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Words that Almost Rhyme with rasure
1 syllable
- air
- ar
- are
- bar
- bare
- barr
- beer
- bier
- birr
- blare
- blur
- boar
- boer
- bore
- bur
- car
- care
- carr
- chair
- char
- charr
- cheer
- chore
- claire
- clear
- cor
- core
- corps
- crore
- cur
- czar
- dear
- deer
- dire
- doer
- door
- dower
- drawer
- drear
- ear
- er
- ere
- err
- eyre
- fair
- far
- fare
- fear
- fir
- flair
- flare
- fleur
- floor
- flor
- for
- fore
- four
- fur
- gare
- gear
- glare
- haar
- hair
- har
- hare
- hear
- heir
- here
- herr
- hoar
- ire
- jar
- jeer
- kier
- kir
- lair
- lar
- lore
- lour
- lyre
- mar
- mare
- mer
- mere
- mir
- mire
- moire
- mor
- myrrh
- near
- noir
- nor
- oar
- or
- ore
- pair
- par
- pare
- pear
- peer
- per
- pier
- poor
- pore
- pour
- prayer
- pur
- purr
- quaere
- queer
- quire
- rare
- rear
- roar
- scar
- scare
- score
- sear
- seer
- sere
- share
- shear
- sheer
- shore
- sir
- slur
- smear
- snare
- sneer
- snore
- soar
- sore
- spar
- spare
- spear
- speer
- sphere
- spire
- spore
- spur
- square
- squire
- star
- stare
- steer
- stir
- store
- swear
- swore
- tear
- thar
- their
- there
- thor
- tier
- tor
- tore
- torr
- tsar
- veer
- ver
- war
- ware
- were
- where
- whirr
- whore
- wore
- year
- yore
- blear
- fleer
- murre
- ayr
- bear
- blair
- bohr
- burr
- cher
- chirr
- churr
- clare
- dare
- dorr
- frore
- gar
- glair
- gore
- lear
- loire
- meir
- more
- ne'er
- orr
- parr
- pere
- saar
- schmear
- shire
- shirr
- skirr
- stair
- sur
- tar
- they're
- tyre
- ur
- we're
- wear
- weir
2 syllables
- abhor
- adar
- adhere
- admire
- adore
- afar
- affair
- affaire
- afire
- afore
- ajar
- all clear
- altair
- ameer
- amir
- amour
- appear
- arrear
- ashore
- ask for
- aspire
- au pair
- austere
- aware
- barn door
- barre
- bazaar
- before
- beware
- bizarre
- black bear
- bother
- boyar
- brown bear
- by far
- call for
- care for
- career
- cashier
- chauffeur
- child care
- cigar
- cohere
- cold war
- compare
- compere
- concur
- confer
- dance floor
- day care
- deck chair
- declare
- decor
- defer
- demur
- deplore
- despair
- deter
- dinar
- done for
- dour
- emir
- endear
- ensnare
- expire
- explore
- fall for
- father
- first floor
- flavour
- flour
- forswear
- foursquare
- front door
- frontier
- galore
- go for
- grandeur
- great bear
- ground floor
- guitar
- hardcore
- health care
- high gear
- hire
- hot air
- hour
- ignore
- impair
- implore
- incur
- infer
- inquire
- inshore
- inspire
- inter
- khmer
- lawn chair
- liqueur
- look for
- masseur
- midair
- monsieur
- next door
- north star
- occur
- offshore
- ophir
- peace corps
- perspire
- postwar
- prefer
- premier
- premiere
- prepare
- prewar
- proffer
- rainier
- rapport
- recur
- refer
- rehear
- repair
- respire
- restore
- retire
- rock star
- root beer
- safar
- saviour
- school year
- scour
- seigneur
- send for
- senor
- severe
- shofar
- sincere
- sitar
- skier
- small beer
- snack bar
- so far
- sour
- speak for
- sports car
- squad car
- stage door
- stand for
- succour
- take care
- transfer
- tumour
- ulnar
- unclear
- unfair
- valour
- velour
- veneer
- vigour
- voyeur
- washer
- what for
- wild boar
- wing chair
- wire
- world war
- bell jar
- bezoar
- blue star
- bosher
- bronze star
- chasseur
- coheir
- compeer
- disbar
- douceur
- due care
- freight car
- french door
- great year
- grimoire
- leap year
- light air
- low gear
- mule deer
- nightjar
- poseur
- pother
- shop floor
- side chair
- sopher
- swing door
- unbar
- wet bar
- all-star
- ant bear
- assur
- bath chair
- big sur
- bock beer
- bronx cheer
- cash bar
- coal tar
- coffre
- cold sore
- cosher
- cruor
- dakar
- dior
- dog star
- dutch door
- fire
- fixed star
- flare star
- fossor
- frotteur
- gabor
- goffer
- guard hair
- hot war
- insphere
- joint fir
- josher
- lahore
- lanier
- lekvar
- life peer
- lord's prayer
- milk bar
- mishear
- mouse deer
- musk deer
- myanmar
- navarre
- near beer
- nosher
- outpour
- pace car
- pap smear
- pasteur
- pierre
- pinch bar
- pine tar
- pissoir
- posher
- price war
- qatar
- quaffer
- red deer
- revere
- roe deer
- root hair
- rozzer
- sea hare
- sea star
- set square
- sinclair
- space bar
- spruce beer
- spur gear
- squasher
- stock car
- suaver
- swasher
- swather
- tank car
- times square
- timor
- troffer
- try square
- uprear
- voltaire
- wood tar
- word square
- worm gear
- zaire
3 syllables
- account for
- answer for
- anymore
- au revoir
- auctioneer
- belvedere
- billionaire
- bombardier
- brigadier
- buccaneer
- cable car
- cavalier
- chandelier
- chevalier
- civil war
- coauthor
- commandeer
- connoisseur
- crystal clear
- debonair
- dining car
- disappear
- disrepair
- doctrinaire
- easy chair
- engineer
- evening star
- financier
- fiscal year
- gondolier
- good father
- great father
- grizzly bear
- guarantor
- heretofore
- insincere
- interfere
- landing gear
- little bear
- love affair
- marine corps
- millionaire
- morning star
- musketeer
- open air
- open door
- overhear
- pamphleteer
- patrol car
- persevere
- pioneer
- polar bear
- police car
- profiteer
- pubic hair
- puppeteer
- questionnaire
- racketeer
- raconteur
- rapporteur
- reappear
- require
- rocking chair
- saboteur
- shooting star
- silver star
- solitaire
- souvenir
- superstar
- swivel chair
- teddy bear
- trojan war
- unaware
- underscore
- volunteer
- why bother
- baggage car
- bandolier
- birth father
- compressed air
- de rigueur
- diapir
- domineer
- douglas fir
- escritoire
- evening prayer
- fire door
- ginger beer
- inner ear
- mason jar
- morning prayer
- mutineer
- neutron star
- pinot noir
- prickly pear
- racing car
- salad bar
- sedan chair
- sightseer
- sleeping car
- touring car
- trolley car
- white father
- air washer
- all-father
- apgar score
- arctic char
- ascophore
- balladeer
- balsam fir
- balsam pear
- barking deer
- basket star
- belgian hare
- bevel gear
- bill of fare
- blazing star
- brittle star
- buffet car
- bumper car
- camel's hair
- check washer
- chimere
- church father
- color bar
- common year
- croix de guerre
- defier
- double bar
- double star
- drum washer
- edward lear
- estate car
- fallow deer
- feather star
- feoffer
- first world war
- flying mare
- folding door
- force majeure
- giant star
- gold washer
- haptophore
- heavy spar
- holy year
- honey bear
- iceland spar
- in the air
- latin square
- leucophore
- leyden jar
- liquid air
- livermore
- lock washer
- log washer
- louis d'or
- lunar year
- magic square
- mahasir
- mal de mer
- middle ear
- morris chair
- nom de guerre
- nonkosher
- nurse-father
- outer ear
- package store
- parlor car
- peer-to-peer
- petit four
- physophore
- polypore
- rasophore
- rhasophore
- rouge et noir
- saddle sore
- silver fir
- sky father
- sloop of war
- slot washer
- smoke washer
- snowshoe hare
- solar flare
- solar year
- soup du jour
- space washer
- spring washer
- state of war
- steel guitar
- steering gear
- teliospore
- tidal bore
- transire
- unkosher
- wear and tear
- windsor chair
- woolly bear
- wrecking bar
4 syllables
- calendar year
- charioteer
- concessionaire
- convenience store
- department store
- electric chair
- foster father
- general store
- grocery store
- holy father
- our father
- restaurateur
- vanity fair
- financial year
- flight engineer
- litterateur
- passenger car
- single father
- anchovy pear
- binary star
- black marketeer
- celestial sphere
- cervical smear
- cinnamon bear
- city father
- conte cavour
- conventioneer
- cowley father
- electioneer
- elephant ear
- embryophore
- esprit de corps
- external ear
- founding father
- great white father
- gully washer
- gynecophore
- ichthyosaur
- internal ear
- intrapreneur
- isallobar
- koala bear
- kodiak bear
- limited war
- louis pasteur
- multiauthor
- multiple star
- nuptial father
- ommatophore
- ophthalmophore
- ostracophore
- pilgrim father
- second world war
- siphonophore
- socket washer
- synoptophore
- theosopher
- timing washer
- tropical year
- uncared-for
- up in the air
- variolar
- virginia deer
- walking on air
5 syllables
- academic year
- civil engineer
- interlinear
- multimillionaire
- rectilinear
- diplomatic corps
- electric guitar
- reasonable care
- adipocere
- alligator pear
- avocado pear
- book of common prayer
- castle in the air
- cauliflower ear
- differential gear
- hawaiian guitar
- horizontal bar
- planetary gear
- polyplacophore
- prisoner of war
- puritan father
- sabbatical year
- the our father
- variable star
- xantholeucophore