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Words that Rhyme with synchondrotomy
4 syllables
- craniotomy
- dichotomy
- lithotomy
- phlebotomy
- tenotomy
- vagotomy
- arthrotomy
- axotomy
- celiotomy
- colotomy
- cordotomy
- cystotomy
- gastrotomy
- leucotomy
- nephrotomy
- sternotomy
- trichotomy
- valvotomy
- androtomy
- antrotomy
- blastotomy
- caecotomy
- cecotomy
- chondrotomy
- chordotomy
- coeliotomy
- colpotomy
- culdotomy
- cyclotomy
- hippotomy
- leukotomy
- mastotomy
- merotomy
- morphotomy
- necrotomy
- neurotomy
- oncotomy
- phytotomy
- plasmotomy
- proctotomy
- pulpotomy
- pyelotomy
- rhinotomy
- sclerotomy
- thyrotomy
- tractotomy
- venotomy
- xylotomy
- zootomy
5 syllables
- episiotomy
- laparotomy
- osteotomy
- thoracotomy
- tracheotomy
- capsulotomy
- fasciotomy
- herniotomy
- hippopotami
- hysterotomy
- keratotomy
- myringotomy
- sphincterotomy
- thalamotomy
- urethrotomy
- adenotomy
- anthropotomy
- atticotomy
- blepharotomy
- cardiotomy
- cingulotomy
- cleidotomy
- embryotomy
- enterotomy
- false dichotomy
- goniotomy
- hepatotomy
- hymenotomy
- iridotomy
- laminotomy
- laryngotomy
- lymphangiotomy
- mastoidotomy
- meatotomy
- myelotomy
- odontotomy
- orbitotomy
- ornithotomy
- pallidotomy
- pharyngotomy
- phrenicotomy
- pogonotomy
- polychotomy
- prostatotomy
- pubiotomy
- rumenotomy
- scaleniotomy
- scalenotomy
- sinusotomy
- splanchnicotomy
- staphylotomy
- tenomyotomy
- tonsillotomy
- tympanotomy
- valvulotomy
6 syllables
- ovariotomy
- arteriotomy
- commissurotomy
- amygdalotomy
- cholecystotomy
- choledochotomy
- cricothyrotomy
- cystolithotomy
- duodenotomy
- esophagotomy
- foraminotomy
- frontal leukotomy
- hepaticotomy
- labyrinthotomy
- nephrolithotomy
- ossiculotomy
- pedunculotomy
- perineotomy
- postcardiotomy
- pyramidotomy
- symphysiotomy
- ultramicrotomy
- ureterotomy
- ventriculotomy
- vesiculotomy