How to Use abominable in a Sentence
adjective- It was an abominable crime.
Their record over the last two years is an abominable 1-31.
—New York Times, 3 Feb. 2018
The way the United States has treated Iran over the past three years is an abominable war crime.
—Ryan Cooper, TheWeek, 27 Mar. 2020
The main entree, seared white fish, was a salve to the abominable second course, but only just.
—Joseph Hernandez,, 30 Jan. 2018
With a better hire five years ago, KU would be closer to bad than abominable.
—Sam Mellinger, kansascity, 12 Sep. 2017
It’s not the first time the architecture of the place — and Heatherwick’s abominable Vessel — have been cast in this role.
—Los Angeles Times, 4 Dec. 2021
In an abominable twist, the Yeti, who seemed in it to win it, was eliminated in the semi-finals.
—Dalton Ross,, 13 Aug. 2021
The philosopher’s anti-Semitism, however abominable, shouldn’t stand in the way.
—Christian Madsbjerg, Foreign Affairs, 1 Jan. 2015
And yet, puddles of the abominable liquid continued to appear in the centre of the room, day after day!
—Washington Post, 6 Aug. 2021
What makes the Emily in Paris example so abominable is the show soon switches to the better approach.
—Zak Jason, Wired, 16 Feb. 2021
An ethical case can be made for dropping an abominable turd in of their Type-A track, just for humbling.
—Sundog, Outside Online, 3 Apr. 2021
In the eyes of hip-hop purists, his remarks against the venerated MC was damning and downright abominable.
—Carl Lamarre, Billboard, 22 May 2018
The class differences are abominable in this haven: The rich and privileged living in comfort in first-class cars while the poor and desperate are crammed in the train’s cramped tail.
—Jeanne Jakle,, 24 Apr. 2020
Fury is 7-0 with 4 KOs, but it must be noted that Fury has faced abominable opposition.
—Anthony Stitt, Forbes, 6 Dec. 2021
Qatar is the number-one producer of CO2 per capita, and the country's civil rights record is about as abominable as, well, most of their neighbors.
—Robert Bateman, Esquire, 16 June 2017
The fact that these horrific shootings continue to take place is abominable.
—CBS News, 3 July 2023
Any deal that was achievable would have been an immoral maintenance of an abominable status quo.
—Daniel Politi, Slate Magazine, 3 May 2017
But white Americans are still being killed by police at an abominable rate.
—Ryan Cooper, TheWeek, 9 June 2020
By uncovering the origins of flowers, Friis has helped to solve the abominable mystery and reveal the dawning of the modern world.
—Ben Crair, The New Yorker, 2 Jan. 2023
And a tragic comment on the four hundredth anniversary of the most abominable practice in our democracy.
—Robin Wright, The New Yorker, 31 July 2019
The video shows how the pilot program works: With a pet yeti — a Tibetan term for an abominable snowman — your valuables are always protected.
—Max Londberg,, 22 June 2017
Despite the movie’s title, Everest is anything but abominable.
—Christian Holub,, 25 Sep. 2019
The acting in Forbidden West ranges from impressive to abominable.
—Washington Post, 19 Feb. 2022
The idea of precious dollars going to fund athletics is abominable, critics say.
—Daniel Cancel,, 1 Sep. 2017
The governor and the Legislature need to take action on PG&E’s abominable safety record.
—Mercury News & East Bay Times Editorial Boards, The Mercury News, 19 June 2019
The cinematic worlds of Gaspar Noé are bursting with people who, in the pursuit of ecstatic highs, sink to abominable lows.
—Washington Post, 5 May 2022
Of course, my mom didn’t know her bookish but fast-talking elder son was in some abominable alleyway trying to score perico.
—Barry Michael Cooper, New York Times, 12 Sep. 2017
The Bucks were abominable on defense, and Griffin reportedly lost his locker room.
—Kristian Winfield, New York Daily News, 23 Jan. 2024
What was once so abominable flowing from one direction was now justified in flowing from the other.
—Gordon Monson, The Salt Lake Tribune, 27 June 2022
Much of America's Black history has been covered up to make slavery seem less abominable.
—Dahleen Glanton, Star Tribune, 18 June 2021
Some of these examples are programmatically compiled from various online sources to illustrate current usage of the word 'abominable.' Any opinions expressed in the examples do not represent those of Merriam-Webster or its editors. Send us feedback about these examples.
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