plural squees
: a squeal of delight or excitement
If you heard a little squee of joy over the city of Saskatoon recently, it was most likely my delight at seeing fresh asparagus at the farmers' market.—
Renee Kohlman
—often used as an interjectionSo porch, meet dog. Dog, porch. And Porch Dogs, meet the Internet. Squee!—
: delight, glee
Zendaya and Holland are absolutely charming together, squeezing so much squee out from the little flickers of looks they shoot to one another …—
Alex Abad-Santos
If you're looking for a new DIY challenge, ramp up the squee with these cute (and fun) miniature home décor projects.—
Cassandra Vega
squeed; squeeing; squees
: to squeal in delight or excitement
And when a He-Man/Thundercats comic was announced from DC Comics, my inner 10-year-old might have squeed just a little bit.—
Eric Diaz
dated, of an animal
: to make a usually high-pitched cry
Then he [a bird] climbed upon an old hammock, and going to the highest part, stared and "squeed" for hours.—
The Oölogist
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