How to Use apologist in a Sentence
We will not be gulled by the frauds and falsehoods of the Kremlin’s apologists.
—Lloyd J. Austin Iii, Foreign Affairs, 1 Nov. 2024
The singer was an apologist for some of the world’s worst regimes.
—John Fund, National Review, 30 Sep. 2024
What will such apologists say in this case when the black man is police?
—, 27 June 2017
The point here isn’t to be an apologist for the UO program’s lack of performance.
—John Canzano, oregonlive, 6 Dec. 2020
And now the apologists want to tell us the Los Angeles Dodgers are simply too rich for the Rockies to beat.
—Kyle Newman, The Denver Post, 5 Aug. 2019
This, to the minds of Trump apologists, was the reason Americans elected him to this role.
—Philip Elliott, Time, 20 Jan. 2018
On Thursday night, a ragged band of apologists for the president* fanned out to the cable shows.
—Charles P. Pierce, Esquire, 12 Jan. 2018
Trump and his apologists and enablers should take note, because this does not bode well for them.
—Leonard Pitts, Alaska Dispatch News, 22 Aug. 2017
O’Reilly had been a vehement apologist for the youth’s killer.
—Rich Benjamin, The New Yorker, 25 Apr. 2017
But he is reviled in many quarters as a Trump apologist.
—Los Angeles Times, 27 Oct. 2022
The apologists for despotism may appear to have won the battle, but not the argument.
—Christian Caryl, New Republic, 27 Oct. 2017
All in all, there seem to be three types of Joe Biden apologist in the press, each with a different style and motivation.
—Charles C. W. Cooke, National Review, 8 Mar. 2024
And why, the government and its apologists keep asking, don’t the people trust us to tell the truth about this most garish of public crimes?
—Charles P. Pierce, Esquire, 26 Oct. 2017
As the news broke, Hollywood moguls refused to have anything to do with this Nazi apologist.
—Charles McNulty, Los Angeles Times, 31 July 2024
Ghobash is not an apologist for Islam because there is no need.
—Kareem Abdul-Jabbar, New York Times, 11 Jan. 2017
Handke's prize caused a storm of protest: a strong supporter of the Serbs during the 1990s Balkan wars, he has been called an apologist for Serbian war crimes.
—CBS News, 8 Oct. 2020
Ham and his brethren are creationists and Christian apologists who believe that the Earth is only 6,000 years old.
—The Washington Post,, 24 May 2017
Still, Russia’s brazenness is raising the costs of being a Putin apologist.
—The Economist, 28 Mar. 2018
You’re seen by your more hawkish peers as an apologist for the Chinese government.
—Annabelle Timsit, Quartz, 17 May 2021
Wright is both an analyst of Biblical texts and an apologist for them.
—Adam Gopnik, The New Yorker, 21 Aug. 2023
Sox apologists can’t blame injuries for chronic brain cramps.
—David Haugh,, 13 May 2018
To apologists, that may come across as a contradiction.
—Dave Birkett, Detroit Free Press, 8 Sep. 2017
There can, of course, be no moral equivalence between Stevens and a slavery apologist like Wigfall.
—Andrew Ferguson, The Atlantic, 12 Mar. 2020
Nor are video games, violent movies, or any of the other culprits the NRA and its apologists like to cite in their attempt to divert our attention.
—Andrew Romanoff, The Denver Post, 12 Aug. 2019
Dan Orlovsky, known as a frequent Carson Wentz apologist, had a simple response.
—Matthew Vantryon, The Indianapolis Star, 12 Jan. 2022
The right-wing apologist for, or ally of, Communist regimes or Communist-like regimes.
—Jay Nordlinger, National Review, 6 Jan. 2023
That’s evident in every excuse made by the nation’s apologists for its lengthy list of human rights abuses, both here and abroad.
—Jamil Smith, Los Angeles Times, 15 June 2023
As is the case with natives, Stewart is an Oakland loyalist, an apologist with a keen ear for disrespect of our city.
—Marcus Thompson Ii, The Mercury News, 28 Mar. 2017
The apologists paid to kiss Elway’s rings will tell you the Broncos got down and dirty in free agency, emphasizing substance over sizzle.
—Mark Kiszla, The Denver Post, 11 Mar. 2017
Our President is a hate group apologist who tries to ban refugees from seeking asylum in our country, simply because of their faith.
—Redbook Editors, Redbook, 18 Oct. 2017
Some of these examples are programmatically compiled from various online sources to illustrate current usage of the word 'apologist.' Any opinions expressed in the examples do not represent those of Merriam-Webster or its editors. Send us feedback about these examples.
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