plural upvotes
: a vote made by clicking an on-screen icon to signify one's approval of or agreement with an online comment or post
… increasing the number of upvotes on your posts can increase the likelihood that others will take what you have to say seriously.—
Even better, if your post is clever, witty, or relatable enough, it will receive an upvote, the ultimate instigator of a shot of self-confidence.—
Isabella Ingersoll
an upvote button
compare downvote sense 1
upvoted; upvoting; upvotes
: to signify one's approval of or agreement with (an online comment or post) by clicking an on-screen icon
Reddit users were impressed, upvoting the post more than 13,000 times and leaving hundreds of supportive comments.—
Alice Gibbs
According to Koster, removing the ability to downvote comments … while retaining the ability to upvote would make the communities better.—
Eric David
compare downvote
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