How to Use bottomland in a Sentence
That left freed slaves to build their homes on bottomland.
—Fox News, 12 Sep. 2018
The park has the largest most old growth bottomland hardwood forest in the country.
—Discover Staff, Discover Magazine, 26 Aug. 2016
The rich soil, bottomland, is blessed with yearlong sunshine and warmth.
—T. Christian Miller, Propublica, Kiah Collier and Julian Aguilar, star-telegram, 14 Dec. 2017
Sugar maples often grow in rich, moist bottomlands in the wild.
—Arricca Elin Sansone, Southern Living, 19 Sep. 2023
All Saints was built on about 16 acres of bottomland, perfect for farming.
—Bob Smietana, Washington Post, 18 Aug. 2017
On the other side were lowlands filled with bottomland hardwoods.
—Rex Nelson, Arkansas Online, 15 Feb. 2021
Forests that grow on the floodplain are called floodplain forests, sometimes also called bottomland forests.
—Journal Sentinel, 10 Jan. 2024
Historic hideouts aside, the park is home to the largest remaining tract of old-growth bottomland hardwood forest.
—Emily Pennington, Outside Online, 11 Aug. 2022
Reports of 300-pounders are filtering out of the cypress-gum bottomlands.
—The Editors, Field & Stream, 13 Jan. 2020
The Hastain Trail begins near Doheny’s old spread along the bottomlands.
—Matt Jaffe, Los Angeles Magazine, 25 Jan. 2018
Pueblo structures still stand under red cliffs, while modern-day Navajos farm the bottomlands.
—azcentral, 15 May 2015
The biggest challenge in the restoration has been replanting the bottomland forest.
—Sheila Stroup,, 10 June 2017
Charles Cocke, a descendant who lives in Charlottesville, said he was thrilled by the discovery and planned to plant it on bottomland next season.
—Adrian Higgins, Washington Post, 27 Nov. 2019
In 1911, a competitor, George F. Law, was the first to plat the sluggish stream’s bottomland, selling speculation lots by mail.
—Darryl Levings, kansascity, 23 Mar. 2018
Take out the Great Trinity Forest, one of the largest urban bottomland hardwood forests in America, and the city loses about a third of its shade and oxygen.
—Cheryl Hall, Dallas News, 24 May 2020
Here, not far from Vicksburg, Mississippi, lies one of the largest expanses of bottomland forest left in this part of the country.
—Melanie Stetson Freeman, The Christian Science Monitor, 3 July 2023
Paddle through the bottomlands and between bald cypress trees covered in Spanish moss over Big Cypress Bayou, or weave through one of the paddling trails across the lake.
—Amanda Ogle, Travel + Leisure, 25 Jan. 2024
The benches and picnic tables are built to handle the flooding expected in this bottomland.
—Sharon Grigsby, Dallas News, 1 Oct. 2021
Congaree is a haven for four-legged friends who want to meander through the country's largest old growth bottomland hardwood forest.
—Emily Pennington, Travel + Leisure, 11 Dec. 2021
Long-term plans call for wetland restoration to return the land to a natural bottomland hardwood forest.
—Lee Roop |, al, 28 Oct. 2022
This 400-acre preserve features plants native to the Chesapeake region and includes five miles of trails through meadows, forest and bottomland.
—Washington Post, 10 Mar. 2022
Long-term plans call for wetland restoration to return the land to its natural bottomland hardwood forest.
—Lee Roop |, al, 8 July 2022
His father, the town's namesake, had served a mission of a different sort — ordered by Brigham Young to sell his rich bottomland in Utah and use the proceeds to go forth and create a new settlement in the wilderness.
—Mike Sager, Esquire, 17 Oct. 2012
Behind the protection of levees, cities and towns grew and farms expanded into rich bottomlands adjacent to the river.
—Tristan Baurick,, 15 June 2019
In contrast to fast-growing pines, hardwoods that grow in bottomlands like these produce wood so slowly that a landowner might get only one harvest in a lifetime, Mr. Stanley said.
—Gabriel Popkin Audra Melton, New York Times, 16 Feb. 2023
Oaks divide roughly into upland and bottomland species, the former suited to difficult dry sites and the latter to areas that get soggy.
—Washington Post, 14 Apr. 2021
To have vast acreage of both bottomland hardwoods and upland timberland that’s in production, is very appealing.
—al, 18 Aug. 2022
Encompassing over 1,300 acres in North Arlington, River Legacy covers bottomland forest and prairies and the wildlife that call them home.
—Dallas News, 24 May 2021
According to Babst, some bottomland forests have already suffered tree death because of years of constant flooding.
—Arkansas Online, 6 July 2021
The land, which includes 3.5 miles along Salmon Creek, is important ecologically, with flood plain forests of cypress-gum swamp and bottomland hardwood forest.
—Washington Post, 28 Apr. 2018
Some of these examples are programmatically compiled from various online sources to illustrate current usage of the word 'bottomland.' Any opinions expressed in the examples do not represent those of Merriam-Webster or its editors. Send us feedback about these examples.
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