How to Use daylily in a Sentence
Blame the wet spring for the bad outbreak of daylily rust this year as well.
—Dan Gill,, 4 May 2019
If the daylily is not your flower, how about the hydrangea?
—Globe Staff,, 21 July 2019
All parts of the daylily plant are edible, so don't waste the ones that break off in the process.
—, 28 Apr. 2017
Also, a few of my daylilies are showing rust spots on the foliage.
—Dan Gill,, 4 May 2019
The daylilies are hardy plants that have overwintered in a club garden in Wisconsin.
—Elaine Rewolinski, Journal Sentinel, 6 Apr. 2023
In stark contrast, all is quiet over the daisies, daylilies, and hostas (except for the deer, which like nothing better than to chew hostas down to the ground at night).
—Susan Brownstein, cleveland, 25 July 2023
So my father-in-law has promised me some of his daylilies, and a dear neighbor is teaching me how to propagate hydrangeas.
—Southern Living, 1 May 2017
See tree peonies, daylilies, gingko and mulberry trees.
—Charlotte Observer, 31 Jan. 2024
Some of these flowering plants include bee balms, columbine flowers, daylilies, lupines and petunias.
—Victoria Moorwood, The Enquirer, 10 Apr. 2023
Our daylilies – hundreds of plants, dozens of varieties – won’t get a chance to bloom this year, thanks to deer that seem to know exactly when to ravage our yard each summer.
—Globe Staff,, 21 July 2019
Only an act of God could do something as dramatic as changing a daylily into an iris.
—Janet B. Carson, Arkansas Online, 29 May 2021
Hosta, grasses and daylily can produce six or more, while hollyhock and coral bells may only yield three.
—oregonlive, 24 Mar. 2020
Get into the spring spirit at this wonderful outdoor event amid 14 acres of daylilies and demonstration gardens in the heart of Amador wine country.
—Debbie Arrington, sacbee, 23 Mar. 2018
Each of the flowers lives only for a day or two, like a daylily, but the plants will keep opening new blooms over a long period, sometimes from July to September.
—Beth Botts, Chicago Tribune, 16 July 2023
Lily species: Many species of lilies, including Easter lilies, tiger lilies and daylilies, are toxic to dogs and can cause kidney failure if ingested.
—Tiffany Acosta, The Arizona Republic, 5 June 2024
In full shade, please plant: lily-of-the-valley, ferns, wild tawny orange daylilies (but not the colorful hybrids), annual impatien, and, best of all, hosta.
— Real Estate, 21 Aug. 2019
Like the one for Eula King of Ohio which notes her gardening prowess of growing hostas, daylilies and other plants King hoped friends would come and transplant into their own gardens.
—USA TODAY, 25 Mar. 2020
The original daylilies were orange or yellow, but in my lifetime fabulous whites, pinks, reds and, yes, purples have come into the market.
—Neil Sperry, star-telegram, 20 Apr. 2018
The daylily in all its rich variety was once the perennial to plant for its seemingly endless supply of showy blooms in the gathering heat of early summer.
—Adrian Higgins, Washington Post, 15 Jan. 2020
Among the edibles discussed was the ubiquitous orange daylily (Hemerocallis fulva), which can be spotted this time of year along roads all over the state.
—Melanie Savage, Courant Community, 18 July 2017
Hostas and daylilies are great container gardening plants, but many other perennials work as well.
—The Editors, Good Housekeeping, 13 Aug. 2018
Deadhead spring- and summer-blooming perennials like daylilies and sages after their flowers fade.
—Nan Sterman, San Diego Union-Tribune, 4 Mar. 2023
So roses, delphiniums, chrysanthemums, daylilies, hydrangeas and tall phlox would also like that mulch of compost that the vegetables get.
—Washington Post, 22 Oct. 2019
One low-maintenance strategy is to plant a variety of the same species in an area – for example, daylilies – that bloom at different times of the year for consistent color.
—Uyeta Landscape and Maintenance, The Seattle Times, 24 May 2017
Divide crowded clumps of summer-flowering perennials such as aster and daylily.
—Thad Orr, Sunset, 22 Jan. 2018
Deer definitely have favorite foods, such as arborvitae, hostas, daylilies, and azaleas.
—Lauren Smith McDonough, House Beautiful, 24 Mar. 2023
Peonies, daylilies and daffodils all fall into this category.
—Paul Cappiello, The Courier-Journal, 19 Jan. 2024
Find everything from common impatiens to rare daylilies to tree seedlings with a special history at Ohio State University.
—, 12 May 2017
Hosta and daylilies are hearty perennial options for simple landscaping.
—Jessica Bennett, Better Homes & Gardens, 1 May 2023
Given those considerations, go ahead and cut back lilies, daylilies, garden phlox, iris, geranium, monarda, daisies, coreopsis and any other plants that look bad.
—Jo Ellen Meyers Sharp, Indianapolis Star, 20 Oct. 2017
Some of these examples are programmatically compiled from various online sources to illustrate current usage of the word 'daylily.' Any opinions expressed in the examples do not represent those of Merriam-Webster or its editors. Send us feedback about these examples.
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