Trending: β€˜codify’

Lookups spiked 1,500% on May 16-17, 2019

Why are people looking up codify?

Lookups for codify spiked on May 16-17, 2019, after several Democratic presidential candidates expressed their intent to protect Roe v. Wade. Senator Kirsten Gillibrand made news with her announcement about abortion rights in the context of the recent law banning abortions passed in Alabama:

First, as president, I will codify Roe v. Wade. I will make it clear beyond a shadow of a doubt that women in this country have a guaranteed right to an abortion.

Senator Cory Booker also affirmed that he would "protect the rights afforded by Roe, codify those protections in federal law."

Another candidate, Senator Elizabeth Warren, also released her reproductive rights policy proposal:

What does codify mean?

Codify literally means "to reduce to a code," with code referring to "a systematic statement of a body of law."

Another way of expressing this meaning is "to put (laws or rules) together as a code or system."

Where does codify come from?

Codify shows the influence of such words as classify, and both of these terms date from the late 1700s when thinkers during the Enlightenment were busy putting ideas about knowledge, philosophy, and laws into order. It was during this period that the first truly modern dictionaries and encyclopedias were written.

Code itself derives from Middle French, from the Latin terms caudex, codex meaning "trunk of a tree" or "document formed originally from wooden tablets."

Trend Watch is a data-driven report on words people are looking up at much higher search rates than normal. While most trends can be traced back to the news or popular culture, our focus is on the lookup data rather than the events themselves.

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