How to Use baseload in a Sentence
This is known as baseload cycling, and its cost ranges from $2 to $23 per megawatt-hour.
—Randy Simmons, Newsweek, 11 Apr. 2015
And the race has been on to find a suitable baseload fuel to supplement wind and solar.
—Kirk Siegler, NPR, 8 May 2024
At the end of this, adoption by consumers only occurs if baseload power is cheap.
—Mark Le Dain, Forbes, 15 Dec. 2024
The big problem was the loss of power from conventional baseload power plants.
—Robert Rapier, Forbes, 26 Feb. 2021
As a geothermal plant, Project Red is, by design, baseload power.
—IEEE Spectrum, 29 Nov. 2023
Which proponents of the law say are necessary in order to provide stable baseload power to the grid.
—Dave Forest, USA TODAY, 28 Oct. 2017
Closing baseload power plants can create a gap, said Rampal.
—Will Wade,, 31 Aug. 2020
German baseload power prices for January rose more than 7%.
—Bojan Pancevski, WSJ, 8 Dec. 2021
Most experts agree that baseload power that can be turned on 24/7 is necessary moving forward.
—WIRED, 3 Aug. 2023
Is the public then ready for fusion energy, which could supply the world with affordable, abundant, safe and clean baseload power?
—Wal Van Lierop, Forbes, 25 May 2021
Their short-term energy needs require a natural gas baseload in most of Western Europe.
—Kenneth Rapoza, Forbes, 4 May 2022
Moreover, claims by countries such as Kenya that coal is needed for baseload power are unconvincing.
—The Economist, 27 July 2019
Natural gas can provide residential heating and serves as baseload in countries like the US.
—Baker Institute, Forbes, 26 Apr. 2022
Bitcoin miners provide a unique source of baseload demand which can be quickly curtailed to free up electricity for other users on the grid.
—Fort Worth Star-Telegram, 5 Feb. 2024
But that is the same system that abjectly failed to create the needed market signals for these very companies to build new baseload capacity for a full decade now.
—David Blackmon, Forbes, 19 Apr. 2021
Zoom out: Tech companies' soaring demand for clean baseload energy, combined with their deep pockets and appetite for tech risk, have made the sector a top SMR buyer.
—Katie Fehrenbacher, Axios, 16 Oct. 2024
Data centers need 24/7 reliable power, and right now nuclear is the only source of emissions-free baseload power.
—Pippa Stevens, CNBC, 14 Oct. 2024
In general, solar and wind can fulfil load following but cannot provide baseload or inertia.
—The Week Uk, theweek, 16 June 2024
Last week, France hit a record-high baseload electricity price of 645 euros per megawatt hour, meaning that electricity demand is beginning to eclipse supply in the country.
—Tristan Bove, Fortune, 25 July 2022
The very nature of baseload energy is a topic that's debated within the energy industry.
—Megan Geuss, Ars Technica, 30 Sep. 2017
Nuclear power plants supply huge and steady amounts of zero-emission baseload power to electricity grids, and the Taishan plant, located in coastal Guangdong about 80 miles southwest of Hong Kong, is one of the world’s largest.
—Jill Baker, Forbes, 17 June 2021
Yet in 2016, according to a Western Interstate Energy Board analysis, only a small handful of plants spent more than half the year in baseload operation.
—Jonathan Thompson, New Republic, 21 Sep. 2017
To be clean and reliable, the grid will also need to include power plants that can provide baseload power, such as new nuclear or geothermal generators.
—Kassia Yanosek, Foreign Affairs, 29 Nov. 2023
Those plants, often referred to as baseload, have been the country’s primary source of power for decades, raising questions about how reliably the nation’s grid would function if those plants shrink to become only a minor source of power.
—Timothy Puko, WSJ, 29 Sep. 2017
The underlying point is that the world needs baseload power to supplement solar, especially power that can meet ramping electric-car demand and displace coal.
—William Levin, National Review, 15 Dec. 2020
Egypt’s long-term energy strategy boils down to a gradual buildup of renewables while natural gas continues to provide the baseload of the country’s energy mix.
—Tim McDonnell, Quartz, 9 Nov. 2021
The problem with that argument is that the open-market system has miserably failed to send the price signals necessary to encourage the building of new baseload generating capacity for well over a decade now.
—David Blackmon, Forbes, 7 Apr. 2021
And contrary to the claims of many greens, when nuclear plants shut down, they are being replaced by fossil fuels, not renewables, This is in large part because nuclear remains our only source of low-emission baseload power.
—Jeremy Carl, National Review, 3 Aug. 2017
Data center operators also want more energy that runs 24/7, called baseload power, in contrast to solar and wind, which is variable unless paired with storage.
—Katie Fehrenbacher, Axios, 11 Sep. 2024
Many advocates argue that in light of the threat of climate change and the increasing need for carbon-free baseload electricity generation, nuclear power should play a role in the world’s future energy mix.
—Popular Science, 11 Mar. 2021
Some of these examples are programmatically compiled from various online sources to illustrate current usage of the word 'baseload.' Any opinions expressed in the examples do not represent those of Merriam-Webster or its editors. Send us feedback about these examples.
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