How to Use effigy in a Sentence
May all the worries and problems in your life be burned like the effigy of Ravana.
—Jamie Ballard, Woman's Day, 29 Aug. 2023
About 70 miles east of Cincinnati is Serpent Mound, one of the largest ancient effigy mounds in the world.
—Dean Regas, The Enquirer, 9 May 2023
Others are effigy mounds taking the shapes of birds and bears.
—Frank Vaisvilas, Journal Sentinel, 14 Oct. 2024
The effigy appeared to be a mannequin’s head, mounted to a stick, and stuck through the links of a chain fence, next to one of her campaign signs.
—John Hilliard,, 15 Aug. 2023
An effigy of the governor was soon hanged on the courthouse lawn.
—Washington Post, 19 Feb. 2021
At the base was a small vodou altar: an effigy of a Catholic saint, surrounded by conch shells.
—Jon Lee Anderson, The New Yorker, 17 July 2023
Vultures who are killed must be used as effigies to try to scare away others.
—Mike Cason |, al, 1 July 2023
The resident removed the effigy from the tree and called police, the release said.
—Amanda Jackson, CNN, 18 June 2020
He is known for his effigy of the Queen which appears on UK and Commonwealth coinage since 1998.
—Victoria Murphy, Town & Country, 28 Aug. 2020
The first guest to speak, the group’s leader, stood and handed Noboa an effigy of the Virgin Mary, as if in offering.
—Jon Lee Anderson, The New Yorker, 17 June 2024
After the effigy was hung from a tree another man came up and cut it down, James said.
—Rebekah Riess, CNN, 28 May 2020
It was staged on the shores of a lake in Tbilisi, and as the effigy’s head tumbled into the flames, the crowd cheered, applauded and chanted.
—Washington Post, 1 Apr. 2022
In New London, Arnold’s body is burned in effigy, and a replica of his leg is placed in a coffin and sent to Norwich.
—USA TODAY, 15 Jan. 2020
Mr. Chapman was hanged in effigy from a balcony in the State Capitol.
—William Grimes, New York Times, 24 May 2017
The coin illustrates all 10 beasts side-by-side in one single design with an effigy of the Queen in the center.
—CNN, 29 Apr. 2021
In other places, angry men set fire to tires and stomped on effigies of Mr. Modi.
—New York Times, 11 Dec. 2019
One woman held a cardboard effigy of Snapchat’s mascot, a ghost, with a noose around its neck.
—Frank Shyong,, 30 Apr. 2017
Many will stick around to watch an effigy being burned on Monday night.
—Aliza Chasan, CBS News, 4 Sep. 2023
He's posted pictures of an effigy of me hanging and pointing a gun to my head.
—Richard Schlesinger, CBS News, 1 Jan. 2022
Historic effigy mounds made of soil, some in the shapes of birds and bears, can be found in Cahokia, Illinois, among other sites.
—Darcel Rockett,, 25 Feb. 2021
Saban, in effigy, is frozen in time, affixed to one spot and static.
—Rainer Sabin,, 20 Jan. 2018
An effigy of the holy virgin anchors an altar to the left of the bar, while a television plays videos of drag performances to the right.
—Von Diaz, Washington Post, 3 June 2022
The burning effigy for 2020 has become quite the hot seller.
—René A. Guzman,, 10 Sep. 2020
One of these fellas had half a mind to burn John Calipari in effigy, or maybe just burn down the house of UK’s veteran coach.
—Blake Toppmeyer, The Tennessean, 20 Dec. 2024
There was no villain here, nobody to blame, no need for a scapegoat or an effigy.
—Rory Smith, New York Times, 12 July 2018
To whom do these effigies of the female body really belong?, the film appears to ask.
—Erik Morse, Vogue, 31 Mar. 2023
Some of the reporters detached themselves from Dunn’s crew and went to photograph the effigy.
—New York Times, 26 Jan. 2021
In videos shown on state news media, an angry crowd stomped on an effigy of Mr. Netanyahu.
—Ronen Bergman, New York Times, 5 Apr. 2024
Not the man who took the photo of Kathy Griffin holding an effigy of Donald Trump’s head covered in blood (ketchup).
—Kenzie Bryant, Vanities, 14 Sep. 2017
Whether this will go further than a few burned American flags and effigies of Trump remains to be seen.
—Time, 8 Dec. 2017
Some of these examples are programmatically compiled from various online sources to illustrate current usage of the word 'effigy.' Any opinions expressed in the examples do not represent those of Merriam-Webster or its editors. Send us feedback about these examples.
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