxide, that has a high dielectric constant, and that is used chiefly as a solvent