How to Use federalist in a Sentence
There are strict constructionists, but who knew Chief Justice John Roberts was a strict federalist?
—Andrew C. McCarthy, National Review, 27 Oct. 2020
Sadly, the Trump administration and the GOP are far from the only fair-weather federalists in politics.
—Ilya Somin, National Review, 18 Aug. 2017
His consultancy, North Star Research, is based in a stately federalist row house in Alexandria.
—Alexander Nazaryan, Newsweek, 21 Feb. 2018
Part of the problem in Germany is structural and linked to its federalist system that delegates governing powers to constituent regions.
—Christiaan Hetzner, Fortune, 7 July 2021
The answers to these questions are complicated by the United States’ federalist system, which empowers states and counties to take the lead on policies related to public health.
—Melissa Healy, Los Angeles Times, 13 Apr. 2021
Erosion of comity between the states will have far-reaching and unpredictable consequences for our federalist system of government.
—Lindsay Beyerstein, The New Republic, 2 Aug. 2022
The country was strained by the two great dividing lines of the mid 19th century: federalists against nationalists, and liberals against conservatives.
—Dan McLaughlin, National Review, 5 May 2020
Under our federalist system, each state is free to compete to encourage companies and employees to join its community.
—Rick Pearson,, 22 Oct. 2020
The successes heralded by Ethiopia’s federalist constitution also revealed the limits of such a system.
—John Mukum Mbaku, Washington Examiner, 18 Mar. 2021
Santa Anna, president of Mexico eleven separate times, first took power as a federalist, then switched sides and became a centralizer.
—Rich Lowry, National Review, 20 July 2021
Undeterred, European federalists, led by Macron, see the coronavirus as an opportunity to advance their project.
—Peter Rough, National Review, 22 Apr. 2020
That Senate Republicans have introduced legislation allowing states to waive out of some—not all, but just some—of ObamaCare’s myriad mandates should give true federalists little comfort.
—WSJ, 11 July 2017
Nevertheless, the Constitution and the Bill of Rights did not federalize education, which remains a state responsibility in our federalist system.
—Andrew C. McCarthy, National Review, 25 Oct. 2021
Recent years have provided many prominent examples of this conservative, federalist, state-centric approach to governance in practice.
—Patrick Gleason, Forbes, 1 Jan. 2022
But if there’s no financial reason for bankruptcy, America’s federalist system would typically prevent a federal court from intervening in a state legal dispute, Jacoby says.
—Nathan Bomey, USA TODAY, 28 Jan. 2021
Every state, in our federalist system, has perfectly constitutional laws and regulations that indirectly affect industries outside its boundaries.
—Matthew Scully, National Review, 11 July 2022
Some of these examples are programmatically compiled from various online sources to illustrate current usage of the word 'federalist.' Any opinions expressed in the examples do not represent those of Merriam-Webster or its editors. Send us feedback about these examples.
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