How to Use codependency in a Sentence
It’s just one small aspect of a show that’s a love story about addiction and codependency and all kinds of things.
—Jesse David Fox, Vulture, 3 June 2021
There’s a lot of codependency, possibly both good and bad.
—Chris Willman, Variety, 4 Dec. 2022
Remember, our best-selling course is back to support you with codependency, go to to join us!
—Kelly Corbett, House Beautiful, 19 Oct. 2020
So is the crazy codependency and memory-lane madness that seemed to fuel their one-of-a-kind dynamic.
—Gary Goldstein,, 24 May 2018
Sometimes there is a chronic level of codependency, which can be a force of nature so strong that 12-step groups have been formed to help people escape its grip.
—Melanie Hamlett, Harper's BAZAAR, 7 Dec. 2020
Someone really needs to chat with her about her codependency on her 13-year-old babysitter.
—Maggie Fremont, Vulture, 11 Oct. 2021
Sometimes, family and friends need to seek help for codependency.
—Michelle Pugle, Health, 23 Jan. 2023
The vast majority of answers to help columns such as yours could point people to self-help programs on codependency.
—Annie Lane, oregonlive, 4 Apr. 2021
They are trapped in codependency, addicted to the approval of people who are addicted to the power of withholding it.
—Daniel Lee, WSJ, 12 Mar. 2021
George isn’t in the closet anymore, but that only clears the table for some new issues, including her harmful streak of codependency.
—, 15 June 2021
But life, of course, is not so simple, and rarely has codependency been chronicled with such precision, such poignancy.
—Vogue, 29 May 2021
Sarah Jo and Treina are trapped in a bubble of affection and a private cult of triangular codependency, one that’s centered on tales of men but that excludes them.
—Richard Brody, The New Yorker, 3 Aug. 2022
Touching on themes of substance abuse, codependency, remorse and heartbreak, Swims leans into the emotions.
—Thania Garcia, Variety, 4 Dec. 2024
In the comedy variant of that sub-genre, the one-liners are as frequent as the explosions, and every altercation serves as code for bro-y codependency.
—Janelle Okwodu, Vogue, 3 May 2021
The codependency with — and resentment of — various yes-men.
—Lili Loofbourow, Washington Post, 2 Mar. 2024
High functioning codependency is being overly invested in the feeling states, the decisions, the outcomes of the people in your sphere.
—Forbes, 11 May 2021
But Moore began to put her life back together, going to rehab for trauma, codependency and substance abuse.
—Martha Ross, The Mercury News, 20 Sep. 2019
This can look like signs of codependency, where other areas of your life receive little attention.
—Dominique Fluker, Essence, 21 May 2024
In Kiesel’s case, looking after her brother as a kid has led to a tenuous and chaotic relationship with him over the years, fraught with bouts of estrangement and codependency.
—Cindy Lamothe, The Atlantic, 26 Oct. 2017
For some of you, this is releasing codependency on people, situations, or patterns that no longer serve you.
—Meghan Rose, Glamour, 1 Oct. 2023
For some of you, this is releasing codependency on people, situations, or patterns that no longer serve you.
—Meghan Rose, Glamour, 1 Nov. 2023
Breaking a destructive codependency is so hard, sometimes others must strike the first severing blow for you.
—Dennis Harvey, Variety, 30 Dec. 2022
The Shields women had a codependency that forced young Brooke into an early maturity.
—Matt Donnelly, Variety, 21 Jan. 2023
Therapy at this point should focus on your own coping skills, as well as exploring concepts such as codependency.
—Amy Dickinson, Washington Post, 5 Aug. 2019
People with poor boundaries usually have a high level of neediness (or in psych terms, codependency) and tend to struggle with the thought of rejection or being disliked.
—Stina Sanders,, 21 July 2021
In subsequent years, codependency rhetoric moved from the addiction field into mainstream self-help culture.
—Elissa Strauss, The Atlantic, 25 Feb. 2024
The two actors grew closer as filming went on, developing a friendship that bordered on codependency.
—Angelique Jackson, Variety, 10 Aug. 2022
Julio struggles with codependency in both his family and his on-off relationship with his high school sweetheart Maggie (Michelle Ortiz).
—Bethonie Butler, Washington Post, 9 Sep. 2022
While codependency and social development is a challenge, now is a good time for people to address heart matters and redefine success.
—Pauleanna Reid, Forbes, 12 Apr. 2021
Recognizing codependency in a romantic relationship can be tricky, though, since many of its earliest signs look a lot like love.
—Jenna Ryu, SELF, 13 Dec. 2024
Some of these examples are programmatically compiled from various online sources to illustrate current usage of the word 'codependency.' Any opinions expressed in the examples do not represent those of Merriam-Webster or its editors. Send us feedback about these examples.
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