How to Use citrus greening in a Sentence
citrus greening
Learn the signs of citrus greening disease at
—Nan Sterman, San Diego Union-Tribune, 4 Sep. 2021
Learn the signs of citrus greening disease at
—Nan Sterman, San Diego Union-Tribune, 3 Sep. 2022
Not all of the decline is due to citrus greening, but Meadows said a big portion of it is.
—Cindy Swirko,, 3 Oct. 2019
The shortfall is a result of back-to-back hurricanes in 2022 and a citrus greening disease.
—Chris Morris, Fortune, 25 May 2023
The forecast isn't good for an industry that has been in a steady decline due in large part to the impact of deadly citrus greening disease.
—, 12 Oct. 2017
The pathogen often prevents raw green fruit from ripening, a symptom called citrus greening.
—Darryl Fears,, 11 Nov. 2019
Many were already reeling before the winds and rain hit, thanks to a crippling disease known as citrus greening, which has ravaged crops here for years.
—Kalhan Rosenblatt, NBC News, 10 Feb. 2018
Trees that have the disease, also called citrus greening, cannot be cured and must be carefully removed to prevent its spread.
—Phil Diehl, San Diego Union-Tribune, 21 Dec. 2021
This may be a case of the citrus greening disease which produces a weak poor quality tree that eventually dies.
—Tom MacCubbin, Orlando Sentinel, 14 Jan. 2023
Save lots of frustration — and most likely a losing battle with citrus greening disease — and replace the trees.
—Tom MacCubbin,, 6 Mar. 2021
Citrus trees are susceptible to a number of diseases, but citrus greening is the worst that has caused many to slowly decline.
—Tom MacCubbin,, 6 Mar. 2021
Growers talked of trees standing in 3 feet (.9 meters) of water, which is a death sentence for a crop already under a decade-long siege by citrus greening disease.
—Washington Post, 13 Sep. 2017
The dogs are being trained to sniff out citrus greening disease, which has sharply cut U.S. orange juice yields, Smithsonian reports.
—National Geographic, 6 Feb. 2020
The second is that orange supplies in the United States have fallen because of a widespread citrus plant disease, called citrus greening.
—Danielle Wiener-Bronner, CNN, 8 Apr. 2020
The fruit’s tendency to become green after ripening gave the disease its nickname, citrus greening.
—Sena Christian, Newsweek, 19 Nov. 2015
The main culprit is the disease huanglongbing, also known as HLB or citrus greening, that has found a foothold in Florida orange groves.
—NBC News, 19 Jan. 2022
New trees bought at garden centers should be certified citrus greening-free.
—Tom MacCubbin,, 4 Sep. 2021
Jason Lingle, Hollieanna’s co-owner, says that thanks to citrus greening, there aren’t many Duncan trees left.
—Jane Black, WSJ, 17 Dec. 2020
Florida's citrus growers have struggled to turn a profit for years because of the tree-killing citrus greening disease, which first showed up in Florida in 2005.
—Laura Layden, USA TODAY, 13 Oct. 2017
The big culprit this time around, the Florida Department of Citrus said, is citrus greening, an incurable disease that thins the crowns of trees and saps their vitality.
—Kirk Maltais, WSJ, 17 Jan. 2022
Truman is worried about the risk of one disease in particular: citrus greening disease.
—Amanda Morris,, 15 Apr. 2020
One culprit is an insidious citrus disease, referred to as citrus greening, which leads to smaller oranges and less fruit per tree.
—Danielle Wiener-Bronner, CNN, 18 Jan. 2022
Since 2000, diseases such as citrus greening, a bacterial scourge that results in fewer and smaller fruit over time, have clobbered the state’s production.
—Jane Black, WSJ, 17 Dec. 2020
On top of that, farmers are combating an incurable disease hitting their crops, called citrus greening.
—Chris Morris, Fortune, 3 Feb. 2022
The state’s citrus acreage has been in a downward trend for almost two decades, largely due to the damaging citrus greening disease that has decimated groves as well as urban sprawl and hurricane damage.
—Marvin G. Perez, Fortune, 12 Oct. 2022
The citrus greening decline, however, has been much more gradual and concerning.
—Katharina Buchholz, Forbes, 26 Jan. 2022
The reason is citrus greening, a disease afflicting Florida orange groves that is spread by an invasive insect.
—Manuel Bojorquez, CBS News, 25 Jan. 2022
The partnership aims to develop new ways to combat citrus greening, an incurable bacterial disease that depletes trees and can cause fruit to drop to the ground prematurely.
—Arian Campo-Flores, WSJ, 16 Aug. 2017
This was supposed to be the season when Florida’s citrus industry finally started to bounce back after years of battling the deadly citrus greening disease.
—Susan Jacobson,, 21 Oct. 2017
Before Irma's broadside, the industry had been struggling to recover from citrus greening, the disease that has helped cut Florida citrus production by more than 60 percent over the past decade.
—Ledyard King, USA TODAY, 11 Oct. 2017
Some of these examples are programmatically compiled from various online sources to illustrate current usage of the word 'citrus greening.' Any opinions expressed in the examples do not represent those of Merriam-Webster or its editors. Send us feedback about these examples.
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