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Words that Rhyme with theirs
1 syllable
- airs
- bares
- bears
- cares
- chairs
- dares
- errs
- fairs
- fares
- flares
- glares
- hairs
- hares
- heirs
- lairs
- mares
- pairs
- pares
- pears
- phares
- prayers
- scares
- shares
- snares
- spares
- squares
- stairs
- stares
- swears
- tears
- theres
- wares
- wears
- blares
- bures
- chares
- eyres
- feres
- lehrs
- nairs
- weres
- wheres
- claires
- flairs
- gairs
- gerres
- glaires
- glairs
- khairs
- lares
- leirs
- maires
- narrs
- t squares
- there's
- vaires
- vairs
- yairs
2 syllables
- affaires
- affairs
- armchairs
- bulgars
- compares
- crosshairs
- declares
- despairs
- downstairs
- forbears
- forebears
- housewares
- impairs
- in pairs
- in tears
- nightmares
- parterres
- prepares
- repairs
- shed tears
- somewheres
- two pairs
- upstairs
- wheelchairs
- who cares
- airfares
- backstairs
- black bears
- bugbears
- cane chairs
- club chairs
- coheirs
- deck chairs
- eclairs
- fanfares
- hardwares
- portieres
- softwares
- wing chairs
- adwares
- aid prayers
- airstairs
- alares
- ant bears
- antbears
- araires
- art squares
- artwares
- au pairs
- bakewares
- bar shares
- barwares
- base pairs
- base-pairs
- bath chairs
- beard hairs
- bed shares
- bed-shares
- beewares
- big hairs
- black maires
- black pears
- blue bears
- blue-hairs
- book squares
- bookfairs
- bow hairs
- brasswares
- broadshares
- brownwares
- calvaires
- camp chairs
- canewares
- carfares
- cast wares
- cat bears
- cathairs
- cave bears
- chalkwares
- chi-squares
- chief hares
- choke pears
- claywares
- close chairs
- closed pairs
- co-chairs
- co-heirs
- cochairs
- contrairs
- cookwares
- coon bears
- coursewares
- creamwares
- crepe hairs
- crinieres
- crouch wares
- cudbears
- curled hairs
- cut squares
- day cares
- daymares
- dead airs
- deer's-hairs
- deerhairs
- delftwares
- derrieres
- dipwares
- dishwares
- draft chairs
- drop flares
- due cares
- eelfares
- ensnares
- eyewears
- fieldfares
- firmwares
- flamewares
- flatwares
- footwears
- forced heirs
- forestairs
- foreswears
- forswears
- free airs
- fun fairs
- funfairs
- giftwares
- glasswares
- goat's hairs
- grass hares
- graywares
- great bears
- great chairs
- greenwares
- groupwares
- guard hairs
- guetares
- half fares
- hamfares
- hang-fairs
- hard pears
- health cares
- health-cares
- healthcares
- henwares
- high chairs
- horsehairs
- hot airs
- ice bears
- illfares
- infares
- invars
- jacares
- jetwares
- job's tears
- joint chairs
- juice pears
- jump scares
- jump-scares
- jumpscares
- king hairs
- knitwears
- koshares
- last heirs
- least squares
- light airs
- longhairs
- lord's prayers
- lug chairs
- machairs
- maid's-hairs
- marsh hares
- mean squares
- metayers
- midairs
- mindshares
- mohairs
- mouse hares
- neckwears
- net tares
- night chairs
- nowheres
- outdares
- outstares
- outswears
- pearl wares
- pele's tears
- per pares
- pest pears
- pew chairs
- pit-pairs
- playwears
- poor clares
- potwares
- pressed wares
- pushchairs
- queenswares
- rag fairs
- rail chairs
- rainwears
- rat hares
- red bears
- red hares
- redwares
- ride shares
- ride-shares
- rideshares
- right heirs
- rockhairs
- rood stairs
- root hairs
- sadwares
- sage hares
- sancerres
- sand bears
- sand pears
- sappares
- sea bears
- sea hares
- sea pears
- seawares
- seed hairs
- self-cares
- set-fairs
- shag hairs
- shank's mares
- sharewares
- sharpwares
- short pairs
- shorthairs
- side chairs
- skunk bears
- sleepwears
- sling chairs
- slip shares
- slipwares
- sloth bears
- small chairs
- smallwares
- smooth tares
- snow bears
- snow pears
- soil airs
- split hairs
- splits hairs
- spongewares
- sportswears
- spring chairs
- spywares
- steel squares
- stemwares
- step chairs
- stick chairs
- stolkjaerres
- stonewares
- sun bears
- swamp hares
- taraires
- taste hairs
- three-squares
- throughfares
- time-shares
- ting wares
- tinwares
- tolewares
- torcheres
- tortieres
- tourtieres
- townwears
- tree bears
- try squares
- tub chairs
- unhairs
- unpairs
- unwares
- upbears
- upflares
- warfares
- wax hairs
- wayfares
- welfares
- wetwares
- white bears
- white maires
- white pears
- whitewares
- wild tares
- woodseres
- woodwares
- word squares
- workfares
- world's fairs
- yacht chairs
3 syllables
- billionaires
- delawares
- easy chairs
- legionnaires
- love affairs
- luminaires
- millionaires
- polar bears
- questionnaires
- rocking chairs
- teddy bears
- the downstairs
- the upstairs
- thoroughfares
- unawares
- anywheres
- doctrinaires
- evening prayers
- golden hairs
- grizzly bears
- man upstairs
- morning prayers
- public squares
- spiral stairs
- abovestairs
- aftercares
- angel's hairs
- angle chairs
- antiars
- arctic airs
- arctic hares
- armentieres
- asian pears
- baby hairs
- baby tears
- baby's tears
- bacon squares
- balsam pears
- bamboo wares
- barber chairs
- barrel chairs
- basket chairs
- belgian hares
- belowstairs
- bidding prayers
- bidri wares
- biscuit wares
- blink back tears
- boatswain's chairs
- bonbonnieres
- booster chairs
- boudoir chairs
- boutonnieres
- braconnieres
- bradford pears
- brim with tears
- butter pears
- caballers
- calling hares
- camel hairs
- camel's hairs
- canton wares
- capillaires
- captain's chairs
- censitaires
- center squares
- cessionaires
- cetotheres
- charge d'affaires
- child welfares
- chinawares
- cipher squares
- class warfares
- close to tears
- clouded wares
- cockfight chairs
- common prayers
- complete pairs
- compressed airs
- contour chairs
- copperwares
- cordelieres
- corner chairs
- corsetieres
- county fairs
- courting chairs
- cracklewares
- cricket chairs
- croix de guerres
- crying hares
- cubitieres
- cucullares
- cuisinieres
- deciares
- devil's-hairs
- dinnerwares
- dinotheres
- disrepairs
- double chairs
- double squares
- dresden wares
- drunkard's chairs
- dry her tears
- dry his tears
- dry one's tears
- dry their tears
- dummy shares
- earthenwares
- elbow chairs
- elder cares
- eldercares
- end in tears
- everywheres
- feeing fairs
- ferronieres
- ferronnieres
- fight back tears
- fighting chairs
- fights back tears
- fishing bears
- fit and flares
- fit-and-flares
- flying mares
- folding stairs
- fonctionnaires
- fontionnaires
- for all cares
- fought back tears
- founders' shares
- framing squares
- frigidaires
- gallywares
- gang warfares
- garconnieres
- garlic pears
- gas warfares
- gaudywares
- gemmipares
- germ warfares
- glacier bears
- gombroon wares
- gombrun wares
- granitewares
- hanging stairs
- harsh-furred hares
- hollow squares
- hollowares
- hollowwares
- honey bears
- ice-cream chairs
- ironwares
- irrepairs
- jackass hares
- jardinieres
- jasperwares
- juicy pears
- jumping hares
- jungle bears
- kerning pairs
- kick upstairs
- kicked upstairs
- kicks upstairs
- kilowares
- kirsebaers
- kitchenwares
- lacquerwares
- lady chairs
- lady's chairs
- laisser-faires
- laissez-faires
- latin squares
- leaf and squares
- leatherwares
- legal heirs
- light repairs
- liquid airs
- little bears
- lusterwares
- macrotheres
- magic squares
- maidenhairs
- mal de mers
- mammy chairs
- managed cares
- melon pears
- mermaid's-hairs
- metalwares
- metameres
- miter squares
- monkey bears
- mora hairs
- morris chairs
- mortarwares
- mountain hares
- mousquetaires
- move to tears
- mushroom chairs
- nandi bears
- nashi pears
- native bears
- native pears
- never-weres
- newel stairs
- nursing chairs
- open airs
- outerwears
- ovenwares
- overbears
- overshares
- oversquares
- pampas hares
- pantotheres
- pebblewares
- pensionnaires
- perfect squares
- pinnotheres
- piping hares
- plasticwares
- ply her wares
- ply his wares
- ply one's wares
- ply their wares
- point of cares
- point-of-cares
- polar airs
- polar hares
- porter's chairs
- post and pairs
- potty-chairs
- prairie hares
- prickly pears
- prototheres
- punnett squares
- put on airs
- raku wares
- reading chairs
- recompares
- regulares
- reserve airs
- riding chairs
- river pears
- rolling chairs
- root-mean-squares
- rustic wares
- savoir faires
- scapulares
- scissors chairs
- secretaires
- sedan chairs
- self-despairs
- seto wares
- sexupares
- shield-back chairs
- short-eared hares
- silverwares
- slipper chairs
- solar flares
- solitaires
- spatterwares
- splitting hairs
- statute fairs
- statutes fairs
- steamer chairs
- stinging hairs
- stony shares
- sugar pears
- swivel chairs
- table chairs
- tablet chairs
- tablewares
- tactile hairs
- tailor's chairs
- tenant hairs
- tenent hairs
- tidal airs
- tiger pears
- tigerwares
- toiletwares
- trail of tears
- trench warfares
- trigger hairs
- turning squares
- twisted pairs
- underairs
- underhairs
- undersquares
- underwears
- unprepares
- unrepairs
- vaporwares
- vellus hairs
- vendor's shares
- venus hairs
- vital airs
- wainscot chairs
- water bears
- water hares
- water stairs
- wear and tears
- widow's-tears
- wild job's tears
- willowwares
- wing-tip flares
- winter pears
- wirehairs
- women's wears
- womens wears
- woodenwares
- woody pears
- woolly bears
- writing chairs
- yellow bears
- yellowwares
- zillionaires
4 syllables
- concessionaires
- foreign affairs
- public affairs
- crocodile tears
- current affairs
- musical chairs
- abandonwares
- acnae vulgares
- acridotheres
- anchovy pears
- arrow-back chairs
- astatic pairs
- astburywares
- average tares
- barbotine wares
- base rocking chairs
- bazillionaires
- bennington wares
- black maidenhairs
- blink away tears
- builders' hardwares
- burst into tears
- butterfly chairs
- cabinet wares
- caliper squares
- callery pears
- cameo wares
- carpenter's squares
- carton pierres
- catch unawares
- charges d'affaires
- cinnamon bears
- civil affairs
- commanditaires
- commissionaires
- couturieres
- critical cares
- d'anjou pears
- director's chairs
- elasmotheres
- electric chairs
- electron pairs
- enamelwares
- escargotieres
- family fares
- farthingale chairs
- fiddleback chairs
- fight back the tears
- fighting back tears
- fights back the tears
- finish hardwares
- fought back the tears
- gazillionaires
- give oneself airs
- grandfather chairs
- grandfather's chairs
- her temper flares
- his temper flares
- histamine flares
- hold back her tears
- hold back his tears
- hold back one's tears
- hold back their tears
- hyracotheres
- in the crosshairs
- intercompares
- justice in eyres
- kangaroo bears
- kangaroo hares
- kicking upstairs
- kodiak bears
- kutani wares
- labiate bears
- little chief hares
- lowestoft wares
- makiritares
- management shares
- mephitic airs
- minimal pairs
- one's temper flares
- open-well stairs
- opinionaires
- opinionnaires
- optical pairs
- optical squares
- orbiculares
- palaeotheres
- papasan chairs
- parian wares
- parrot-back chairs
- pastoral prayers
- peddle her wares
- peddle his wares
- peddle one's wares
- peddle their wares
- percentage tares
- pottery wares
- primary airs
- primary cares
- radiophares
- ready-to-wears
- reduce to tears
- roundabout chairs
- saddle-check chairs
- sensory hairs
- serpentine wares
- silica wares
- social welfares
- societaires
- spectacled bears
- stadia hairs
- stereopairs
- strawberry pears
- tablet-arm chairs
- take unawares
- terminal hairs
- tertiary cares
- the man upstairs
- their temper flares
- traveling stairs
- trois-rivieres
- tropical airs
- tuberculares
- vanity fairs
- varying hares
- vegetable hairs
- vegetable pears
5 syllables
- multimillionaires
- adirondack chairs
- adjudicataires
- adjustable squares
- alligator pears
- answer someone's prayers
- aurorae polares
- avocadoe pears
- barcelona chairs
- brittle maidenhairs
- centimillionaires
- chemical warfares
- climbing maidenhairs
- colorpoint shorthairs
- combination squares
- complemental airs
- conventional heirs
- conversation chairs
- cordon sanitaires
- cordons sanitaires
- disappearing stairs
- discussion of heirs
- double solitaires
- exotic shorthairs
- fighting back the tears
- for all someone cares
- geometric stairs
- golden maidenhairs
- grolier de servieres
- guerrilla warfares
- hollow newel stairs
- inflammable airs
- infrascapulares
- isabelline bears
- method of least squares
- move someone to tears
- multi-millionaires
- multibillionaires
- open-newel stairs
- ordinary cares
- primary health cares
- primi inter pares
- primus inter pares
- reasonable cares
- refractory wares
- residual airs
- sanitary wares
- statement of affairs
- stationary airs
- superbillionaires
- supermillionaires
- supplemental airs
- uraniumaires
- vegetable horsehairs
- verrucae vulgares
- yellow woolly bears
6 syllables
- american shorthairs
- bacterial warfares
- bradford callery pears
- catch someone unawares
- complementary airs
- fiduciary heirs
- interossei palmares
- jean grolier de servieres
- lapis lazuli wares
- oriental shorthairs
- phlogisticated airs
- polar maritime airs
- reduce someone to tears
- stereoscopic pairs
- take someone unawares