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Words that Almost Rhyme with umbelliflorae
4 syllables
- cemetery
- centenary
- desultory
- emissary
- excretory
- february
- lectionary
- legendary
- necessary
- pensionary
- prebendary
- predatory
- prefatory
- secondary
- secretary
- sedentary
- seminary
- separatory
- veterinary
- enginery
- cessionary
- cretionary
- expletory
- fellatory
- legatary
- leproserie
- leprosery
- negatory
- peddlery
- pellitory
- penguinery
- predentary
- questionary
- reptatory
- sectionary
- senatory
- sensatory
- sessionary
- venatory
- vexillary
5 syllables
- accretionary
- amendatory
- as necessary
- celebratory
- commendatory
- compensatory
- concessionary
- confectionary
- confectionery
- discretionary
- dispensatory
- executory
- hereditary
- if necessary
- postsecondary
- recessionary
- revelatory
- the necessary
- unnecessary
- press secretary
- abecedary
- anemochory
- cementatory
- commemoratory
- competitory
- confessionary
- conventionary
- depredatory
- depressionary
- digressionary
- emendatory
- execratory
- flag secretary
- flagellatory
- impetratory
- impressionary
- incretionary
- nonsecretory
- possessionary
- processionary
- professionary
- sub-secretary
- subsecretary
- subventionary
- wall pellitory
6 syllables
- foreign secretary
- insurrectionary
- private secretary
- recommendatory
- legal secretary
- nondiscretionary
- under secretary
- antipredatory
- decompensatory
- do the necessary
- hypersecretory
- incompensatory
- interjectionary
- junior seminary
- major seminary
- minor seminary
- non-hereditary
- nonhereditary
- resurrectionary
- self-revelatory
- semilegendary
- social secretary