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Words that Rhyme with syllabify
1 syllable
- ai
- aye
- bae
- bi
- buy
- by
- bye
- chai
- chi
- cry
- die
- dry
- dye
- eye
- fae
- frei
- gae
- guy
- heigh
- hi
- high
- kai
- lai
- lye
- mai
- my
- nigh
- phi
- pi
- pie
- ply
- pry
- psi
- shy
- sigh
- sky
- sly
- spry
- spy
- sty
- tai
- thai
- thigh
- thy
- tie
- try
- tye
- vi
- vie
- why
- wry
- scheie
- bligh
- by-by
- fly
- fry
- frye
- htlv-i
- lie
- nye
- pe-tsai
- psoae
- pye
- rye
- schlei
- skye
- strie
- tyigh
- wye
2 syllables
- apply
- awry
- bad guy
- belie
- bely
- bigeye
- black eye
- black tie
- blue sky
- bonsai
- bow tie
- buckeye
- came by
- close by
- come by
- comes by
- comply
- coxae
- decry
- defy
- deny
- descry
- did by
- do by
- done by
- drop by
- dropped by
- far cry
- flyby
- gadfly
- get by
- glass eye
- go by
- goes by
- gone by
- good eye
- good guy
- goodby
- goodbye
- got by
- hard by
- hawkeye
- hereby
- housefly
- imply
- jedi
- july
- keen eye
- khmer
- laid by
- lay by
- let fly
- live by
- lived by
- maasai
- magpie
- most high
- my eye
- nearby
- necktie
- nice try
- on high
- outcry
- pass by
- passed by
- pigsty
- pupae
- put by
- rabbi
- ran by
- rely
- reply
- retry
- run by
- sat by
- scrapie
- set by
- sharp eye
- sit by
- small fry
- sockeye
- stand by
- standby
- stands by
- stelae
- stick by
- stood by
- stop by
- stopped by
- stuck by
- styli
- supply
- swear by
- swing by
- swore by
- thereby
- thrown by
- ticked by
- untie
- walleye
- war cry
- went by
- whereby
- white lie
- white tie
- whitefly
- anigh
- assai
- barye
- beatae
- big lie
- by eye
- chelae
- cloacae
- conchae
- does by
- dry eye
- fall guy
- fish fry
- flew high
- fly high
- french fry
- full cry
- gets by
- gray eye
- haikai
- horsefly
- lie by
- lies by
- lushai
- makai
- mince pie
- pinkeye
- plaguy
- ran dry
- rode high
- run dry
- run high
- runs by
- salai
- sits by
- songhai
- sparks fly
- stops by
- string tie
- swears by
- sworn by
- swung by
- tick by
- wise guy
- -auxae
- -gnathae
- -trochae
- -ulae
- ace-high
- ahigh
- aim high
- air-dry
- alai
- altai
- apthae
- archai
- ardrigh
- arrhae
- aulae
- auwai
- barbae
- barn-dry
- bass fly
- bat fly
- beach fly
- bean fly
- bee fly
- bergylt
- bidai
- big fly
- bigae
- bird's-eye
- black lye
- bleed dry
- blow-dry
- blue-eye
- bo hai
- bolt eye
- bomb fly
- bone-dry
- botfly
- bovi-
- brass-eye
- bridge tie
- brine fly
- brunei
- buck's-eye
- bugeye
- buh-bye
- bulb fly
- bull's-eye
- bull-eye
- bush fly
- bye-bye
- caeci-
- calci-
- cao dai
- carrhae
- cat's-eye
- catchcry
- catchfly
- cd-is
- centri-
- cestuy
- ch'ing-hai
- charles i
- charles vi
- cheese fly
- chennai
- chess pie
- chiang mai
- chin fly
- chrome dye
- cliquy
- club tie
- cockeye
- cow pie
- crab's-eye
- crane fly
- cross-eye
- cup tie
- dance fly
- debye
- deci-
- denbigh
- dewtry
- disci-
- dog fly
- dong hai
- douai
- downbye
- downcry
- drachmai
- drake fly
- draw nigh
- drip-dry
- drive-by
- drone fly
- drop fly
- drops by
- dry fly
- dubai
- dung fly
- ear fly
- end fly
- equi-
- eye fly
- face fly
- fains i
- fedai
- fish fly
- fish-eye
- flash-dry
- flesh fly
- flies high
- flint-dry
- flown high
- fluori-
- forbye
- foreby
- foreguy
- forethigh
- freeze-dry
- fried pie
- frit fly
- frogeye
- fruit fly
- fuad i
- fur fly
- gabbais
- gastri-
- gen y
- getai
- ghashghai
- ghost fly
- gilgai
- gilguy
- glad eye
- glebae
- go-by
- go-bye
- god's-eye
- good-by
- good-bye
- gout fly
- grasseye
- gulae
- guttulae
- hainai
- haitsai
- hand fly
- hare's eye
- hart's-eye
- hawk's-eye
- head tie
- heart tie
- heel fly
- hermai
- hi-fi
- high-high
- hole-high
- hop fly
- horn fly
- horse-eye
- ice sky
- igni-
- inbye
- indi-
- ivraie
- jacques i
- jib guy
- john i
- kadai
- kai-kai
- kapai
- kashgai
- kauai
- kelp fly
- khashgai
- kichai
- kiln-dry
- kilneye
- knee-high
- know-why
- kowhai
- kumni
- kunai
- kungu fly
- kurnai
- lac dye
- lace fly
- lain by
- lake fly
- lanai
- land tie
- langtry
- laogai
- lay-by
- lays by
- leg bye
- lehigh
- lets fly
- ligni-
- lo-fi
- look fly
- looked fly
- looks fly
- louse fly
- luci-
- mai tai
- main guy
- mao-tai
- march fly
- meat fly
- mihai
- milk dry
- minced pie
- mind's eye
- moose fly
- moth fly
- mui-tsai
- mumbai
- musci-
- mylae
- nan hai
- nilgai
- nit fly
- nose fly
- noxae
- nuche fly
- olpae
- one-eye
- orl fly
- outbuy
- outbye
- outfly
- oxeye
- pad eye
- pad thai
- paepae
- pan fry
- pari-
- paul i
- pearl eye
- peh-tsai
- phylae
- physae
- pin eye
- pink eye
- pisci-
- plagulae
- plat-eye
- pleuri-
- po hai
- pole tie
- pop eye
- pop fly
- pope's-eye
- popply
- pot-eye
- potpie
- psoai
- puts by
- pylae
- qinghai
- quill fly
- ragae
- raiae
- rain pie
- rebuy
- red tai
- red-eye
- retie
- rhagae
- rib eye
- ride high
- rides high
- ripply
- roguy
- root fly
- rostri-
- rough-dry
- rubais
- runs dry
- sac fly
- sac fry
- salpae
- sand fly
- sap tie
- scale fly
- schalmei
- school tie
- sci-fi
- scopae
- scrape by
- scraped by
- scrapes by
- screw eye
- sea pie
- sedge fly
- sesqui-
- sets by
- sextry
- shad fly
- shaft eye
- shanghai
- sheep fly
- sheep's eye
- shell eye
- shoofly
- shore fly
- shut-eye
- side eye
- side-eye
- sinai
- sky-high
- slab tie
- slabbed tie
- slant-eye
- smoke fly
- smoke-dry
- snake fly
- snipe fly
- snow fly
- speareye
- spent lye
- spin-dry
- sponge fly
- spongi-
- spray-dry
- spring fly
- squint-eye
- sra dye
- sticks by
- stink eye
- stink fly
- stipply
- stock fly
- stone fly
- straight dye
- strigae
- styli-
- suck dry
- suck fly
- sunk fly
- surnai
- swings by
- switch tie
- tail fly
- talpi-
- tawhai
- telae
- thebae
- theci-
- three-high
- threw by
- throat fly
- throw by
- throws by
- ticks by
- tin cry
- tipply
- toad's-eye
- tonguy
- tournai
- towai
- trail-eye
- tree pie
- trigae
- true fly
- tsinghai
- tubae
- tung hai
- tunghai
- twist tie
- two-high
- type-high
- ungui-
- upbye
- uptie
- vari-
- vat dye
- versailles
- waist-high
- wasp fly
- watchcry
- weihai
- well-nigh
- wen-li
- wet fly
- wheat fly
- white-eye
- wi-fi
- wild rye
- wine fly
- wing tie
- wiseguy
- worm's-eye
- wring dry
- xingkai
- yantai
- yaws fly
- yolk fry
- zip tie
- zog i
3 syllables
- abide by
- abscissae
- alibi
- alkali
- alumni
- amoebae
- amplify
- annuli
- battle cry
- beautify
- brachii
- butterfly
- calculi
- certify
- clarify
- classify
- codify
- coming by
- crucify
- digiti
- dignify
- dropping by
- dui
- eagle eye
- edify
- evil eye
- falsify
- fasciae
- firefly
- flying high
- fortify
- fyi
- gemini
- getting by
- glorify
- going by
- gratify
- hanafi
- junior high
- justify
- liquefy
- little guy
- lives by
- living by
- lorelei
- lullaby
- lying by
- magnify
- minimi
- modify
- mollify
- mordecai
- mortify
- multiply
- mystify
- naked eye
- notify
- nuclei
- nullify
- occupy
- oculi
- on standby
- pacify
- passes by
- passing by
- private eye
- purify
- qualify
- quantify
- radii
- ramify
- ratify
- rectify
- reify
- resupply
- riding high
- running by
- samurai
- satisfy
- signifie
- signify
- simplify
- sitting by
- specify
- standing by
- stimuli
- stopping by
- stratify
- stultify
- termini
- terrify
- testify
- tubuli
- typify
- ultrahigh
- underlie
- underly
- unify
- verify
- vilify
- amebae
- amnii
- assegai
- calcify
- cannulae
- cherry pie
- circuli
- cumuli
- deify
- doing by
- flocculi
- fructify
- goldeneye
- gotten by
- happen by
- horrify
- humble pie
- incubi
- kiss goodbye
- kutenai
- liquify
- loculi
- misapply
- musculi
- osmanli
- ossify
- overfly
- petrify
- practiced eye
- roving eye
- salsify
- scarify
- seeing eye
- setulae
- stewartry
- sweetie pie
- swinging by
- valvulae
- versify
- vivify
- wave goodbye
- weather eye
- -cephali
- -phyceae
- abides by
- abode by
- acari-
- acid dye
- actify
- actini-
- advanced fry
- aerify
- afterguy
- agapae
- akaakai
- akamai
- albert i
- alderfly
- almond eye
- aloofly
- angel pie
- angle tie
- anglify
- ao dai
- apalai
- apici-
- apple fly
- arbori-
- archaei
- ardeae
- aurify
- azine dye
- azo dye
- bacchii
- baculi
- baldwin i
- balloon fly
- bandikai
- basic dye
- basify
- batter's eye
- batting eye
- be struck by
- beddy-bye
- bell magpie
- benzo dye
- bindi-eye
- biting fly
- blister fly
- blue wild rye
- bola tie
- bolo tie
- bottle fly
- brilliant dye
- buff nor stye
- by and by
- by the by
- by the bye
- by-and-by
- cabbage fly
- caddis fly
- calefy
- calyci-
- calyptri-
- cancer eye
- candle fly
- caprify
- carnify
- carrot fly
- catch her eye
- catch his eye
- catch my eye
- catch one's eye
- catch their eye
- cattle fly
- caught her eye
- caught his eye
- caught my eye
- caught one's eye
- caught their eye
- cervici-
- chagatai
- chalcid fly
- chalcis fly
- chamber lye
- chap and lie
- cherry eye
- chigetai
- china eye
- chitrali
- chondrify
- christmas pie
- chylify
- chymify
- citify
- clavolae
- clothify
- clovis i
- cluster fly
- coal-tar dye
- coalify
- collar tie
- college try
- come up dry
- compound eye
- congo dye
- corn catchfly
- cornify
- corporify
- cottage pie
- cotton dye
- cotton tie
- counter-cry
- countercry
- cretify
- culici-
- cut-and-dry
- cut-and-try
- cycliae
- daintify
- damnify
- dandify
- david i
- days gone by
- dead man's eye
- deer bot fly
- deer botfly
- demi-plie
- densify
- diamond dye
- digiti-
- direct dye
- disperse dye
- dispersed dye
- do right by
- do well by
- domify
- dragging tie
- dragon tie
- dropper fly
- dulcify
- duncify
- dutchify
- dwarf buckeye
- dzeggetai
- endamebae
- ensign fly
- entify
- ephetai
- epoptai
- extra dry
- faisal i
- fan-wing fly
- fancify
- farouk i
- feather tye
- feculae
- felipe vi
- filter fly
- finify
- fish to fry
- fishify
- flemish eye
- flintify
- flowerfly
- fluoresci-
- forest fly
- forked catchfly
- francis i
- frederick i
- frenchify
- from on high
- fu'ad i
- full and by
- full and bye
- galbuli
- galibi
- gamify
- gaudify
- gentrify
- giddify
- gimlet eye
- give the eye
- go bye-bye
- goggle-eye
- gramarye
- groznyy
- haeremai
- half an eye
- hamuli
- hanging fly
- hanging lie
- hangtown fry
- happify
- hard done by
- harold i
- harvest fly
- hasinai
- have a try
- hessian fly
- hiero i
- high and dry
- historify
- hog-mouthed fry
- hokusai
- holler guy
- home and dry
- homurai
- hook and eye
- hornify
- horse botfly
- hoverfly
- hue and cry
- hush-a-bye
- hussein i
- hydriae
- in full cry
- infield fly
- ingrain dye
- isinai
- jai alai
- jellify
- jollify
- jonas lie
- kahawai
- kankanai
- kao-chu-li
- karachai
- karatchai
- key lime pie
- keying by
- kiss and cry
- kiss good-bye
- kiss-and-cry
- kissed good-bye
- kissed goodbye
- kootenai
- lacewing fly
- lactify
- ladify
- lantern fly
- large buckeye
- lateri-
- latrine fly
- laying by
- lazy eye
- lazy guy
- leaf supply
- lefort i
- lekanai
- lenify
- lenten pie
- leopardi
- leopold i
- letting fly
- lienculi
- lignify
- limuli
- lithify
- live a lie
- looking fly
- lothair i
- lotus eye
- lubrify
- madefy
- maggotpie
- magic eye
- mango fly
- mary i
- massulae
- melon fly
- meningi-
- mesati-
- metopae
- metrify
- midas fly
- milling dye
- minify
- moistify
- molokai
- mordant dye
- morpheae
- mount katmai
- mount sinai
- mucify
- mummify
- mundify
- munify
- mydas fly
- mythify
- nannygai
- nasal fly
- nazify
- neutral dye
- nidify
- nigrify
- nitrify
- northrop frye
- nose botfly
- nostril fly
- nutrify
- old school tie
- omnify
- on a high
- on the fly
- on the sly
- onion fly
- opaleye
- orange fly
- orange i
- orchid fly
- ornify
- os coxae
- osman i
- otto i
- oven-dry
- overbuy
- ox botfly
- ox warble fly
- oxeae
- pallidi-
- palmer fly
- palpuli
- parrot-cry
- paterae
- pearly eye
- peg and eye
- peter i
- pheasant's-eye
- pigeon fly
- pigs might fly
- pinguefy
- pinkify
- pinuli
- pizza pie
- plastify
- pomace fly
- pre-pupae
- preachify
- precunei
- preferred lie
- prepupae
- prettify
- proarthri
- probolae
- propupae
- prosarthri
- proseuchae
- prosify
- pterylae
- pulpify
- putting by
- putty eye
- pyrenae
- pyropi
- rabbiteye
- range crane fly
- rarify
- recomply
- red bird's-eye
- red buckeye
- reguli
- ridden high
- rifle tie
- robber fly
- robert i
- rock and rye
- rock catchfly
- rotulae
- rubify
- ruby fly
- rudolf i
- runner's high
- running dry
- russian fly
- russify
- sacchari-
- sailor tie
- saint mark's fly
- salify
- salini-
- sanandaj
- sanguify
- sanify
- saucer eye
- scatulae
- sclerify
- scorify
- scotchify
- scottify
- scraping by
- screwworm fly
- sea magpie
- sea oxeye
- semidry
- semper fi
- sensify
- sensori-
- seroot fly
- set store by
- sets store by
- setting by
- sewage fly
- shabbify
- sheep botfly
- shepherd's pie
- shoofly pie
- shoulder-high
- siculi
- silici-
- siliqui-
- simple eye
- single-eye
- sinify
- sitter-by
- sitters-by
- slanting eye
- sleepify
- smooth buckeye
- smother fly
- so do i
- so don't i
- soda lye
- soldier fly
- solvent dye
- spanish fly
- speechify
- spider fly
- splenculi
- splenuli
- stable fly
- stalk-eyed fly
- stander-by
- standers-by
- steelify
- stellify
- sticking by
- stonify
- storify
- streamer fly
- striolae
- subcoxae
- succubi
- sulculi
- sulfide dye
- sulfur dye
- surculi
- swearing by
- swedish fly
- sweet buckeye
- swiss catchfly
- synanthae
- synaptai
- syrphid fly
- syrphus fly
- szepingkai
- tackify
- taiohae
- tantali-
- texas fly
- thimble-eye
- throat botfly
- throwing by
- thurify
- ticking by
- tiger's-eye
- tipsify
- to the eye
- tonify
- torify
- torpify
- torrify
- townify
- toxify
- trans alai
- triple dye
- trumpet fly
- trustify
- trygve lie
- tsetse fly
- tumble dry
- tumbu fly
- tuning eye
- turned blind eye
- turnip fly
- twistify
- two-winged fly
- typhoid fly
- uglify
- uji fly
- umble pie
- underbuy
- uvulae
- vapori-
- verbify
- vinify
- vital dye
- vitrify
- vocal fry
- warble fly
- water fly
- water sky
- wave good-bye
- western rye
- wheat bulb fly
- when pigs fly
- whiggify
- white bird's-eye
- william bligh
- william i
- willow fly
- window fly
- windsor tie
- winter rye
- with her eye
- with his eye
- with one's eye
- with their eye
- wollomai
- woolton pie
- world war i
- woyawai
- xanthene dye
- xerxes i
- yanktonai
- yeibichai
- yellow-eye
- yuppify
- zincify
- zombify
4 syllables
- acidify
- alveoli
- areolae
- demystify
- detoxify
- disqualify
- diversify
- electrify
- exemplify
- fasciculi
- identify
- indemnify
- intensify
- objectify
- oversupply
- personify
- power supply
- preoccupy
- reclassify
- solidify
- water supply
- abided by
- abiding by
- articuli
- caveolae
- colliculi
- commodify
- cuniculi
- decertify
- declassify
- emulsify
- funiculi
- gravimetry
- havasupai
- manipuri
- pronuclei
- rallying cry
- reunify
- revivify
- saponify
- scientiae
- undersupply
- wandering eye
- abdullah i
- abilify
- acephali
- acetify
- acridine dye
- actiniae
- aequiculi
- afonso i
- agustin i
- alkalify
- alpine catchfly
- ammonify
- angelify
- aniline dye
- anthracene dye
- antizoeae
- apiculi
- apterylae
- as witnessed by
- assassin fly
- aureolae
- azoic dye
- ballon d'essai
- ballons d'essai
- baron denbigh
- be riding high
- beatify
- bermuda high
- biting housefly
- black alkali
- black salsify
- bladder catchfly
- bleed someone dry
- bleed something dry
- blistering fly
- boston cream pie
- bourgeoisify
- buffalo fly
- buffalo rye
- cabbage-root fly
- calyculi
- camera-eye
- canary fly
- carrion fly
- carrot rust fly
- catch someone's eye
- catches her eye
- catches his eye
- catches my eye
- catches one's eye
- catches their eye
- catching her eye
- catching his eye
- catching my eye
- catching one's eye
- catching their eye
- catherine i
- cattleya fly
- celery fly
- celestify
- characeae
- cherry fruit fly
- chlor-alkali
- christopher fry
- citrus whitefly
- claudius i
- clypeolae
- coenzyme i
- columbatz fly
- common housefly
- complexify
- congo floor fly
- consignify
- constantine i
- coossify
- corniculi
- creeping oxeye
- cross multiply
- cucumber fly
- cyphonautae
- darius i
- day of supply
- de-esterify
- deacidify
- decalcify
- decrassify
- deglorify
- delignify
- demagnify
- demulsify
- denazify
- denitrify
- desertify
- desmognathae
- developed dye
- devitrify
- dezincify
- dezinkify
- diamine dye
- diazo dye
- diphenyl dye
- dipsaceae
- disconanthae
- disedify
- dissatisfy
- disunify
- divinify
- dover catchfly
- easy as pie
- eat humble pie
- eaten up by
- electric eye
- entamebae
- entamoebae
- ephyrulae
- erica dye
- eskimo pie
- esterify
- etherify
- euryalae
- executry
- eye for an eye
- fasciolae
- ferdinand i
- fetid buckeye
- fishes to fry
- floating supply
- fluidify
- forking catchfly
- fossilify
- fourth of july
- foveolae
- funeral pie
- furunculi
- garden catchfly
- german catchfly
- germanify
- giant wild rye
- gorno-altai
- greenbottle fly
- greenhouse whitefly
- guli hinnai
- hamid karzai
- han-t'eng-ko-li
- hang out to dry
- hangs out to dry
- helium i
- helobiae
- henry james pye
- hit the bull's-eye
- hold her head high
- hold his head high
- hold one's head high
- hold their head high
- homunculi
- human botfly
- humidify
- hung out to dry
- hyperbolae
- i tell a lie
- ichneumon fly
- iliopsoae
- impurify
- in a pig's eye
- in her mind's eye
- in his mind's eye
- in one's mind's eye
- in short supply
- in their mind's eye
- indian dye
- indignify
- iris whitefly
- itai-itai
- italian rye
- jack horner pie
- keep a close eye
- kisses good-bye
- kisses goodbye
- kissing good-bye
- kissing goodbye
- la verendrye
- lapidify
- latensify
- lay great store by
- leaf butterfly
- lesser bulb fly
- lesser housefly
- limicolae
- line of supply
- lithophysae
- little buckeye
- little housefly
- little magpie
- lobel's catchfly
- look in the eye
- mackerel sky
- macoun wild-rye
- malayali
- massagetae
- mesothelae
- mesotrochae
- mild alkali
- milk someone dry
- milk something dry
- misclassify
- money supply
- mountain magpie
- musaceae
- naphthamine dye
- natural dye
- naumachiae
- navi mumbai
- neognathae
- nesselrode pie
- nitrosify
- no more mr. nice guy
- nodding catchfly
- not bat an eye
- oblongatae
- obscurify
- oenochoae
- offend the eye
- olive fruit fly
- opacify
- open-to-buy
- option to buy
- osirify
- ossa coxae
- owl butterfly
- oxamine dye
- oxazine dye
- ozonify
- palapalai
- paleolae
- panniculi
- paradise pie
- pediculi
- pedunculi
- pericopae
- phantom crane fly
- pictured-wing fly
- pie in the sky
- pigeon louse fly
- pine butterfly
- pineal eye
- policeman fly
- polymethine dye
- ponticuli
- pre-modify
- pre-notify
- pre-qualify
- pre-specify
- precalculi
- premodify
- prenotify
- prequalify
- presignify
- prespecify
- pretypify
- primorsky krai
- procion dye
- proloculi
- pseudopupae
- pur autre vie
- queen butterfly
- queensland fruit fly
- quinoline dye
- radicolae
- rancidify
- ranunculi
- rape butterfly
- recodify
- reedify
- refortify
- reidentify
- religify
- reliquefy
- reliquify
- remazol dye
- repurify
- resinify
- retinulae
- reverify
- reversify
- rigidify
- roll-cumuli
- ruby-tailed fly
- russian wild rye
- saccharify
- sacrifice fly
- sartorii
- saw eye to eye
- schizognathae
- scorpion fly
- scrobiculi
- sea butterfly
- see eye to eye
- seen eye to eye
- sees eye to eye
- selachii
- semipupae
- set great store by
- setting store by
- sheep nasal fly
- sheep nostril fly
- silicify
- sit idly by
- sleepy catchfly
- small-headed fly
- snout butterfly
- soka gakkai
- solemnify
- solifugae
- spanish buckeye
- splenunculi
- spongilla fly
- stabilify
- stand idly by
- staniskaw i
- stanislaw i
- stare in the eye
- stated supply
- stilbene dye
- stiletto fly
- strawberry fly
- subclassify
- subjectify
- subnuclei
- subreguli
- substantify
- suck someone dry
- suck something dry
- suleiman i
- symbranchii
- synbranchii
- syracusae
- tachina fly
- tail of the eye
- take to the sky
- telescope eye
- telescope fly
- telotrochae
- terricolae
- texan buckeye
- texas buckeye
- the evil eye
- the little guy
- thecamoebae
- thermopylae
- thickheaded fly
- timenoguy
- transmogrify
- tubicolae
- turn a blind eye
- turns a blind eye
- unbeautify
- undeify
- undignify
- unfructify
- unqualify
- urbicolae
- utriculi
- vegetable dye
- versiculi
- vesiculi
- vinegar fly
- vinegar pie
- vladimir i
- vox populi
- walnut husk fly
- washington pie
- western buckeye
- white alkali
- white butterfly
- white of the eye
- winter crane fly
- woolly buckeye
- woolly whitefly
- yellow buckeye
- yellow oxeye
- yuan shih-kai
- zapon fast dye
5 syllables
- canaliculi
- dwi
- micronuclei
- oversimplify
- caravanserai
- cupressaceae
- hypernuclei
- phaeophyceae
- a piece of the pie
- a power supply
- a share of the pie
- a slice of the pie
- abdulmecid i
- accessorii
- aegagropilae
- alexander i
- alpha scorpii
- altocumuli
- an eye for an eye
- anencephali
- anthraquinone dye
- antibacchii
- antigonus i
- apologiae
- apple of her eye
- apple of his eye
- apple of its eye
- apple of my eye
- apple of one's eye
- apple of their eye
- apple of your eye
- apposition eye
- arteriolae
- as easy as pie
- as evidenced by
- australian magpie
- b power supply
- barrow's goldeneye
- bartholomew i
- biceps brachii
- bigger fish to fry
- biomagnify
- bird-wing butterfly
- black cherry fruit fly
- bottlebrush buckeye
- c power supply
- cabbage butterfly
- canada wild rye
- caudate nuclei
- caustic alkali
- cestui que vie
- cestuis que vie
- chinese blister fly
- cirrocumuli
- citrus butterfly
- cloudy-winged whitefly
- clover butterfly
- colocephali
- comma butterfly
- common goldeneye
- confervoideae
- coniferophytae
- copper butterfly
- cycadophytae
- cynocephali
- de-emulsify
- dead-leaf butterfly
- developing dye
- disacidify
- discocephali
- disidentify
- dispersonify
- dissyllabify
- disyllabify
- easy on the eye
- enchelycephali
- euselachii
- ex hypothesi
- filii populi
- filius populi
- foresignify
- francis joseph i
- generative ai
- ghani ahmadzai
- give someone the eye
- glutei maximi
- glutei medii
- gymnocarpeae
- hanging out to dry
- hemibranchii
- herman northrop frye
- hold her head up high
- hold his head up high
- hold one's head up high
- hold their head up high
- hydrocephali
- hypocephali
- ichthyocephali
- iliopsoai
- impersonify
- in oversupply
- in the public eye
- indigoid dye
- interloculi
- intermedii
- interstratify
- isabella i
- justinian i
- keep her powder dry
- keep his powder dry
- keep one's powder dry
- keep their powder dry
- kiss something goodbye
- let sleeping dogs lie
- lineae albae
- litterae clausae
- loasaceae
- lophobranchii
- mackerel-backed sky
- macrocephali
- macronuclei
- meadow salsify
- meganuclei
- mesencephali
- mexican buckeye
- mexican fruit fly
- microcephali
- milkweed butterfly
- milling acid dye
- misidentify
- monarch butterfly
- mordant acid dye
- more than meets the eye
- mr. nice guy
- napoleon i
- narcissus bulb fly
- nettle butterfly
- neuropeptide y
- odontognathae
- ohio buckeye
- other fish to fry
- overcertify
- overclassify
- oxidation dye
- palaeognathae
- palimbacchii
- paludicolae
- paranuclei
- parietal eye
- peacock butterfly
- petroleum fly
- phanerocarpae
- photosystem i
- piano assai
- pneumocephali
- polar nuclei
- recti oculi
- rectus oculi
- renal calculi
- resolidify
- saint vladimir i
- seeing eye to eye
- semideify
- solenoconchae
- spanish salsify
- spirit butterfly
- spotted lantern fly
- staghorn calculi
- stared death in the eye
- stratocumuli
- sulphur butterfly
- sweet william catchfly
- sycosis barbae
- tabulae rasae
- tensor palati
- teponaxtli
- teponaztli
- the fourth of july
- the money supply
- thistle butterfly
- tiger butterfly
- tinea barbae
- triarylmethane dye
- triceps brachii
- troilus butterfly
- trophonuclei
- trygve halvdan lie
- tubulariae
- turning a blind eye
- tylotoxeae
- unplayable lie
- vector calculi
- viceroy butterfly
- visible supply
- wouldn't hurt a fly
- yellow-billed magpie
- yellow-fever fly
- zygodactylae
6 syllables
- thermogravimetry
- unaccompanied by
- a twinkle in her eye
- a twinkle in his eye
- a twinkle in one's eye
- a twinkle in their eye
- acanthocephali
- alfalfa butterfly
- alienicolae
- angiotensin i
- apple of our eye
- arcuate nuclei
- as is evidenced by
- autoprothrombin i
- azacyanine dye
- biliary calculi
- biological dye
- bring a tear to her eye
- bring a tear to his eye
- bring a tear to one's eye
- california buckeye
- carbocyanine dye
- checkerspot butterfly
- chinese blistering fly
- chrysanthemum gall fly
- cladoselachii
- committee of supply
- diana butterfly
- elasmobranchii
- emperor butterfly
- endosperm nuclei
- estate pur autre vie
- fiber-reactive dye
- four-footed butterfly
- functional calculi
- geoglossaceae
- giacomo leopardi
- gracile fasciculi
- i'd like to see him try
- in the blink of an eye
- indigoid vat dye
- integral calculi
- interesse termini
- kamehameha i
- kinetonuclei
- laminae cribro.sae
- levator prostatae
- lineae al.bae
- look someone in the eye
- macedonian cry
- marsipobranchii
- maximilian i
- menispermaceae
- merocyanine dye
- never batted an eye
- night-flowering catchfly
- orange-tree butterfly
- oriental fruit fly
- overidentify
- per tout et non per my
- pharyngobranchii
- philenor butterfly
- platelet cofactor i
- pope alexander vi
- predicate calculi
- protoselachii
- pyrenocarpeae
- sentential calculi
- sieur de la verendrye
- solubilized vat dye
- stare someone in the eye
- superposition eye
- theodosius i
- to someone's practiced eye
- tortoiseshell butterfly
- triphenylmethane dye
- ursula butterfly
- victor emmanuel i
- west indian fruit fly
- white mountain butterfly
- with a critical eye
7 syllables
- american goldeneye
- appendiculariae
- ashraf ghani ahmadzai
- bleed someone or something dry
- bring a tear to someone's eye
- cuneate fasciculi
- cylindrocapsaceae
- dicarbocyanine dye
- differential calculi
- distant look in someone's eye
- give it the old college try
- have a finger in a pie
- have a finger in the pie
- i'd just like to see him try
- in the twinkle of an eye
- in the twinkling of an eye
- intestinal calculi
- katsushika hokusai
- macula utriculi
- milk someone or something dry
- ophioglossaceae
- orbiculares oculi
- semicolon butterfly
- southern cabbage butterfly
- suck someone or something dry
- tectum mesencephali
- the apple of someone's eye
- thioindigoid dye
- tricarbocyanine dye
- trigona habenulae
- trigonums habenulae
- urinary calculi
8 syllables
- american as apple pie
- but for the grace of god go i
- dadra and nagar haveli
- defender of the marriage tie
- have a finger in every pie
- higher functional calculi
- jonas lauritz idemil lie
- lower functional calculi
- medial angle of the eye
- mediterranean fruit fly
- not know whether to laugh or cry
- operational calculi
- orbicularis oculi
- out of the corner of her eye
- out of the corner of his eye
- out of the corner of one's eye
- out of the corner of their eye
- peter joseph william debye
- propositional calculi
- put considerable store by
- st. damien of molokai
- visible to the naked eye