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Words that Rhyme with wholes
1 syllable
- boles
- bolls
- bowls
- coals
- coles
- colles
- doles
- foals
- goals
- holes
- knolls
- moles
- poles
- polls
- pols
- roles
- rolls
- scrolls
- shoals
- soles
- souls
- strolls
- tolls
- trolls
- voles
- kohls
- oles
- proles
- sholes
- stoles
- toles
- -oles
- b-rolls
- bles moles
- bowles
- choles
- dholes
- drolls
- f-holes
- ghols
- goels
- goles
- golls
- holls
- jolls
- knowles
- koels
- nolles
- nolls
- poales
- quolls
- scholes
- skoals
- tholes
- yoles
2 syllables
- atolls
- black holes
- blowholes
- boreholes
- consoles
- controls
- creoles
- dipoles
- enrolls
- extols
- foxholes
- gambols
- gaols
- indoles
- loopholes
- manholes
- paroles
- patrols
- payrolls
- pinholes
- pistoles
- portholes
- potholes
- sinkholes
- subgoals
- tadpoles
- the polls
- azoles
- bedrolls
- charcoals
- egg rolls
- flagpoles
- frijoles
- hot rolls
- insoles
- keyholes
- peepholes
- postholes
- pyrroles
- sweet rolls
- systoles
- unrolls
- a-holes
- aholes
- air holes
- airholes
- amoles
- anoles
- atoles
- bank poles
- bank voles
- bankrolls
- barge poles
- beadrolls
- bean holes
- beanpoles
- big holes
- black coals
- blackpolls
- blastholes
- block coals
- blockholes
- board holes
- bogholes
- bolt-holes
- bone coals
- boom poles
- bracioles
- break rolls
- breast holes
- breast rolls
- bricoles
- bright coals
- broad soles
- brogue holes
- brown coals
- bungholes
- bush souls
- buttholes
- bye holes
- cajoles
- cakeholes
- catchpoles
- catchpolles
- catholes
- cedrols
- chrome soles
- chuckholes
- citoles
- clearcoles
- clodpoles
- clodpolls
- clothespoles
- clotpolls
- coalholes
- cob coals
- cold poles
- condoles
- cornholes
- couch rolls
- court rolls
- coyols
- crabholes
- creepholes
- cross rolls
- crump holes
- dead holes
- dibholes
- dogholes
- doomscrolls
- drop goals
- dropped goals
- drumrolls
- dry coals
- dry holes
- duckmoles
- dust bowls
- dutch rolls
- earholes
- earth coals
- edge rolls
- egg coals
- eighth poles
- ensouls
- escrolls
- extolls
- eye rolls
- eye-rolls
- eyeholes
- faroles
- fascioles
- feed rolls
- fid holes
- field goals
- field voles
- fish poles
- fishbowls
- five-holes
- flash holes
- float bowls
- floss holes
- forepoles
- funk holes
- furoles
- gas coals
- gee poles
- gin poles
- girolles
- glance coals
- grain bowls
- greased poles
- guignols
- gunkholes
- half soles
- half-rolls
- half-soles
- handholes
- hard coals
- hawseholes
- hellholes
- high-holes
- hip rolls
- hoop poles
- huicholes
- huichols
- in-goals
- inscrolls
- jawholes
- jet coals
- kilnholes
- kirn dolls
- kitols
- knee rolls
- kneeholes
- knotholes
- lampholes
- large poles
- leaf rolls
- live holes
- lockholes
- lodgepoles
- logrolls
- long bowls
- long rolls
- lug poles
- lug soles
- lump coals
- maypoles
- midsoles
- mill holes
- mill rolls
- mostoles
- mouseholes
- muck rolls
- mudholes
- musk moles
- neckholes
- nineholes
- nip rolls
- nkoles
- north poles
- noseholes
- nut coals
- oboles
- oilholes
- onrolls
- osmoles
- outpolls
- outrolls
- outsoles
- pad rolls
- parols
- pea coals
- peat coals
- perch poles
- pestholes
- petrols
- pickpoles
- pie holes
- pieholes
- pike poles
- pinoles
- pipe rolls
- pit coals
- pitch bowls
- pitch coals
- pitchholes
- pitchpoles
- pitholes
- plow soles
- plugholes
- pool holes
- popholes
- posoles
- pouched moles
- press rolls
- priest holes
- priest's holes
- prypoles
- pump soles
- punch bowls
- quinols
- quintoles
- range poles
- rat moles
- ratholes
- red boles
- red polls
- redpoles
- redpolls
- reed voles
- reef knolls
- rent-rolls
- rerolls
- resoles
- rice bowls
- rice coals
- ridge rolls
- ridgepoles
- rissoles
- rock holes
- rock voles
- root voles
- rum-holes
- safroles
- sand holes
- sand moles
- sand rolls
- sand soles
- santols
- sea coals
- sea coles
- seal holes
- septoles
- sestoles
- sextoles
- sheer poles
- shell holes
- shot holes
- shrew moles
- skatoles
- ski poles
- slack coals
- slide poles
- slipsoles
- slop bowls
- small coals
- smoke holes
- snake holes
- snap rolls
- snow voles
- soboles
- soft coals
- soft soles
- sound holes
- south poles
- splint coals
- spout holes
- spring poles
- spring rolls
- squeeze rolls
- stay holes
- steam coals
- steamrolls
- stokeholes
- stone coals
- stove coals
- strand moles
- stroke holes
- sub-goals
- suckholes
- sway poles
- tap soles
- tapholes
- tax rolls
- teaseholes
- tee-holes
- teind bolls
- tentpoles
- thumbholes
- tier poles
- tongue soles
- touchholes
- trioles
- triols
- tube rolls
- turnsoles
- two-holes
- uprolls
- ventholes
- violles
- war poles
- waste bowls
- weep holes
- wellholes
- whip rolls
- white coals
- white holes
- windholes
- wing rolls
- wood coals
- world souls
3 syllables
- amphiboles
- areoles
- bracteoles
- bronchioles
- buttonholes
- casseroles
- centrioles
- monopoles
- orioles
- parasols
- petioles
- polyols
- seminoles
- fishing poles
- fumaroles
- metropoles
- micromoles
- millimoles
- patent rolls
- pigeonholes
- quadrupoles
- triazoles
- water holes
- adinoles
- aholeholes
- alicoles
- alpine voles
- amitroles
- anetholes
- anisoles
- apioles
- arvicoles
- asystoles
- at long bowls
- at the polls
- azaroles
- ball controls
- banderoles
- barber poles
- barber's poles
- barcaroles
- barcarolles
- barley coals
- barrel rolls
- barrel-rolls
- beater rolls
- benzestrols
- better 'oles
- billet rolls
- birth controls
- blanket rolls
- body rolls
- boghead coals
- bogie rolls
- borazoles
- borecoles
- borneols
- brises voles
- broken coals
- bubble bowls
- bucking rolls
- buckwheat coals
- bunker coals
- bush paroles
- calcicoles
- calking rolls
- camisoles
- campagnols
- canadols
- cannel coals
- caprifoles
- caprioles
- caracoles
- caramboles
- carbazoles
- carioles
- carmagnoles
- carneoles
- carneols
- carrioles
- caulicoles
- cellar holes
- checker rolls
- cherry coals
- chester bowles
- chestnut coals
- chromioles
- cineoles
- clypeoles
- coffee rolls
- coking coals
- cost controls
- counterpoles
- cradle knolls
- cradle rolls
- cream-soup bowls
- creosols
- crokinoles
- croquignoles
- cruise controls
- cuapinoles
- cubbyholes
- cuddyholes
- cuminols
- cushion soles
- danazols
- dandy rolls
- darioles
- dawn patrols
- decimoles
- decontrols
- deneholes
- diazoles
- dienestrols
- dienoestrols
- distance poles
- double soles
- dover soles
- drop manholes
- epiboles
- escaroles
- espagnoles
- estragoles
- exit polls
- farandoles
- finger bowls
- finger holes
- finger rolls
- flemish scrolls
- flight controls
- fluid coals
- folderols
- folioles
- food vacuoles
- forest moles
- forging rolls
- forming rolls
- foveoles
- gardinols
- genestroles
- girandoles
- girasoles
- gladioles
- glareoles
- glorioles
- glory holes
- glyceroles
- glycerols
- gnamma holes
- golden moles
- goldfish bowls
- gopher holes
- grand guignols
- greasy poles
- green anoles
- guacamoles
- guapinols
- hardie holes
- hardy holes
- harmalols
- haute ecoles
- helepoles
- hexestrols
- hexoestrols
- hidey-holes
- hidy-holes
- holy poles
- honor rolls
- huiscoyols
- indazoles
- innersoles
- interpoles
- jelly rolls
- job controls
- judgment rolls
- jumbo rolls
- kaiser rolls
- kindle-coals
- lady's holes
- landgafols
- lemon soles
- limber holes
- linen scrolls
- linnet holes
- lobster rolls
- lubber's holes
- manicoles
- meadow voles
- melon holes
- mercaptoles
- muscle shoals
- music rolls
- muster rolls
- nayankoles
- necropoles
- nucleoles
- octopoles
- octupoles
- olive holes
- omeprazoles
- open holes
- orcinols
- ostioles
- outersoles
- overpoles
- oversouls
- oxazoles
- oxindoles
- ozone holes
- paper coals
- peacock coals
- petrale soles
- petricoles
- petrocoles
- phenetoles
- pick-and-rolls
- picomoles
- platform soles
- pocket-holes
- powder holes
- prairie moles
- pratincoles
- presystoles
- prickly poles
- propanols
- pseudatolls
- pumiced soles
- pyrazoles
- pyriboles
- rabbit holes
- ragman rolls
- ragman's rolls
- ranging poles
- rantipoles
- re-enrolls
- reconsoles
- recontrols
- red charcoals
- reenrolls
- rent controls
- resinols
- rhodinols
- rigmaroles
- river coals
- rivet holes
- rocamboles
- rock 'n' rolls
- rock and rolls
- rocomboles
- romagnoles
- romagnols
- roughing rolls
- rudderholes
- santalols
- sarakoles
- sarakolles
- sclareols
- self-controls
- septimoles
- sesamols
- setting poles
- seven-holes
- shadow rolls
- shogaols
- shore patrols
- sky controls
- skysail poles
- slagging holes
- smithing coals
- smithy coals
- speaker holes
- speed controls
- sphagnicoles
- spider holes
- spileholes
- spin controls
- squataroles
- squateroles
- standard holes
- star-nosed moles
- starring roles
- starting holes
- station poles
- statute rolls
- stick controls
- stilbestrols
- stilboestrols
- story poles
- strophioles
- sugar bowls
- super bowls
- sushi rolls
- table rolls
- tapping holes
- terpinols
- tetrazoles
- thiazoles
- thought controls
- toluols
- tommy holes
- tone controls
- totem poles
- touch-in-goals
- trabacoles
- tracheoles
- train of rolls
- tremetols
- trimming holes
- trolley poles
- tundra voles
- turcopoles
- typhlosoles
- uncontrols
- underholes
- underpoles
- urazoles
- urceoles
- varioles
- veratroles
- wassail bowls
- water moles
- water rolls
- water voles
- wheel controls
- whisker poles
- william knowles
- william s knowles
- william s. knowles
- window boles
- wood charcoals
- working holes
- yellow polls
- yellow voles
4 syllables
- arterioles
- extrasystoles
- imidazoles
- ovarioles
- watering holes
- absidioles
- access controls
- acquittance rolls
- aileron rolls
- animal poles
- animal souls
- apsidioles
- ascaridoles
- aspidinols
- betulinols
- biocontrols
- bottoming holes
- bunuel portoles
- cardiazoles
- cavernicoles
- celestial poles
- cerulignols
- chester bliss bowles
- cholangioles
- clotrimazoles
- consequent poles
- coyote holes
- cryptopyrroles
- damage controls
- dill apioles
- direct controls
- ecliptic poles
- engine controls
- eucalyptoles
- exchange controls
- fire controls
- fire patrols
- fluconazoles
- fluidized coals
- folded dipoles
- galactic poles
- gathering coals
- hairy-tailed moles
- haitian creoles
- hemopyrroles
- hoary redpolls
- hostler's controls
- iminazoles
- isoxazoles
- koa haoles
- levamisoles
- liberty poles
- lightening holes
- magnetic poles
- mealy redpolls
- memory holes
- memory-holes
- methimazoles
- miconazoles
- microatolls
- mineral coals
- mustard-seed coals
- negative poles
- north-seeking poles
- overcontrols
- parliament rolls
- penalty goals
- peridioles
- phyllopyrroles
- pillar and scrolls
- porteous rolles
- porteous rolls
- positive poles
- postpetioles
- potential holes
- profiteroles
- pseudonitroles
- quinolinols
- rational souls
- reduction rolls
- remote controls
- resorcinols
- rigamaroles
- salient poles
- scavenger rolls
- servo controls
- social controls
- south-seeking poles
- sporangioles
- telecontrols
- terpineols
- tetrapyrroles
- through-and-through coals
- torrenticoles
- vegetal poles
- went to the polls
- yellow leaf rolls
- yellow redpolls
5 syllables
- benzimidazoles
- air traffic controls
- alkanethiols
- analogous poles
- animal charcoals
- animal controls
- antilogous poles
- armenian boles
- audible controls
- benzothiazoles
- benzotriazoles
- bituminous coals
- bullock's orioles
- california rolls
- commercial controls
- commutating poles
- conception controls
- corporation soles
- crested orioles
- cyclic-pitch controls
- dipyridamoles
- duodecimoles
- elevated poles
- giant forest moles
- golden orioles
- haul over the coals
- hooded orioles
- internal controls
- isoborneols
- isosafroles
- ketoconazoles
- luis bunuel portoles
- marsupial moles
- master of the rolls
- metarterioles
- metronidazoles
- mineral charcoals
- myron samuel scholes
- north celestial poles
- northern orioles
- orchard orioles
- oriental boles
- osotriazoles
- oxadiazoles
- phosphoglycerols
- production controls
- quality controls
- radio controls
- radio-controls
- rake over the coals
- south celestial poles
- sulfathiazoles
- sulfisoxazoles
- terrestrial poles
- thiabendazoles
- thiadiazoles
- vegetative poles
- visiting patrols
- visual controls
- water gladioles
- water vacuoles
- william standish knowles
6 syllables
- activated charcoals
- adaptive cruise controls
- aminothiazoles
- aminotriazoles
- baltimore orioles
- carolina anoles
- contractile vacuoles
- diethylstilbestrols
- diethylstilboestrols
- geomagnetic poles
- haul her over the coals
- haul him over the coals
- haul it over the coals
- haul me over the coals
- haul them over the coals
- haul us over the coals
- haul you over the coals
- hauled her over the coals
- hauled him over the coals
- hauled it over the coals
- hauled me over the coals
- hauled them over the coals
- hauled us over the coals
- hauled you over the coals
- hauls her over the coals
- hauls him over the coals
- hauls it over the coals
- hauls me over the coals
- hauls them over the coals
- hauls us over the coals
- hauls you over the coals
- hydatidiform moles
- inventory controls
- north terrestrial poles
- numerical controls
- pentylenetetrazols
- pulsating vacuoles
- rake her over the coals
- rake him over the coals
- rake it over the coals
- rake me over the coals
- rake them over the coals
- rake us over the coals
- rake you over the coals
- raked her over the coals
- raked him over the coals
- raked it over the coals
- raked me over the coals
- raked them over the coals
- raked us over the coals
- raked you over the coals
- rakes her over the coals
- rakes him over the coals
- rakes it over the coals
- rakes me over the coals
- rakes them over the coals
- rakes us over the coals
- rakes you over the coals
- south terrestrial poles
- sulfamethoxazoles
- unit magnetic poles
- wandering of the poles
7 syllables
- biological controls
- haul someone over the coals
- hauling her over the coals
- hauling him over the coals
- hauling it over the coals
- hauling me over the coals
- hauling them over the coals
- hauling us over the coals
- hauling you over the coals
- north geographical poles
- phthalylsulfathiazoles
- rake someone over the coals
- raking her over the coals
- raking him over the coals
- raking it over the coals
- raking me over the coals
- raking them over the coals
- raking us over the coals
- raking you over the coals
- south geographical poles