Words to Describe holster
How holster often is described ("________ holster")
- empty
- closed
- ornate
- ankle
- hidden
- big
- wooden
- bulging
- made
- leathern
- hand
- buttoned
- polished
- tooled
- covered
- tight
- small
- heavy
- ballistic
- obstinate
- homemade
- tactical
- snug
- huge
- leather
- shoulder
- right
- open
- detective
- arm
- black
- scarred
- underarm
- down
- yellow
- makeshift
- shiny
- gray
- rawhide
- nice
- gun
- weighted
- belted
- slung
- thick
- brown
- stiff
- tiny
- double
- oiled
- fancy
- unbuttoned
- quick
- chamois
- long
- protective
- flap
- style
- side
- worn
- concealed
- imaginary
- rear
- back
- flapped
- plastic
- oversized
- inside
- attached
- wet
- special
- left
- and
- plain
- soft
- neat