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Words that Rhyme with krewe
1 syllable
- blew
- blue
- boo
- brew
- chew
- chou
- clue
- coo
- coup
- crew
- cue
- dew
- do
- doo
- due
- ewe
- few
- flew
- flu
- flue
- foo
- glue
- gnu
- goo
- grew
- gue
- hew
- hoo
- hu
- jew
- jus
- knew
- ku
- leu
- lew
- lieu
- loo
- mew
- moo
- mu
- nu
- ooh
- pew
- phew
- poo
- pooh
- pou
- pugh
- queue
- rew
- roux
- rue
- screw
- shew
- shoe
- shoo
- shrew
- shu
- sioux
- skew
- slew
- spew
- sprue
- stew
- strew
- su
- tew
- thew
- threw
- through
- thru
- to
- too
- trew
- true
- two
- view
- whew
- who
- whoo
- woo
- xu
- yew
- you
- zoo
- choux
- cleugh
- glew
- heugh
- vrouw
- chu
- crewe
- drew
- du
- hsin-chu
- hue
- kew
- koo
- leugh
- me-too
- new
- plew
- riouw
- schouw
- seugh
- shluh
- sleugh
- sue
- tioux
- tu
- wu
- zhu
2 syllables
- a due
- accrue
- add to
- adds to
- ado
- ainu
- aircrew
- airscrew
- all to
- all too
- anew
- as to
- askew
- baboo
- babu
- bamboo
- beaucoup
- bijou
- bless you
- break through
- breaks through
- breakthrough
- bring to
- brings to
- broke through
- brought to
- burned through
- came through
- came to
- canoe
- cashew
- close to
- come through
- come to
- come true
- comes through
- comes to
- construe
- cop to
- cops to
- corkscrew
- cuckoo
- cut through
- cuts through
- debut
- down to
- drank to
- drink to
- drunk to
- due to
- emu
- ensue
- eschew
- eye view
- fall through
- fall to
- falls to
- fell through
- fell to
- fescue
- fitzhugh
- fondue
- for to
- for you
- get through
- get to
- gets through
- gets to
- go through
- go to
- goes through
- goes to
- gone through
- gone to
- got through
- got to
- guru
- hairdo
- halloo
- have to
- held to
- hindoo
- hindu
- hip to
- hold to
- hole through
- hoodoo
- horseshoe
- how do
- hutu
- imbue
- in two
- in view
- into
- iq
- keep to
- kept to
- key to
- keys to
- kin to
- kung fu
- laid to
- lay to
- lead to
- leads to
- leafed through
- led to
- lie to
- lies to
- like new
- live through
- lived through
- look through
- look to
- looked through
- looked to
- looks to
- lulu
- made do
- make do
- mantoux
- manu
- mark you
- me too
- meant to
- mildew
- milieux
- mind you
- move to
- next to
- none too
- not do
- old blue
- on cue
- on view
- out to
- outdo
- outgrew
- perdu
- perdue
- plain view
- play to
- played to
- point to
- points to
- preview
- pull through
- pulled through
- pursue
- purview
- put through
- ran through
- ran to
- read through
- redo
- rendu
- renew
- review
- revue
- ring true
- round to
- run through
- run to
- runs through
- runs to
- sat through
- saw through
- saw to
- see through
- see to
- see you
- seen to
- set to
- shampoo
- shine through
- shone through
- sinew
- sit through
- sky blue
- sleep through
- slept through
- snowshoe
- soaked through
- sort through
- statue
- stick to
- sticks to
- stuck to
- subdue
- taboo
- take to
- takes to
- taku
- tattoo
- thanks to
- the blue
- the flu
- the new
- think through
- thought through
- thumbed through
- tissue
- to do
- took to
- trust to
- turn to
- turned to
- turns to
- undo
- undue
- unscrew
- untrue
- up to
- urdu
- use to
- used to
- vendue
- vertu
- voodoo
- wahoo
- walk through
- walked through
- walks through
- warm to
- warmed to
- went through
- went to
- wet through
- whipped through
- will do
- wise to
- withdrew
- woe to
- work through
- work to
- worked through
- worked to
- works to
- worldview
- yahoo
- zulu
- baloo
- banlieue
- battue
- beshrew
- bijoux
- braced to
- breathed to
- burn through
- chandu
- check through
- checked through
- chimu
- cleave to
- clicked through
- code blue
- dim view
- endue
- falls through
- feedthrough
- gentoo
- ground crew
- gun crew
- heave to
- hold true
- holds to
- holes through
- hoopoe
- hove to
- indue
- jambu
- kazoo
- keeps to
- keyed to
- kombu
- leaf through
- limbu
- long view
- looks through
- miscue
- new blue
- paged through
- past due
- plays to
- ragu
- rounds to
- sail through
- salue
- sees through
- sees to
- sets to
- setscrew
- shaku
- shines through
- shoyu
- side view
- sissoo
- steel blue
- sundew
- talk through
- talked through
- tatu
- tendu
- thumb through
- thumbscrew
- true blue
- trusts to
- vodou
- wave through
- waved through
- waves through
- win through
- win to
- won through
- won to
- works through
- worn through
- #metoo
- achoo
- acknew
- acou-
- ahchoo
- air blue
- airview
- alcoo-
- all-new
- au bleu
- badjoo
- bai-u
- baku
- ball screw
- banlieux
- baotou
- bar shoe
- bas bleu
- base shoe
- battu
- bazoo
- bedew
- bee glue
- bellevue
- bench screw
- bestrew
- bevue
- bice blue
- big sioux
- bird flu
- blood glue
- blue flu
- boat shoe
- boldu
- boo hoo
- boo-boo
- boo-hoo
- boohoo
- bottu
- boubou
- box pew
- brace to
- bran-new
- brand-new
- breathe to
- breathes to
- breed to
- brent-new
- bronze blue
- burn blue
- burns through
- burnt through
- cachou
- can-do
- cap screw
- cebu
- ch'ang-chou
- ch'ao-chou
- ch'eng-tu
- ch'ongju
- chalk blue
- chandoo
- chang-chou
- charjew
- chartreux
- checks through
- chefoo
- chenchu
- cheng-chou
- chengdu
- chin-chou
- choo choo
- chu-chou
- churn through
- churned through
- churns through
- clamp screw
- cleaved to
- cleaves to
- click through
- click-through
- clicks through
- cloud blue
- clout-shoe
- coach screw
- come due
- conspue
- cooked through
- copped to
- corfu
- court shoe
- crack-loo
- cumbu
- dawn blue
- deck shoe
- depew
- desk shoe
- die shoe
- dog screw
- doo-doo
- drag through
- drags through
- dragshoe
- drive shoe
- drive-through
- drive-thru
- duck blue
- dusk blue
- dutch blue
- dwarf yew
- earscrew
- egg glue
- embue
- endew
- ento-
- erd shrew
- espoo
- ex new
- eye screw
- false rue
- feed screw
- fire-new
- fish glue
- fitchew
- flag blue
- flame blue
- floor-through
- flow-blue
- flyblew
- foo-foo
- foot screw
- forhoo
- french blue
- fu-chou
- gansu
- garoo
- gayyou
- gazoo
- glenview
- go blue
- goat rue
- goat's rue
- golf shoe
- goodhue
- grand jeu
- grandview
- gray shrew
- ground yew
- grub screw
- gumshoe
- gwangju
- gym shoe
- haldu
- hand screw
- hangchou
- haze blue
- heaved to
- heaves to
- here's to
- hew to
- hewed to
- hewn to
- hews to
- hicks yew
- hicks' yew
- hog flu
- holed through
- home brew
- hook screw
- hot shoe
- house shrew
- houtou
- hsu-chou
- hulloo
- ice-blue
- inthrew
- intue
- jackscrew
- jambou
- jammu
- jinzhou
- john q.
- kafue
- kahus
- kansu
- karoo
- kerchoo
- khambu
- khufu
- kick through
- kicked through
- kicks through
- king's blue
- koodoo
- koudou
- kuang-chou
- kwangju
- lag screw
- lag-screw
- lain to
- lan-chou
- lassu
- lays to
- leadscrew
- leafs through
- lei-chou
- leitch's blue
- lendu
- light due
- lime blue
- line crew
- lisieux
- longview
- low shoe
- mafoo
- maidou
- maipu
- make-do
- makes do
- maloo
- mapou
- mbundu
- meat glue
- menchu
- metoo
- mi-lu
- misknew
- mist blue
- misthrew
- mole shrew
- monk shoe
- musk shrew
- mzuzu
- nailed shoe
- nambu
- napoo
- napooh
- nardoo
- nauvoo
- nehru
- night blue
- nile blue
- non-jew
- oared shrew
- old-shoe
- one-two
- outflew
- outthrew
- oxshoe
- page shoe
- page through
- page view
- pai-loo
- pass-through
- pattoo
- pattu
- pearl glue
- peg shoe
- pegged shoe
- peru
- pistou
- pit crew
- plan view
- playthrough
- plein jeu
- ploughshoe
- plowshoe
- plum-yew
- poitou
- pole shoe
- poo-poo
- pooh-pooh
- pookoo
- poyou
- precieux
- preknew
- prevue
- prize crew
- pulldoo
- pulls through
- purves flue
- puts through
- puttoo
- quadru-
- quanzhou
- queen blue
- queen's blue
- ram through
- rammed through
- rams through
- reads through
- rechew
- red shrew
- reglue
- regrew
- reshoe
- respue
- resue
- rice glue
- ring screw
- rocou
- roucou
- roughdrew
- run-through
- rundu
- sand screw
- sandshoe
- sangu
- sardou
- saxe blue
- say yes to
- scotch blue
- scrape through
- scraped through
- scrapes through
- sea blue
- sea mew
- see-through
- self blue
- sell-through
- sewed shoe
- shantou
- shapoo
- shined through
- shivoo
- show-through
- silk glue
- sits through
- skiddoo
- skidoo
- slate blue
- sleeps through
- smoke blue
- soft-shoe
- sorts through
- span-new
- spang-new
- squill blue
- stage screw
- starch blue
- stepped screw
- stone blue
- stop screw
- storm blue
- strike-through
- surview
- suzhou
- swine flu
- swiss blue
- t'ai-chou
- take through
- talks through
- tap screw
- tap shoe
- tartu
- tatoo
- tatou
- taupou
- teal blue
- tembu
- test-flew
- thank-you
- thinks through
- thumbs through
- tide through
- tides through
- tile blue
- to-do
- toe shoe
- tolu-
- too-too
- track shoe
- tree shrew
- true-blue
- tu fu
- turn shoe
- turned shoe
- turnscrew
- tutu
- twin-screw
- unglue
- unshoe
- upflew
- upgrew
- upthrew
- venloo
- vote through
- votes through
- voudou
- waahoo
- walk-through
- wall rue
- wandoo
- warms to
- wazoo
- wear through
- wears through
- weld screw
- welt shoe
- wen-chou
- wenzhou
- whahoo
- whangpoo
- what's new?
- wherethrough
- whip through
- whips through
- white-shoe
- whoo-hoo
- wins through
- wins to
- woo-hoo
- woo-woo
- wood screw
- wore through
- wou-wou
- wu-chou
- xingu
- yale blue
- yang-chou
- yazoo
- yeosu
- yoo-hoo
- zhengzhou
- zoozoo
- zou-zou
3 syllables
- added to
- adding to
- adhere to
- adhered to
- adjourned to
- admit to
- admits to
- alive to
- allude to
- alludes to
- amadou
- amount to
- amounts to
- answer to
- ascribe to
- attend to
- avenue
- averse to
- baby blue
- back into
- backed into
- ballyhoo
- baraboo
- barbecue
- barbeque
- belong to
- belonged to
- belongs to
- blend into
- book into
- book review
- books into
- bought into
- break into
- breaking through
- breaks into
- breathing to
- bringing to
- broke into
- broken through
- bugaboo
- built into
- bump into
- bumped into
- burning through
- burst into
- bursts into
- buy into
- cabildo
- came into
- caribou
- carried through
- carry through
- cater to
- check into
- checked into
- cockatoo
- come into
- comes into
- coming through
- coming to
- concerned to
- cotton to
- cut into
- cutting through
- defer to
- deferred to
- descend to
- detinue
- devalue
- devote to
- dictate to
- dig into
- dip into
- dipped into
- dive into
- donohue
- dragged through
- drawn into
- drew into
- drilled into
- drinking to
- dug into
- fall into
- fallen through
- fallen to
- falling through
- falling to
- falls into
- fell into
- flew into
- flown into
- fly into
- follow through
- followed through
- for review
- further to
- get into
- gets into
- getting through
- getting to
- given to
- go into
- goes into
- going through
- going to
- gone into
- got into
- gotten through
- gotten to
- grew into
- grow into
- grown into
- halfway through
- happen to
- happened to
- happens to
- hitherto
- holding to
- honeydew
- hooked into
- in situ
- interview
- iou
- kangaroo
- keeping to
- key into
- keys into
- kickapoo
- lapse into
- lapsed into
- launch into
- launched into
- law review
- leading to
- leafing through
- light into
- likened to
- living through
- look into
- looked into
- looking through
- looking to
- looks into
- lying to
- manitou
- melt into
- midnight blue
- misconstrue
- montague
- navy blue
- nothing to
- number two
- occur to
- occurred to
- occurs to
- only too
- open to
- ormolu
- overdo
- overdue
- overthrew
- overview
- owing to
- paid into
- partial to
- playing to
- plowed into
- plugged into
- plunge into
- plunged into
- pointed to
- pointing to
- pour into
- poured into
- pretend to
- prior to
- privy to
- proper to
- pull into
- pulled into
- pulls into
- put into
- quarter to
- ran into
- read into
- reading through
- refer to
- referred to
- refers to
- relate to
- relates to
- rendezvous
- repair to
- repaired to
- repairs to
- report to
- reports to
- residue
- resort to
- retinue
- return to
- returned to
- returns to
- revalue
- revenue
- revert to
- ripped into
- royal blue
- run into
- running through
- running to
- runs into
- sailed into
- scar tissue
- seeing through
- seeing to
- setting to
- shining through
- sorted through
- sorting through
- step into
- stepped into
- steps into
- sticking to
- subject to
- subjects to
- subscribe to
- subscribed to
- taken to
- taking to
- talked into
- talking through
- tap into
- tapped into
- tears into
- therethrough
- thumbing through
- tied into
- tore into
- tricked into
- trusted to
- trusting to
- tumbled to
- turning to
- unknown to
- unused to
- walk into
- walked into
- walking through
- walks into
- warming to
- went into
- within view
- witness to
- work into
- worked into
- working through
- working to
- zaibatsu
- adheres to
- adjourn to
- azure blue
- babassu
- backs into
- blow into
- booked into
- bounced into
- buckaroo
- bumps into
- bunraku
- callaloo
- cobalt blue
- cordon bleu
- cracked into
- cuts into
- cutting to
- deja vu
- descends to
- digs into
- draw into
- drummed into
- endeared to
- feverfew
- flies into
- foreknew
- grows into
- hook into
- hooks into
- irish stew
- jack into
- jujitsu
- laid into
- lay into
- lit into
- lives through
- logged into
- logs into
- making do
- marabou
- melts into
- motley crew
- mountain dew
- muddle through
- otaku
- pack into
- paging through
- peacock blue
- peekaboo
- petting zoo
- pitch into
- pitched into
- play into
- played into
- plug into
- pours into
- powder blue
- private view
- puts into
- rattled through
- resorts to
- reverts to
- rifle through
- rip into
- rounded to
- sail into
- scare into
- sitting through
- sleeping through
- sneak preview
- soft tissue
- spanking new
- subscribes to
- sudoku
- talk into
- tear into
- tennis shoe
- thinking through
- tie into
- torn into
- tumble to
- turquoise blue
- wallaroo
- whipped into
- whipping through
- a good few
- adds up to
- adjourns to
- air force blue
- airplane glue
- alice blue
- allen screw
- angelou
- antwerp blue
- anyhoo
- aqua blue
- asian flu
- atishoo
- avanyu
- awanyu
- back sinew
- balance screw
- ballahoo
- ballahou
- ballet shoe
- banking screw
- barcoo spew
- basic crew
- be prey to
- belgian blue
- ben venue
- berlin blue
- beryl blue
- bill and coo
- billet-doux
- billets-doux
- binding screw
- bird's-eye view
- black bamboo
- black-and-blue
- blends into
- blue fescue
- body pew
- boogaloo
- borrel's blue
- bounce into
- bow down to
- braces to
- bracing to
- bremen blue
- bright dutch blue
- bright teal blue
- brindled gnu
- brunswick blue
- brunswick stew
- buckeroo
- bugaku
- build into
- builds into
- bukavu
- burlecue
- button shoe
- buys into
- cadet blue
- camaieu
- cambridge blue
- came on to
- came up to
- canvas shoe
- capri blue
- capstan screw
- carcajou
- caribous
- carlacue
- carries through
- casein glue
- casing shoe
- cast and crew
- catch up to
- cement shoe
- ch'uan-chou
- chalk up to
- chang-chia-k'ou
- chanoyu
- chateauroux
- checking through
- checks into
- chemic blue
- cheongju
- chicken flu
- china blue
- chinese blue
- cho oyu
- churning through
- cibecue
- cire perdue
- clamaroo
- clamping screw
- cleaning shoe
- cleaving to
- clicking through
- cockapoo
- coihue
- combasou
- come back to
- come down to
- come home to
- come on to
- come up to
- come-all-you
- comes down to
- comes on to
- comes up to
- common shrew
- compound screw
- congress shoe
- copen blue
- copihue
- copper blue
- copping to
- cotonou
- cottoned to
- cottons to
- counter-sue
- countersue
- counterview
- crack into
- crackaloo
- cracking to
- cracks into
- crazy glue
- crazy-glue
- cuscousou
- cutting shoe
- cyan blue
- date back to
- daylight blue
- defers to
- derby blue
- derring-do
- derrings-do
- devereux
- devotes to
- dictates to
- dips into
- dipsy doo
- diva blue
- do-sa-do
- do-si-do
- dowel screw
- drag into
- dragging through
- drags into
- draws into
- dream come true
- dresden blue
- drill into
- drills into
- drivescrew
- drum into
- drums into
- dukatu
- dumont's blue
- dunkadoo
- dusty blue
- dutchware blue
- eggshell blue
- eighty-two
- endear to
- endears to
- endive blue
- english yew
- epiduo
- equate to
- equates to
- etain blue
- eton blue
- eugene sue
- evans blue
- evenoo
- face up to
- faced up to
- fall prey to
- false mildew
- faute de mieux
- featherfew
- fetid yew
- field of view
- fields of view
- fifty-two
- flemish blue
- floperoo
- flopperoo
- follow-through
- follows through
- forest shrew
- forty-two
- gagaku
- gardyloo
- garter-blue
- gave air to
- gave birth to
- gave place to
- gave rise to
- gentian blue
- gerrit dou
- get back to
- get down to
- get round to
- get through to
- gillaroo
- giraudoux
- give air to
- give birth to
- give chase to
- give on to
- give place to
- give rise to
- give up to
- give vent to
- give voice to
- gives air to
- gives birth to
- gives place to
- gives rise to
- glaucous blue
- glom on to
- glommed on to
- gloms on to
- gmelin's blue
- go back to
- god bless you
- good as new
- gory dew
- got used to
- got wise to
- granite blue
- grape mildew
- graphite blue
- grass mildew
- graveyard stew
- great karoo
- ground cuckoo
- ground tissue
- guarabu
- guatambu
- guimet's blue
- hand it to
- hands it to
- hang on to
- hangs on to
- hanunoo
- hard fescue
- hardishrew
- hark back to
- harked back to
- harks back to
- harlem blue
- has got to
- hatfield yew
- hats off to
- have a few
- have got to
- hawk cuckoo
- hazy blue
- heaving to
- held on to
- hewing to
- hindley's screw
- hobbleshew
- hold on to
- holds on to
- holing through
- holland blue
- homage blue
- hong kong flu
- hoochinoo
- hop mildew
- hortense blue
- hubbaboo
- hubbleshew
- hubbuboo
- hung on to
- hutuktu
- i ask you
- i told you
- iguacu
- in a stew
- in her view
- in his view
- in one's view
- in plain view
- in their view
- in time to
- inde blue
- io to
- irish yew
- iron blue
- itaipu
- jackaroo
- jacked into
- jacks into
- jamais vu
- japan blue
- jikungu
- jouvence blue
- jump the queue
- jumped the queue
- jumping shrew
- jumps the queue
- juste-milieux
- karamu
- kathmandu
- katmandu
- keyed into
- keying to
- kicking through
- kimbundu
- kiss up to
- kissed up to
- kokopu
- kotzebue
- kwazoku
- laid siege to
- lake kivu
- lambert's blue
- lanterloo
- latch on to
- lay siege to
- lay waste to
- laying to
- lays into
- lays siege to
- lead up to
- leads up to
- led up to
- leithner's blue
- lens tissue
- leyden blue
- lights into
- liken to
- likens to
- liquid glue
- live up to
- lived up to
- log in to
- log on to
- logged in to
- logged on to
- logs in to
- logs on to
- long-tailed blue
- long-tailed shrew
- looby-loo
- look up to
- looked up to
- lookie-loo
- looks up to
- looky-loo
- luck into
- lucked into
- lucks into
- lulliloo
- lumiere blue
- luster blue
- lyons blue
- machine screw
- madder blue
- mahilyou
- maize mildew
- make up to
- make wise to
- makutu
- male bamboo
- maltipoo
- mamamu
- mangbattu
- mangbetu
- marabous
- marine blue
- marine glue
- martinu
- match up to
- matipou
- mbomou
- mcadoo
- meadow rue
- meantime screw
- methyl blue
- microbrew
- mis-construe
- misty blue
- mombuttoo
- montagu
- montesquieu
- moonlight blue
- moonstone blue
- motmot blue
- mountain blue
- mountain view
- muddled through
- muddles through
- muumuu
- namyangju
- nattier blue
- neuwied blue
- next door to
- ngadju
- ninety-two
- niter-blue
- no side to
- no thanks to
- nogaku
- not for to
- not have to
- nunchaku
- one or two
- oopuhue
- opal blue
- otter shrew
- out of true
- overblew
- overdrew
- overflew
- overgrew
- overshoe
- overstrew
- owe it to
- oxford blue
- oxide blue
- packing screw
- pages through
- pageview
- paris blue
- parley-voo
- parrot blue
- pastel blue
- pastures new
- pate a choux
- patent blue
- pay court to
- pay heed to
- pay into
- pay review
- pay-per-view
- pays into
- paysandu
- pea mildew
- peach mildew
- peasant blue
- peer review
- peer-review
- peking blue
- perigueux
- persian blue
- phillips screw
- pigmy blue
- platform shoe
- play host to
- played host to
- plays host to
- plays into
- plow into
- plows into
- plugs into
- plumbing screw
- point of view
- points of view
- poisson bleu
- pompidou
- poudre blue
- pounamu
- pre-review
- prereview
- presser shoe
- prie-dieux
- prussian blue
- pulling through
- put down to
- put me up to
- put on to
- put paid to
- put up to
- put wise to
- puts down to
- puts on to
- puts paid to
- puts up to
- putting through
- pygmy shrew
- quaker blue
- quarter screw
- quite a few
- quoc-ngu
- ramming through
- rat-tailed shrew
- rattattoo
- rattle through
- rattles through
- rattling through
- rave review
- re-review
- reach out to
- reached out to
- reads into
- reconstrue
- red fescue
- red-toothed shrew
- reed fescue
- reform jew
- remit to
- remits to
- rereview
- richelieu
- riffle through
- rigger's screw
- rigging screw
- right on cue
- rips into
- river blue
- river shrew
- roh tae woo
- rose mildew
- roslyn blue
- rouge de feu
- rounding to
- running shoe
- russian blue
- saddle shoe
- safety shoe
- sailor blue
- sails into
- samohu
- santimu
- santoku
- saxon blue
- say hi to
- scalp halloo
- scared into
- scares into
- scraping through
- sea bamboo
- seaweed glue
- self-renew
- senecu
- set light to
- shade into
- shades into
- shadow blue
- sheep fescue
- sheep's fescue
- shikoku
- shizoku
- shoreview
- short-tailed shrew
- shoulder screw
- sieve tissue
- single-screw
- sixty-two
- so as to
- sock it to
- socked it to
- socks it to
- sodoku
- spanish flu
- spirit blue
- spreading yew
- square up to
- squirrel shrew
- stand up to
- stands up to
- starlight blue
- stick it to
- stick like glue
- sticks it to
- stinkaroo
- stinking yew
- stitchdown shoe
- stood up to
- stuck it to
- super glue
- super-glue
- superglue
- switcheroo
- take the view
- talk down to
- talk sense to
- talked down to
- talks down to
- talks into
- tall fescue
- tangent screw
- tapping screw
- taps into
- tayassu
- teledu
- teleview
- temper screw
- that will do
- that's for you
- thenard's blue
- there's for you
- thirty-two
- thitherto
- through and through
- thymol blue
- tibourbou
- tided through
- tiding through
- ties into
- timbuktu
- timing screw
- tinamou
- titmouse blue
- tityre-tu
- tombouctou
- toodle-oo
- training shoe
- tree hoopoe
- tree mildew
- trick into
- tricks into
- tried-and-true
- triple screw
- trolley shoe
- trypan blue
- tuckeroo
- tumbles to
- turkey blue
- turkish blue
- turn on to
- turnbull's blue
- tuvalu
- twenty-two
- two by two
- tyndall blue
- tz'u-chou
- umbundu
- underdo
- underdrew
- undergrew
- underthrew
- unsinew
- urutu
- used not to
- view halloo
- vindaloo
- voted through
- voting through
- waimalu
- wanderoo
- want into
- wapatoo
- watchet blue
- water blue
- water shrew
- waterloo
- waters' view
- waving through
- wearing through
- wedgwood blue
- weissnichtwo
- well-to-do
- western yew
- what have you
- what's it to
- whillaloo
- whip into
- whips into
- white-tailed gnu
- white-toothed shrew
- whitherto
- whoop-de-do
- whoop-de-doo
- widdifu'
- windsor blue
- winning through
- winter mew
- witch's brew
- witches' brew
- wood hoopoe
- wooden shoe
- wool fast blue
- work round to
- work up to
- worked round to
- worked up to
- works into
- works round to
- works up to
- worm into
- worm's-eye view
- wormed into
- worms into
- write into
- writes into
- wrote into
- wurster's blue
- ynambu
- yorkie poo
- yorkie-poo
- yorkipoo
- youyou tu
- yuppie flu
- zipangu
4 syllables
- according to
- adhering to
- admitted to
- admitting to
- alluded to
- alluding to
- amounted to
- amounting to
- attribute to
- beholden to
- belonging to
- blended into
- blending into
- breaking into
- broken into
- bumping into
- bursting into
- coming into
- compared to
- contrary to
- descended to
- descending to
- devoted to
- dictated to
- digging into
- dipping into
- dragged into
- emptied into
- enter into
- entered into
- enters into
- fallen into
- falling into
- flying into
- getting into
- going into
- gotten into
- growing into
- hammered into
- happening to
- hullabaloo
- looking into
- married into
- marry into
- melted into
- melting into
- minister to
- ministered to
- peculiar to
- plunging into
- pouring into
- previous to
- pulling into
- pursuant to
- putting into
- reconciled to
- referring to
- related to
- relating to
- relative to
- reported to
- reporting to
- resorted to
- resorting to
- returning to
- reverted to
- reverting to
- running into
- stepping into
- subjected to
- subsequent to
- talking into
- tearing into
- translate into
- tumbling to
- unbeknownst to
- walking into
- akamatsu
- awaken to
- backing into
- building into
- buying into
- carrying through
- checking into
- cornflower blue
- dedicate to
- deferring to
- dictating to
- drawing into
- drilling into
- empties into
- empty into
- figure into
- following through
- frightened into
- lapses into
- lapsing into
- launches into
- launching into
- ministers to
- nonrevenue
- occurring to
- playing into
- plowing into
- plunges into
- reading into
- reinterview
- remitted to
- repairing to
- ripping into
- sailing into
- subscribing to
- tapping into
- tiramisu
- translates into
- tuamotu
- unbeknown to
- under review
- wandering jew
- written into
- a chosen few
- a corps perdu
- a quarter to
- a thing or two
- a-la shan-k'ou
- added up to
- adding up to
- adjourning to
- aerial blue
- african rue
- alcian blue
- alibamu
- alkali blue
- all the same to
- alta fescue
- am partial to
- amparo blue
- anda-assu
- angle of view
- aniline blue
- animal glue
- anthracene blue
- apple mildew
- are partial to
- as good as new
- as if on cue
- as opposed to
- as the crow flew
- avian flu
- azurite blue
- bathroom tissue
- be going to
- be partial to
- be resigned to
- be supposed to
- be witness to
- been partial to
- bellied up to
- bellies up to
- belly up to
- bertram goodhue
- better-to-do
- bill of review
- black cockatoo
- black-billed cuckoo
- blarina shrew
- bluebunch fescue
- bolt from the blue
- bolts from the blue
- booking into
- bounces into
- bouncing into
- break down into
- breaks down into
- breathe life into
- bright aqua blue
- bright copen blue
- bright peacock blue
- bright turquoise blue
- bring a halt to
- bring a stop to
- bring an end to
- broke down into
- bromphenol blue
- bromthymol blue
- brush kangaroo
- bursted into
- by contrast to
- calamine blue
- call a halt to
- came down to
- cameo blue
- canada yew
- carbon tissue
- carry back to
- celestial blue
- celiac sprue
- cemented shoe
- central karoo
- change of venue
- change over to
- charlier shoe
- chauncey depew
- cherry mildew
- chessylite blue
- chewings fescue
- chicago blue
- chikamatsu
- cleaning tissue
- cleansing tissue
- close her eyes to
- close his eyes to
- close its eyes to
- close my eyes to
- close one's doors to
- close one's eyes to
- close their eyes to
- close your eyes to
- closed her eyes to
- closed his eyes to
- closed its eyes to
- closed my eyes to
- closed one's doors to
- closed one's eyes to
- closed their eyes to
- closed your eyes to
- closes her eyes to
- closes his eyes to
- closes its eyes to
- closes my eyes to
- closes their eyes to
- cockamaroo
- come around to
- come crawling to
- come over to
- coming down to
- coming on to
- coming up to
- coomassie blue
- cottoning to
- court of review
- coventry blue
- cover into
- covered into
- covers into
- creeping fescue
- cultus statue
- cut out to do
- cyanine blue
- dedicates to
- depth interview
- devil's corkscrew
- devil's tattoo
- devoting to
- didgeridoo
- didjeridoo
- diedric cuckoo
- diedrik cuckoo
- direct review
- dive right into
- do justice to
- do something to
- doff her cap to
- doff her hat to
- doff his cap to
- doff his hat to
- doff its cap to
- doff its hat to
- doff my cap to
- doff my hat to
- doff one's cap to
- doff one's hat to
- doff their cap to
- doff their caps to
- doff their hat to
- doff their hats to
- doff your cap to
- doff your caps to
- doff your hat to
- doff your hats to
- doffed her cap to
- doffed her hat to
- doffed his cap to
- doffed his hat to
- doffed its cap to
- doffed its hat to
- doffed my cap to
- doffed my hat to
- doffed one's cap to
- doffed one's hat to
- doffed their cap to
- doffed their caps to
- doffed their hat to
- doffed their hats to
- doffed your cap to
- doffed your caps to
- doffed your hat to
- doffed your hats to
- doffs her cap to
- doffs her hat to
- doffs his cap to
- doffs his hat to
- doffs its cap to
- doffs its hat to
- doffs one's cap to
- doffs one's hat to
- doffs their cap to
- doffs their hat to
- don't have a clue
- downy mildew
- dragging into
- dragoon into
- dragooned into
- dragoons into
- drongo cuckoo
- drumming into
- egyptian blue
- elastic glue
- elephant shrew
- emerald cuckoo
- empire blue
- endearing to
- equated to
- equating to
- faces up to
- facing up to
- fall meadow rue
- fall victim to
- feathering screw
- fernando poo
- figured into
- figures into
- firmament blue
- flaxflower blue
- flexible glue
- florida yew
- flossflower blue
- frighten into
- frightens into
- frosty mildew
- gain access to
- gave over to
- gave the lie to
- georges pompidou
- get access to
- get around to
- giant bamboo
- give credence to
- give full vent to
- give her name to
- give his name to
- give one's name to
- give over to
- give the lie to
- give their name to
- give witness to
- given air to
- given birth to
- given place to
- given rise to
- gives over to
- gives the lie to
- giving air to
- giving birth to
- giving place to
- giving rise to
- glomming on to
- go crawling to
- go number two
- goes number two
- golden bamboo
- gone number two
- grant access to
- grant caribou
- grant's caribou
- gray kangaroo
- had a loose screw
- hamamatsu
- hammer into
- hammers into
- handed it to
- handing it to
- hanging on to
- happen into
- happened into
- happens into
- hare kangaroo
- harking back to
- has a loose screw
- have a loose screw
- have an eye to
- haven't a clue
- heart goes out to
- heave into view
- hellaballoo
- holding on to
- hooking into
- horizon blue
- hourglass screw
- how about you
- how do you do
- how's about you
- hungary blue
- hyacinth blue
- hydrangea blue
- i can't tell you
- i promise you
- if i were you
- iliescu
- in contrast to
- in deep doo-doo
- in her rearview
- in his rearview
- in homage to
- in my rearview
- in one's rearview
- in order to
- in regard to
- in respect to
- in the rearview
- in their rearview
- in your rearview
- indian blue
- indian shoe
- infernal blue
- is partial to
- italian blue
- jacking into
- japanese blue
- japanese yew
- jean giraudoux
- jumping the queue
- kalamazoo
- keying into
- kisses up to
- kissing up to
- kukukuku
- kumarahou
- lake havasu
- laredo bru
- lavender blue
- laying into
- laying siege to
- lead her eye to
- lead his eye to
- lead one's eye to
- lead the eye to
- lead their eye to
- leading up to
- lend her name to
- lend his name to
- lend itself to
- lend one's name to
- lend their name to
- lettuce mildew
- leveling screw
- liberal jew
- lighting into
- likening to
- lilac mildew
- little karoo
- little review
- lives up to
- living up to
- logging in to
- logging into
- logging on to
- long-tailed cuckoo
- look forward to
- looked forward to
- looking up to
- looks forward to
- low-quarter shoe
- lucking into
- make it up to
- malentendu
- mangrove cuckoo
- marries into
- maynard's cuckoo
- mazarine blue
- meadow fescue
- mean nothing to
- mean something to
- mean the world to
- medici blue
- meldola blue
- meldola's blue
- methylene blue
- milori blue
- mineral blue
- mogadishu
- mucoid tissue
- mucous tissue
- muddling through
- mulligan stew
- musk kangaroo
- national blue
- netanyahu
- nimiipuu
- no stranger to
- northern karoo
- nouadhibou
- old glory blue
- olympic blue
- onion mildew
- orient blue
- orthodox jew
- otter canoe
- out of the blue
- out the wazoo
- ovimbundu
- pacific yew
- pallid cuckoo
- palm cockatoo
- pandit nehru
- pao-t'ou
- papandreou
- parula blue
- patu-patu
- pay homage to
- pay tribute to
- paying into
- peligot's blue
- pen-tailed tree shrew
- permanent blue
- pheasant cuckoo
- phillips-head screw
- pic de nethou
- pierre-perdue
- pink cockatoo
- pitches into
- pitching into
- playing host to
- plugging into
- plum-fruited yew
- plumbago blue
- pompeian blue
- porcelain blue
- pre-interview
- preinterview
- prince albert yew
- prince albert's yew
- proto-chimu
- purkinje's tissue
- put a name to
- put a stop to
- put an end to
- put her mind to
- put her up to
- put him up to
- put his mind to
- put one up to
- put one's mind to
- put the screws to
- put their mind to
- put them up to
- put us up to
- put you up to
- puts her up to
- puts him up to
- puts me up to
- puts one up to
- puts them up to
- puts us up to
- puts you up to
- putting down to
- putting me up to
- putting on to
- putting paid to
- putting up to
- quinoline blue
- quintana roo
- rat kangaroo
- rat's-tail fescue
- rattail fescue
- reaches out to
- reaching out to
- reconcile to
- reconciles to
- red kangaroo
- relate back to
- remember me to
- remitting to
- right-handed screw
- robin's-egg blue
- rock kangaroo
- run counter to
- sacred bamboo
- salvia blue
- saxony blue
- say goodbye to
- scaring into
- scrub kangaroo
- see her way to
- see his way to
- see one's way to
- see their way to
- self-interview
- self-tapping screw
- set fire to
- set her hand to
- set her mind to
- set his hand to
- set his mind to
- set its hand to
- set my hand to
- set one's hand to
- set one's mind to
- set their hand to
- set their hands to
- set their mind to
- set your hand to
- set your hands to
- sets her hand to
- sets his hand to
- sets its hand to
- seventy-two
- shabu-shabu
- shaded into
- shading into
- sheet metal screw
- sierra shrew
- silver tissue
- socket head screw
- socking it to
- soluble blue
- southern karoo
- spongy tissue
- standing up to
- sticking it to
- stone caribou
- stone caribous
- strike fear into
- strikes fear into
- struck fear into
- subjecting to
- succory blue
- sucker into
- suckered into
- suckers into
- syrian rue
- takamatsu
- take a dim view
- take a shine to
- take an ax to
- take an axe to
- take kindly to
- take someone through
- take the long view
- takes a dim view
- takes an ax to
- takes an axe to
- takes kindly to
- talk sense into
- talk some sense to
- talking down to
- tall meadow rue
- telegraph blue
- terminal shoe
- textile tissue
- the chosen few
- the same to you
- three-quarter view
- tickety-boo
- tieing into
- to subject to
- took an ax to
- took an axe to
- took kindly to
- topinambou
- tree kangaroo
- tricking into
- tropical sprue
- tu-whit tu-whoo
- tukutuku
- turn her hand to
- turn her mind to
- turn his hand to
- turn his mind to
- turn one's hand to
- turn one's mind to
- turn over to
- turn their hand to
- turn their mind to
- turned over to
- turns over to
- tying into
- tyrian blue
- unspoken to
- up for review
- up the wazoo
- upper karoo
- vanua levu
- vegetable glue
- venetian blue
- venus's-shoe
- verditer blue
- viti levu
- want back into
- was partial to
- wave someone through
- wave something through
- weasel into
- weaseled into
- weasels into
- web-footed shrew
- wellington koo
- went number two
- were partial to
- what about you
- what else is new?
- what possessed you
- when it comes to
- whillaballoo
- whipping into
- whippoorwill's-shoe
- white cockatoo
- will never do
- williamson's blue
- winuing to
- with a view to
- with an eye to
- with regard to
- with respect to
- work around to
- worked around to
- working into
- working round to
- working up to
- works around to
- worming into
- would it kill you
- writing into
5 syllables
- agreeable to
- agreeably to
- dedicated to
- entering into
- inquire into
- inquired into
- ministering to
- translated into
- cerulean blue
- emptying into
- judicial review
- marrying into
- a window into
- academy blue
- adipose tissue
- ageratum blue
- alizarine blue
- all but certain to
- american yew
- annuities due
- annuity due
- apo koinou
- apple of peru
- archimedes' screw
- armenian blue
- ascribe something to
- average out to
- balsam of peru
- bare-eyed cockatoo
- baron montesquieu
- bastard feverfew
- be apprenticed to
- being partial to
- bellying up to
- blood-albumin glue
- bolt out of the blue
- bolts out of the blue
- breaking down into
- breathe new life into
- breathed new life into
- broken down into
- bromophenol blue
- bromothymol blue
- california yew
- campanula blue
- carry over to
- cellular tissue
- chalk something up to
- channelbill cuckoo
- chesapeake canoe
- chibigouazou
- close our eyes to
- closed our eyes to
- closes one's doors to
- closes one's eyes to
- closes your eyes to
- closing her eyes to
- closing his eyes to
- closing its eyes to
- closing my eyes to
- closing one's doors to
- closing one's eyes to
- closing their eyes to
- closing your eyes to
- cock-a-doodle-do
- cock-a-doodle-doo
- colonial blue
- columbia blue
- commelina blue
- commend itself to
- conjunctive tissue
- connective tissue
- conservative jew
- covering into
- crystal-palace blue
- cucumber mildew
- dedicating to
- deliver up to
- delphinium blue
- deny access to
- differential screw
- do violence to
- doff our caps to
- doff our hats to
- doffed our caps to
- doffed our hats to
- doffing her cap to
- doffing her hat to
- doffing his cap to
- doffing his hat to
- doffing its cap to
- doffing its hat to
- doffing my cap to
- doffing my hat to
- doffing one's cap to
- doffing one's hat to
- doffing their cap to
- doffing their caps to
- doffing their hat to
- doffing their hats to
- doffing your cap to
- doffing your caps to
- doffing your hat to
- doffing your hats to
- dragooning into
- duc de richelieu
- dusty aqua blue
- dusty copen blue
- dusty turquoise blue
- early meadow rue
- elastic tissue
- elevator shoe
- ethereal blue
- exit interview
- far be it from you
- figuring into
- fling oneself into
- frightening into
- george papandreou
- get her teeth into
- get his teeth into
- get one's teeth into
- get something through to
- get their teeth into
- giant kangaroo
- give expression to
- give oneself up to
- give precedence to
- given over to
- given the lie to
- giving over to
- giving the lie to
- going number two
- gooseberry mildew
- great black cockatoo
- great gray kangaroo
- greenland caribou
- hammering into
- happening into
- having a loose screw
- head-end revenue
- held a candle to
- helvetia blue
- hitch her wagon to
- hitch his wagon to
- hitch one's wagon to
- hitch their wagon to
- hold a candle to
- holds a candle to
- how does that grab you
- hungarian blue
- i can promise you
- i couldn't tell you
- i have to warn you
- i'll be seeing you
- idaho fescue
- imperial blue
- in addition to
- in deference to
- in marked contrast to
- in order for to
- in our rearview
- in preference to
- in proportion to
- in reaction to
- in reference to
- in relation to
- in sharp contrast to
- in stark contrast to
- indira nehru
- inquires into
- interrupted screw
- intestinal flu
- ismet inonu
- japanese tissue
- jararacussu
- keep her eyes glued to
- keep his eyes glued to
- keep one's eyes glued to
- keep their eyes glued to
- know better than to
- looking forward to
- majolica blue
- make it a point to
- make reference to
- make someone wise to
- marvel-of-peru
- maya angelou
- means everything to
- meet her waterloo
- meet his waterloo
- meet one's waterloo
- meet their waterloo
- methyl cotton blue
- mexican bamboo
- mohammedan blue
- molybdenum blue
- mountain caribou
- mountain caribous
- myosotis blue
- nail-tailed kangaroo
- napoleon blue
- national flag blue
- niuafo'ou
- nontropical sprue
- not before time too
- not for someone to
- nova iguacu
- of benefit to
- olympian blue
- on the part of you
- open up into
- orange margined blue
- oriental blue
- palisade tissue
- pay a visit to
- pay attention to
- periwinkle blue
- permanent tissue
- poke her nose into
- poke his nose into
- poke one's nose into
- poke their nose into
- pottery tissue
- powdery mildew
- primary tissue
- prismatic tissue
- proprio motu
- put her back into
- put her heart into
- put his back into
- put his heart into
- put in a call to
- put one's back into
- put one's heart into
- put someone on to
- put someone up to
- put someone wise to
- put something down to
- put their back into
- put their heart into
- puts someone on to
- puts someone up to
- puts something down to
- putting her up to
- putting him up to
- putting one up to
- putting them up to
- putting us up to
- putting you up to
- raven cockatoo
- reconciling to
- regulation u
- rest and residue
- robert devereux
- salary review
- sank her teeth into
- sank his teeth into
- sank its teeth into
- sank my teeth into
- sank one's teeth into
- sank their teeth into
- sank your teeth into
- second only to
- see her way clear to
- see his way clear to
- see one's way clear to
- see their way clear to
- set our hand to
- set our hands to
- setting her hand to
- setting his hand to
- setting its hand to
- setting my hand to
- setting their hand to
- setting their hands to
- setting your hand to
- setting your hands to
- shehecheyanu
- show a trick or two
- sink her teeth into
- sink his teeth into
- sink its teeth into
- sink my teeth into
- sink one's teeth into
- sink their teeth into
- sink your teeth into
- sinks her teeth into
- sinks his teeth into
- sinks its teeth into
- sinks one's teeth into
- society screw
- someone's wish comes true
- sooty kangaroo
- stick her nose into
- stick his nose into
- stick one's nose into
- stick their nose into
- striking fear into
- subject to review
- suckering into
- sunk her teeth into
- sunk his teeth into
- sunk its teeth into
- sunk my teeth into
- sunk one's teeth into
- sunk their teeth into
- sunk your teeth into
- take a fancy to
- take a liking to
- take her hat off to
- take his hat off to
- take one's hat off to
- take their hat off to
- taken an ax to
- taken an axe to
- taken kindly to
- taking an ax to
- taking an axe to
- taking kindly to
- talk some sense into
- teach a trick or two
- terminal statue
- the next thing i knew
- the reverse is true
- there's someone for you
- there's something for you
- throw oneself into
- tinsel of the feu
- tobacco mildew
- toluidine blue
- toluylene blue
- too good to be true
- transfusion tissue
- translating into
- turn someone on to
- turning over to
- twenty-three skiddoo
- u.s. army dark blue
- u.s. army light blue
- u.s. army sky blue
- vascular tissue
- vestorian blue
- victoria blue
- virginia goat's rue
- weaseling into
- what did i tell you
- what good does it do
- what good would that do
- white fibrous tissue
- william gibbs mcadoo
- wistaria blue
- with due regard to
- with reference to
- without regard to
- without resort to
- woodland caribou
- woodland caribous
- working around to
- yellow-billed cuckoo
6 syllables
- madison avenue
- papanicolaou
- preparatory to
- inquiring into
- abandon oneself to
- accustom oneself to
- all the hullabaloo
- and not before time too
- angular field of view
- areolar tissue
- areolate mildew
- attribute something to
- august von kotzebue
- awaken someone to
- awaken something to
- barren ground caribou
- bear no relation to
- bit off more than he can chew
- bit off more than she can chew
- bit the hand that fed you
- bit the hand that feeds you
- bite off more than he can chew
- bite off more than she can chew
- bite the hand that feeds you
- bites off more than he can chew
- bites off more than she can chew
- bright cerulean blue
- bright periwinkle blue
- brown adipose tissue
- can't begin to tell you
- carry over into
- carry someone back to
- change something over to
- chauncey mitchell depew
- chevalier de veygoux
- closes our eyes to
- closing our eyes to
- croceine scarlet moo
- deliver over to
- della robbia blue
- desaix de veygoux
- desmond mpilo tutu
- do an injustice to
- doffing our caps to
- doffing our hats to
- fascicular tissue
- fundamental tissue
- give a second thought to
- granulation tissue
- have got her claws into
- have got his claws into
- have got one's claws into
- have got their claws into
- holding a candle to
- i don't know about you
- i don't mind if i do
- i don't mind telling you
- in no position to
- in opposition to
- in striking contrast to
- ion iliescu
- jawaharlal nehru
- jerboa kangaroo
- lapis lazuli blue
- mechanical tissue
- newfoundland caribou
- owe a debt of thanks to
- pay no attention to
- perilously close to
- phthalocyanine blue
- put some muscle into
- putting someone on to
- putting someone up to
- putting something down to
- reticular tissue
- rigoberta menchu
- roseate cockatoo
- saint-jean-sur-richelieu
- sank our teeth into
- sell a bill of goods to
- sells a bill of goods to
- setting our hand to
- setting our hands to
- sink our teeth into
- sinking her teeth into
- sinking his teeth into
- sinking its teeth into
- sinking my teeth into
- sinking one's teeth into
- sinking their teeth into
- sinking your teeth into
- sold a bill of goods to
- sunk our teeth into
- take some getting used to
- that's someone for you
- that's something for you
- the inland revenue
- to subject someone to
- to subject something to
- trace her history to
- trace his history to
- trace one's history to
- trace their history to
- u.s. army cobalt blue
- umbrella cockatoo
- unitarian view
- victorien sardou
- weasel his way into
- whatever possessed you
- without detriment to
- yellow indian shoe
- yoichiro nambu
7 syllables
- a lot of hullabaloo
- american feverfew
- bertram grosvenor goodhue
- bit off more than i can chew
- bit off more than it can chew
- bit off more than they can chew
- bit off more than we can chew
- bit off more than you can chew
- bite off more than i can chew
- bite off more than it can chew
- bite off more than one can chew
- bite off more than they can chew
- bite off more than we can chew
- bite off more than you can chew
- bites off more than it can chew
- biting off more than he can chew
- biting off more than she can chew
- biting the hand that fed you
- biting the hand that feeds you
- bitten the hand that fed you
- bohuslav jan martinu
- can trace one's history to
- carcinoma in situ
- deliver over into
- dusty periwinkle blue
- had much to recommend you
- hair of the dog that bit you
- has much to recommend you
- have a lot going for you
- have her cake and eat it too
- have his cake and eat it too
- have much to recommend you
- have one's cake and eat it too
- have their cake and eat it too
- hurl a monkey wrench into
- hyppolyte-jean giraudoux
- i must love you and leave you
- in close proximity to
- in order for someone to
- in order for something to
- intermediate tissue
- major mitchell cockatoo
- major mitchell's cockatoo
- monzaemon chikamatsu
- pale by comparison to
- pale in comparison to
- put another question to
- put the fear of god into
- selling a bill of goods to
- show someone a trick or two
- sinking our teeth into
- stand in striking contrast to
- sulphur-crested cockatoo
- teach someone a trick or two
- throw a monkey wrench into
- toss a monkey wrench into
- trace one's history back to
- utilization review
- vi kyuin wellington koo
- wave someone or something through
- waved someone or something through
- waves someone or something through
- what is the world coming to
- what the world is coming to
8 syllables
- deteriorated into
- bear little relationship to
- benjamin netanyahu
- biting off more than i can chew
- biting off more than it can chew
- biting off more than they can chew
- biting off more than we can chew
- biting off more than you can chew
- can trace her history back to
- can trace his history back to
- can trace one's history back to
- can trace their history back to
- court of military review
- diametrically opposed to
- federico laredo bru
- g. n. papanicolaou
- georges-jean-raymond pompidou
- had a lot to recommend you
- had little to recommend you
- had nothing to recommend you
- had something to recommend you
- has a lot to recommend you
- has little to recommend you
- has nothing to recommend you
- has something to recommend you
- have a lot to recommend you
- have little to recommend you
- have nothing to recommend you
- have something to recommend you
- having much to recommend you
- not pay any attention to
- open someone or something to
- owe a debt of gratitude to
- u.s. army ultramarine blue
- waving someone or something through
9 syllables
- american gooseberry mildew
- awaken someone or something to
- ductal carcinoma in situ
- had everything to recommend you
- has everything to recommend you
- have everything to recommend you
- having a lot to recommend you
- having little to recommend you
- having nothing to recommend you
- having something to recommend you
- ion ilici iliescu
- lady mary wortley montagu
- not know what the world is coming to
- to subject someone or something to