How to Use canid in a Sentence
At the time, at least 21 of the canids were known to wander the state’s rural areas.
—, 7 June 2019
But some of the canid skulls do not look exactly like those of wolves.
—Virginia Morell, Scientific American, 1 July 2015
But red wolves are the most endangered canid in the entire world.
—Arkansas Online, 2 July 2021
There has been a long debate about whether the small canid is its own species or a hybrid between the gray wolf and the coyote.
—Jason Daley, Smithsonian, 1 May 2017
The hunter, police said, screamed at the animal and feared for his life before shooting the canid once.
—Andrew Theen,, 2 Nov. 2017
He and his colleagues also checked the genomes of 49 canid species known to live near the plateau, including wolves, dogs and jackals.
—Emily Underwood, Smithsonian, 24 May 2017
Foxes, of course, are canids, members of the dog family.
—David James, Anchorage Daily News, 23 Feb. 2020
The other wolflike canid, the researchers concluded, is the coyote.
—Ted Gregory,, 19 June 2018
The Keystone XL pipeline route would go through most of the remaining locations of the swift fox, a tiny canid about the size of a house cat.
—National Geographic, 24 Mar. 2017
Many canid species, from wolves to African wild dogs, hunt in packs and prefer more open habitats, like tundra or grasslands.
—Cara Giaimo, New York Times, 4 May 2020
Diet These canids are carnivores, and like to hunt and eat white-tailed deer, racoons, and small mammals like rabbits and mice.
—National Geographic, 27 July 2019
But, like most things having to do with the predatory canids, even that number is disputed.
—Kale Williams,, 10 June 2018
At about 11 years of age, the canid was at the upper end of a wild wolf’s lifespan and, during the state’s annual wolf count, OR-7’s pack was observed but the elder wolf was nowhere to be seen.
—oregonlive, 20 Apr. 2020
The device also helps prevent oral tissue injury as the canid’s teeth and mouth are examined.
—Debra Utacia Krol, azcentral, 10 Feb. 2020
Game cameras also have captured photos of the elusive canids.
—Lawrence Specker,, 19 Sep. 2017
So what really is this large canid that now occupies nearly all of the eastern US and Canada?
—Popular Science, 12 Mar. 2021
Poaching has been on the rise in recent years, straining the canid’s population even further.
—oregonlive, 15 Dec. 2022
So what really is this large canid that now occupies nearly all of the eastern U.S. and Canada?
—Bob Humphrey, Outdoor Life, 9 Mar. 2021
The death of the canid comes just weeks after the state’s annual wolf report showed anemic growth in Oregon’s wolf population in 2021.
—oregonlive, 5 May 2022
One researcher found that San Diego canyons with coyotes have healthier ecosystems that canyons without these canids.
—Peter Rowe,, 29 Apr. 2018
In the wild, canids such as wolves, foxes and other wild dogs may kick the ground after elimination for sanitary reasons.
—Patty Khuly, miamiherald, 17 Aug. 2017
Lights and noisemakers, some of them activated by radio collars on wolves, can frighten off the canids.
—Kale Williams,, 10 June 2018
Once common throughout the southeastern United States, American red wolves are the most endangered canid in the world, according to the zoo.
—Abbie Bennett, charlotteobserver, 2 May 2018
Divers also found the skull of a stocky, coyote-like canid previously only known from South America.
—National Geographic, 25 Aug. 2017
So far the canids have been sighted mostly in green spaces, and reports of human conflicts are relatively low.
—National Geographic, 29 Nov. 2019
Another surprise came from a simple test measuring the amount of time each canid hangs around a familiar person.
—Popular Science, 10 Feb. 2020
But long before the canines arrived here, there were predatory doglike canid species who hunted the grasslands and forests of the Americas.
—Pam Kragen, San Diego Union-Tribune, 2 May 2022
Coyotes evolved alongside larger canids, like wolves, which often persecuted and harassed them and killed their pups.
—National Geographic, 7 Aug. 2016
Other animal groups such as the canids were undergoing changes, as well, and diversifying at this time.
—Matt Hrodey, Discover Magazine, 22 June 2023
What is apparently the first tool use in a canid was observed recently, in a dingo named Sterling who really, really wanted to chew on something out of his reach.
—Veronique Greenwood, Discover Magazine, 24 Feb. 2012
Some of these examples are programmatically compiled from various online sources to illustrate current usage of the word 'canid.' Any opinions expressed in the examples do not represent those of Merriam-Webster or its editors. Send us feedback about these examples.
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