How to Use bellicose in a Sentence
Never in peacetime, perhaps, have the statements of our government officials been more relentlessly bellicose. Yet their actions have been comparatively cautious.
—New Yorker, 24 June 1985
Kholodov is a bear of a man, both friendly and bellicose.
—Washington Post, 7 Feb. 2022
His address was bellicose enough to draw a rebuke from the White House and renew fears of a Cold War-style arms race.
—, 2 Mar. 2018
In the weeks since the deadly Parkland shooting, the NRA has doubled down on its bellicose rhetoric.
—Dave Holmes, Esquire, 9 Mar. 2018
The termination of the Cold War did not erase the imprint of a more bellicose Buddhism.
—Amar Diwakar, The New Republic, 23 Mar. 2018
His bellicose statements were designed to get the world to see North Korea as a world power.
—Jim Michaels, USA TODAY, 24 Apr. 2018
That had been a far cry from his bellicose rhetoric, issued both on Twitter and from the rostrum of the United Nations last fall.
—Catherine Lucey and Zeke Miller, The Christian Science Monitor, 24 May 2018
Female leaders appear to be just as bellicose as male ones, if not more so.
—Grayson Quay, The Week, 29 June 2022
The best baseball team in history is about to embark on a season that would turn even the most blustery and bellicose of Dodgers hoarse.
—Bill Plaschke, Los Angeles Times, 29 Mar. 2021
Kenny, the Store’s burly, famously bellicose chef, still mans the kitchen with his son Zack.
—Julia Felsenthal, Vogue, 20 July 2017
The tone struck me as less than bellicose, as if the Kremlin might be looking to lower the temperature.
—Joshua Yaffa, The New Yorker, 14 Feb. 2022
The United States and Iran have teetered on the brink of armed conflict in recent weeks, with both sides issuing bellicose warnings.
—Megan Specia,, 8 July 2019
China may therefore be less bellicose for the time being.
—Michael J. Mazarr, Foreign Affairs, 9 Feb. 2024
Tucked around behind the wall are two side-by-side video projections, one showing the football game and the other a frenzied, bellicose crowd.
—Christopher Knight, Los Angeles Times, 15 Nov. 2023
While bold, brazen and boisterous at best, the outer bounds on the right can be bellicose, bitter and biting at worst — bashing buddies to boot.
—Eli Joseph, Fortune Europe, 5 June 2024
In the House, Ms. Cheney’s policies are as bellicose as her messaging.
—New York Times, 13 Sep. 2019
Kanye West, who took to the rugged plains of Wyoming to produce and later premiere his latest album, Ye, ends his predictably bellicose new record with a woman’s voice.
—Hannah Giorgis, The Atlantic, 1 June 2018
Apart from the potential for further incidents (and, no doubt, endless bellicose rhetoric) in the Middle East, there’s the simple fact that demand should peak for the year then.
—Washington Post, 18 Sep. 2019
The most bellicose rhetoric from Kim’s government, which Trump matched in kind, has indeed subsided.
—Los Angeles Times, 4 Aug. 2019
The hermit nation made the bellicose statement Thursday, which corresponds with the 70th anniversary of the start of the Korean War.
—Zachary Halaschak, Washington Examiner, 25 June 2020
The bellicose Mr Trump, however, would be unlikely to mind.
—The Economist, 27 July 2019
Edelstein is taking his cues from the text, though his cast sometimes struggles when the bellicose mood switches abruptly into high pathos.
—Charles McNulty, Los Angeles Times, 15 Aug. 2024
Because actual power does undergird Trump’s bellicose rhetoric, the rest of the world must contend with that question, in many cases for the first time.
—Benjamin Hart, Daily Intelligencer, 11 June 2018
Nerves were also calmed by the toning-down of the bellicose threats with which America’s government at first responded to the attacks.
—The Economist, 20 Sep. 2019
The small gesture spoke to a big opening, a signal that Kim may be willing to break with the bellicose records of his father and grandfather and the first several years of his own time in power.
—Brian Bennett / Singapore, Time, 12 June 2018
But Russia’s war in Ukraine extends well beyond its ruthless missile and drone strikes, its legions of soldiers, and its bellicose rhetoric.
—David Lewis, Foreign Affairs, 18 Jan. 2024
As well as his bellicose views, Mr Bolton was also criticised for his overbearing style.
—The Economist, 10 Sep. 2019
Allies, meanwhile, will be looking to see how bellicose Trump is toward toward Kim.
—David Jackson, USA TODAY, 2 Nov. 2017
By lowering the temperature to around 64 degrees, the baby crocs become drowsy and less bellicose over a journey lasting up to a week.
—Rob Taylor, WSJ, 23 Mar. 2018
And although the economic disparity hasn’t changed much, the North’s weaponry has, its war plan has, and its dictator’s bellicose rhetoric has.
—Bill Powell, Newsweek, 25 Apr. 2017
Some of these examples are programmatically compiled from various online sources to illustrate current usage of the word 'bellicose.' Any opinions expressed in the examples do not represent those of Merriam-Webster or its editors. Send us feedback about these examples.
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