How to Use dork in a Sentence
noun- I look like a complete dork in these clothes.
Joana was more like the kid waving her arms like a dork and dancing along to the music with her friends.
—Abby Ohlheiser, Twin Cities, 18 July 2019
Instagram is this fun, dumb thing to be a little bit of a dork on and to kind of promote the movie.
—Randy Cordova, azcentral, 18 July 2019
What do these things make me, a geek, a nerd, a dweeb, a dork, or simply different?
—Kyle Hill, Discover Magazine, 7 Aug. 2013
Turning down the popular guy for the dork that liked you before your makeover.
—Diana Bruk, Seventeen, 13 Dec. 2016
Kwofi is tall and muscular, while Stark's a movie dork that has to wear arch supports in his shoes.
—Matt Wake |, al, 4 June 2020
And, one of Jack just kind of being a dork and wanting to show Lorde the funniest video ever.
—Gil Kaufman, Billboard, 26 May 2017
To see this brand-new stretch of ocean, the deep-sea team is sending a craft full of high-tech touchscreens and a three-strong crew of joke-cracking dorks.
—Sam MacHkovech, Ars Technica, 10 Aug. 2018
However, much like the lovable dork that came before him, that doesn’t mean that he can’t be redeemed down the line.
—Ineye Komonibo,, 28 Feb. 2022
Joe Namath was a hopeless dork-for-life compared with Brady’s cool in that moment.
—Globe Staff,, 4 Feb. 2021
His style, with its healthy punch of dork factor, is of the now in a way that is similar to Post Malone’s very self-aware, disheveled, sleazy look.
—Liana Satenstein, Vogue, 28 Nov. 2018
Strangers stop and comment on its slick looking design, whereas many other e-bikes in this price range give off a dork vibe.
—Washington Post, 30 Nov. 2020
After all, as Dilley might say, better to infect the people around you with a deadly virus than to risk looking like a dork.
—Gilbert Garcia,, 20 May 2020
The surviving twin, Will (the beautiful and hilarious Cole Allen), treats his dad like a dork.
—John Anderson, WSJ, 13 Sep. 2018
Writing down the jokes can’t translate their onstage effectiveness as a litany of Dadaist dork humor, but here are a few: There’s a dead cat.
—Aja Romano, Vox, 28 Aug. 2018
When their story begins, Jeanette is your typical dork while Kate is living her best Cher Horowitz life.
—Jessica Radloff, Glamour, 21 Apr. 2021
Their onscreen chemistry is a balm to the millennial soul—the filthy comic, and the ultimate hipster dork of our teens and 20s, united.
—Jenny Singer, Glamour, 18 Mar. 2022
The new currency — and, indeed, that day’s top offering — was a video of Thompson dancing like a dork in a Chinese nightclub.
—Conor Friedersdorf, The Atlantic, 20 Sep. 2017
The church choir, the writers’ workshop, her own kids, and her husband, Pat (played by Patrick Fugit as a genial, distracted dork), just aren’t raising her blood pressure enough.
—Chris Vognar, Chron, 20 Apr. 2023
Described as your dorky next door neighbor who grew up to be hot but couldn’t shake being a dork, Daniel is an investigator at Jax’s law firm.
—Joe Otterson, Variety, 10 Nov. 2021
A shy dork, put-upon but hopeful, Kay is the caretaker for her elderly mother.
—Emily Nussbaum, The New Yorker, 20 Mar. 2017
Like Meta’s ersatz TikTok copycat, Reels, the platform could become a dupe for dorks, destined to fester in the shadow of its original.
—WIRED, 7 July 2023
Initially wary of each other, the alpha dorks become best friends who leave all manner of hysterical chaos in their wake.
—Brian Truitt, USA TODAY, 19 Aug. 2023
And she can’t be faulted for breaking character after being face to face with surprise guest Stewart, who donned a wig and braces to play a Grateful Dead loving dork.
—Marco Della Cava, USA TODAY, 8 Dec. 2021
At a moment when we are stuck with a president who is solely a creature of celebrity culture, maybe a White House press corps made of anonymous dorks and dusty worker bees could be a breath of fresh air.
—Dahlia Lithwick, Slate Magazine, 30 June 2017
Unfortunately for the dorks like me — and maybe, perhaps, thankfully for everyone else — a thunderstorm on Tuesday night forced the SEC to cancel the show at the last minute.
—Joseph Goodman |, al, 21 July 2023
All three – nerd, dork, and geek – suggest social ineptitude.
—John McIntyre, The Christian Science Monitor, 31 July 2023
The novel runs on that energy — heady, unembarrassed joy; the dork sublime — and, in particular, the high of finding a kindred spirit.
—Sophia Nguyen, Washington Post, 10 Aug. 2023
Erskine played Maya with an alpha dork's tense confidence, always unsure if people were laughing at her or with her.
—Darren Franich,, 6 Dec. 2021
Within this line of vehicles, there was car dork controversy when Ferrari introduced the 488.
—Alexander George, Popular Mechanics, 7 Aug. 2020
Some of these examples are programmatically compiled from various online sources to illustrate current usage of the word 'dork.' Any opinions expressed in the examples do not represent those of Merriam-Webster or its editors. Send us feedback about these examples.
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