Trending: misogyny

Lookups spiked 2,400% on March 5, 2020

Why are people looking up misogyny?

Misogyny was among our top lookups on March 5th, 2020, in the wake of Elizabeth Warren’s decision to end her presidential campaign.

Speaker Nancy Pelosi on Thursday said there is an “element of misogyny” that undermines women like Sen. Elizabeth Warren in their bid for the White House.
— Sarah Ferris, Politico (, 5 Mar. 2020

What does misogyny mean?

We define misogyny in a fairly narrow manner, “a hatred of women.” Misogyny differs from sexism in that it is restricted to hating women, whereas sexism might be applied to any sex. The word for “hatred of men” is misandry, that for “hatred of humankind” is misanthropy, and should you need to describe a “hatred of children” your term is misopedia.

Trend Watch is a data-driven report on words people are looking up at much higher search rates than normal. While most trends can be traced back to the news or popular culture, our focus is on the lookup data rather than the events themselves.

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