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Words that Almost Rhyme with epics
3 syllables
4 syllables
- alphabetics
- anaesthetics
- anesthetics
- arithmetics
- cybernetics
- diabetics
- dietetics
- diuretics
- energetics
- homiletics
- paramedics
- catechetics
- anoretics
- choleretics
- cynegetics
- enuretics
- eukinetics
- exegetics
- geodetics
- hyperpietics
- migratetics
- paruretics
- preanesthetics
- saluretics
- sickle medicks
- spotted medics
- sympathetics
5 syllables
- antipyretics
- apologetics
- cytogenetics
- epigenetics
- peripatetics
- antiemetics
- diaphoretics
- phylogenetics
- analphabetics
- antiluetics
- biogenetics
- biomimetics
- histogenetics
- hydrokinetics
- hydromagnetics
- isomagnetics
- natriuretics
- neurogenetics
- optogenetics
- phenogenetics
- poliorcetics
- pre-anaesthetics
- pre-anesthetics
- preanaesthetics
- prediabetics
- psychogenetics
- psychokinetics
- reverse genetics
- tartar emetics
6 syllables
- bioenergetics
- electromagnetics
- pharmacokinetics
- immunogenetics
- pharmacogenetics
- sympathomimetics
- antidiuretics
- behavior genetics
- biocybernetics
- chemical kinetics
- cholinomimetics
- electrokinetics
- higher arithmetics
- hydrocholeretics
- local anesthetics
- parasympathetics
- psychotomimetics
- radiogenetics
- reaction kinetics
- vagosympathetics