Words to Describe princeton
Things princeton often describes ("princeton ________")
- studies
- press
- theology
- dartmouth
- harvard
- penn
- peking
- seminary
- conference
- asia
- cornell
- new
- yale
- washington
- college
- london
- papers
- graduate
- central
- hopewell
- review
- columbia
- cambridge
- museum
- university
- carlisle
- the
- paris
- january
- sea
- library
- newport
- oxford
- trenton
- hall
- pennsylvania
- chicago
- brookings
- ibm
- reviewers
- navy
- paperbacks
- referee
- contributions
- center
- exchange
- sage
- alexandria
How princeton often is described ("________ princeton")
- light
- philadelphia
- smaller
- present
- london
- rival
- michigan
- orthodox
- aristocratic
- index
- beloved
- saratoga
- old
- century
- historic
- democratic
- war
- york
- class
- famous
- former
- dear
- paris
- later
- reconstructed
- belfast
- nearby
- witness
- american
- fourth
- fated
- chicago
- past
- new
- near
- psychological
- day
- hopewell
- post
- round
- bluefield
- early
- conservative
- trenton
- suburban
- steamer
- evansville