How to Use disprove in a Sentence
verb- Magellan's circumnavigation of the globe disproved any lingering notions that the earth is flat.
The book, which will be published in 2021 by Crown, sets out to disprove that.
—Steff Yotka, Vogue, 30 Sep. 2020
To date, much of Noland’s account has yet to be proved, or disproved.
—Clarence Williams, Washington Post, 6 Nov. 2023
The most salacious rumor to spring forth from the Pump Rules fandom should be one of the more easy to disprove.
—Vulture, 6 June 2023
The White House says the records disprove the allegations.
—NBC News, 28 Apr. 2018
Kroll said, adding that Ecosia has data to disprove this.
—Alison Griswold, Quartz, 29 Nov. 2019
This opinion was never disproved in the course of the next two centuries.
—Zeev Sternhell, Slate Magazine, 7 Apr. 2017
The war’s course to date has disproved all these predictions.
—Samuel Charap, Foreign Affairs, 13 July 2023
Thankfully, that line was disproved over the course of the first issue last month.
—Christian Holub,, 2 Aug. 2019
On the front page is a close-up of the Duchess’s fingers with a box drawn around them, which clearly disproves the claim the tabloid trying to make.
—Amanda Arnold, The Cut, 12 Mar. 2018
The British press also worked hard to disprove Andrew’s claims.
—Olivia McCormack, Washington Post, 5 Apr. 2024
Now, a body of evidence has piled up that disproves claims about LK-99.
—Justine Calma, The Verge, 10 Aug. 2023
A skeptic out to disprove it needn’t even look farther back than the recent past.
—Conor Friedersdorf, The Atlantic, 19 May 2017
But the burden is not on you to disprove the allegations made.
—Alvin Chang, Vox, 28 Sep. 2018
The most moving thing about Santos’s lies is how many of them could be disproved in seconds.
—Andrew O’Hagan, The New York Review of Books, 1 Feb. 2024
And the fact that, long after this notion has been disproved, the belief persists.
—Kristen Bellstrom, Fortune, 6 Apr. 2018
The fact that America has been at war in Afghanistan for almost three times as long does not disprove that.
—The Economist, 17 Apr. 2021
The police kept finding one more step and one more step that would disprove his story.
—CBS News, 29 Jan. 2022
The Ukrainians keep disproving the lie, in their valiant effort to save themselves.
—Jay Nordlinger, National Review, 28 Oct. 2024
The defense did not have evidence to disprove this claim, Geiger said.
—Marilyn Icsman,, 14 June 2018
We have been put in the position of trying to disprove things that didn’t happen.
—Duane Rankin, The Arizona Republic, 5 Nov. 2021
But any pressure to disprove the naysayers isn’t felt within the UAPB locker room.
—Arkansas Online, 21 July 2022
Rohrabacher wanted to disprove claims that Russia was involved in the DNC hacks and leaks.
—Ellen Nakashimaand William Booth,, 19 Feb. 2020
Is the burden of proving this on Dr. Ford, or is the burden of disproving this on Judge Kavanaugh?
—Fox News, 18 Sep. 2018
Photos from Reuters and Getty Images — as well as the full context of the video — disprove the notion that Harris staged the scene.
—Nayeli Lomeli, USA TODAY, 25 May 2021
The scientist isn’t out to prove something is right but to disprove something.
—Andy Gole, Forbes, 28 May 2021
But the result seems to disprove the idea that not seeing competitors can slow a runner down.
—David R. Munro, The Conversation, 21 July 2021
The team has denied the charges and sent the F.T.C. 102 pages of support documents to disprove the allegations.
—Jenny Vrentas, New York Times, 10 Nov. 2022
None of this conclusively disproves a link between Musk and Dittmann, of course.
—Adi Robertson, The Verge, 3 Jan. 2025
Lyttleton set out to disprove the conversion of Saul of Tarsus.
—Dan Miller, Twin Cities, 6 Feb. 2025
Some of these examples are programmatically compiled from various online sources to illustrate current usage of the word 'disprove.' Any opinions expressed in the examples do not represent those of Merriam-Webster or its editors. Send us feedback about these examples.
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