How to Use arborist in a Sentence
The arborists are now in the midst of a months-long process to grow new roots from the clippings.
—Taylor Wilson, USA TODAY, 15 Apr. 2024
The arborist removed the maple and Acuba and brought in a stump grinder.
—, 6 June 2018
The city forester/arborist is working with us as to where the species of trees would be best.
—cleveland, 24 Feb. 2022
An arborist will assess the trees twice a year, per the agreement with the city.
—Ellen Garrison, sacbee, 27 Jan. 2018
At a certain point, the arborist decides the need to take down trees.
—John Benson, cleveland, 25 Nov. 2020
Your arborist will know how to protect the trees against oak wilt.
—Neil Sperry,, 24 Sep. 2020
The 28-year-old arborist who grew up in Chesterfield, Va., has fished for his whole life.
—Praveena Somasundaram, Washington Post, 15 Feb. 2023
The arborist from the tree company thought the prolonged drought in 2019 killed it.
—, 22 Apr. 2021
Hire an arborist to remove the stump and roots of the original tree.
—Neil Sperry, San Antonio Express-News, 18 Feb. 2022
An arborist will visit every tree in the public right of way and record the species, age and size of the tree.
—Los Angeles Times, 20 June 2022
People who are not sure about the health of their trees should call an arborist, Sills said.
—Teri Webster, Dallas News, 6 July 2021
An arborist told us the water from the sprinklers was making the tree sick.
—Los Angeles Times, 12 July 2022
Moore said the trust's arborists have seen the full bloom dates vary over the years due to shifts in extreme cold and milder winters.
—Ivan Pereira, ABC News, 23 Feb. 2023
The city arborist expects the master tree plan to be approved next year.
—John Benson, cleveland, 21 Oct. 2021
Insist that the arborist remain on-site while the work is being done.
—Nan Sterman, San Diego Union-Tribune, 4 Sep. 2021
An arborist told me that bur oaks are resistant to fire and drought.
—Ryan Martin, The Indianapolis Star, 22 June 2022
Noah, an arborist and volunteer from Maine, hands a man named Gary a pole saw.
—James Lynch, Popular Mechanics, 9 Feb. 2018
Now would be a good time for an arborist to determine if the tree is worth saving.
—Tom MacCubbin,, 30 Sep. 2017
Hiring an arborist or tree care company to use a stump grinder is the fastest and best choice.
—Howard Garrett, Dallas News, 30 Jan. 2020
Be safe; have arborist do the pruning of larger and older trees. 47.
—Tom MacCubbin, Orlando Sentinel, 1 Apr. 2023
O’Neill is one of nearly two dozen arborists who are deployed daily across the District to tend to the city’s trees.
—John D. Harden, Washington Post, 27 Mar. 2020
That appetite has drained the life from tens of thousands of trees around the city, arborists estimate.
—Sarah Bowman, Indianapolis Star, 17 Aug. 2017
The arborist will not be a voting member of the commission.
—cleveland, 5 Sep. 2021
An arborist inspected the tree for the county three years ago and found no signs of disease.
—John Tuohy, The Indianapolis Star, 27 Oct. 2021
An arborist was on hand when piping was replaced near the roots of sycamores, stone pines and other old friends.
—John King,, 2 Dec. 2019
One study that arborists love to cite shows motorists slow down when passing trees.
—Bishop Sand, Washington Post, 6 July 2024
Call an arborist to give you an assessment of what needs to be done to get the roots off your property.
—Ronda Kaysen, New York Times, 6 July 2019
The arborist might be able to install a deep root barrier to keep the roots from coming back toward the drive.
—Neil Sperry, San Antonio Express-News, 22 June 2018
Outside, rows of flowers, shrubs, and trees are mementos of the Johnstons' past practice as arborists.
—Shane C Kurup, Condé Nast Traveler, 17 Dec. 2024
Those unsure of a tree's health status should contact a certified arborist, according to the forest service.
—Ryan Maxin, Austin American-Statesman, 11 Feb. 2024
Some of these examples are programmatically compiled from various online sources to illustrate current usage of the word 'arborist.' Any opinions expressed in the examples do not represent those of Merriam-Webster or its editors. Send us feedback about these examples.
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