How to Use bigotry in a Sentence
noun- A deeply ingrained bigotry prevented them from even considering the counterarguments.
That’s what church (without the bigotry) feels like to me.
—Kathleen Newman-Bremang,, 17 Nov. 2020
There's a reason why so many stars stay silent in the face of bigotry.
—Mike Freeman, USA TODAY, 19 July 2023
And there’s been an increase in overt bigotry here of late.
—Curtis Bunn, NBC News, 9 Aug. 2023
The battle against this type of bigotry is fought, in part, on this level.
—Mike Freeman, USA TODAY, 5 May 2021
Foxx’s salty reading of Bunker-style bigotry struck a chord, and the show had a healthy six-season run.
—Chris Morris, Variety, 6 Dec. 2023
The family achieved success in the face of bigotry, Noel said.
—Bryan Marquard,, 23 Aug. 2023
Through their essays, the students stand up and speak out against bias and bigotry.
—Ed Wittenberg, cleveland, 30 Apr. 2021
If more of us would look for the common good for all of us, hate and bigotry would diminish.
—Peter Georgescu, Forbes, 19 Apr. 2021
There’s the coldness of bigotry and the heartbreak of alienation and confusion — and the warmth of love and support.
—Michael Ordoña, Los Angeles Times, 24 June 2021
As a Black man in America, there is no room for bigotry or hate speech.
—Rania Aniftos, Billboard, 28 Nov. 2022
No one group or faith owns a monopoly on the oldest form of bigotry.
—Micha Danzig, San Diego Union-Tribune, 19 Nov. 2021
To avoid reckoning with bigotry in beloved books is the coward's way out.
—David M. Perry, CNN, 28 Sep. 2021
Once the full extent of his bigotry is laid bare, the play doesn't seem to know where to go, said Arifa Akbar in The Guardian.
—The Week Uk, theweek, 3 Oct. 2024
West Virginia has seen its share of anti-Semitism and bigotry.
—Larry Luxner,, 30 Dec. 2020
Despite the title, the bigotry wasn’t aimed at any one nation, but instead to Asians as a whole.
—Tribune News Service, cleveland, 4 Sep. 2021
For some, Trump’s strong showing is a sign that bigotry prevails.
—Editors, USA TODAY, 5 Nov. 2020
This is how polite people used to think about and talk through bigotry against Jews and all Others.
—Armond White, National Review, 28 June 2023
She was called racial slurs and faced hateful bigotry from her classmates.
—Leah Campano, Seventeen, 29 Nov. 2022
Race is one of the core things utilized by bad actors to fuel hatred and bigotry.
—Mike Freeman, USA TODAY, 1 Feb. 2024
People of Asian descent have been living in the United States for more than 160 years, and have long been the target of bigotry.
—Washington Post, 18 Mar. 2021
The textbooks taught in our schools are full of hate, such as bigotry toward the Baha’i faith and the promotion of terrorism.
—Hossein Ronaghi, WSJ, 12 Oct. 2021
Later in the episode, Roseanne confronts her own bigotry when a man comes to her diner at closing time.
—Ben Flanagan |, al, 17 Nov. 2020
Growing sick and tired — as my mom and grandmom would say — of the bulls--- and giving false equivalence to the bigotry, lies and hatred.
—Washington Post, 15 June 2021
The attacks over the last few days have been steeped in anti-Catholicism, other types of bigotry, and lazy error.
—John McCormack, National Review, 23 Sep. 2020
Jackson has not been charged with a hate crime, but Solis believes his killing stemmed from bigotry.
—Nicole Acosta, Peoplemag, 13 July 2023
The paper issued a correction about the factual errors, but not the root of the issue: the bigotry.
—Washington Post, 25 Aug. 2021
Nativism and ethnocentrism and bigotry in high places on both sides of the Atlantic.
—Adam Shaw, Fox News, 30 Dec. 2020
Some employees have warned that Meta is now supporting the spread of misogyny and bigotry on its services, according to two of the workers.
—Paresh Dave, WIRED, 15 Jan. 2025
His brilliance lies in animating millions to tune out critical thinking and follow his lead in promoting xenophobia, bigotry and resentment.
—Dp Opinion, The Denver Post, 15 Jan. 2025
Some of these examples are programmatically compiled from various online sources to illustrate current usage of the word 'bigotry.' Any opinions expressed in the examples do not represent those of Merriam-Webster or its editors. Send us feedback about these examples.
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