How to Use fundamentalism in a Sentence
The path to this fundamentalism was paved with stones of hypocrisy.
—Bethany McLean, Washington Post, 10 Mar. 2023
The New Atheists craved the first kind of fundamentalism and now decry the latter.
—Samuel James, National Review, 14 Feb. 2020
Much of the root cause could be traced to Islamic fundamentalism that arose in the 1980s in countries like Iran.
—Justin Klawans, The Week, 24 Nov. 2022
And a lot of this book turns on a kind of an upswing in religious fundamentalism.
—Vinson Cunningham, The New Yorker, 2 Nov. 2021
The medium-term cause of the rise of Hindu fundamentalism is the steady growth and consolidation of the RSS.
—Isaac Chotiner, Slate Magazine, 15 Aug. 2017
DeLong makes a strong case that the turn in the 1980s to market fundamentalism was a dismal economic failure.
—Timothy Noah, The New Republic, 12 Sep. 2022
And every fundamentalism does a violence to the text that supports it, right?
—Celeste Sloman, Town & Country, 23 Sep. 2019
Then, a new brand of religious fundamentalism takes hold in Tunisia.
—Radhika Seth, Vogue, 17 Mar. 2024
The idea that despite Scopes’ conviction, the trial was a defeat for fundamentalism, lived on.
—Michael Hiltzik, Los Angeles Times, 26 July 2024
Still, many of the militia’s members didn’t feel like their government was doing enough to protect them from the rising tide of fundamentalism.
—Jessica Pressler, Daily Intelligencer, 12 Dec. 2017
The Christian fundamentalism that begat the state law that John Scopes violated has not gone away.
—Michael Hiltzik, Los Angeles Times, 26 July 2024
The Mullahs regime is the center of export of terrorism and fundamentalism.
—Eric Shawn, Fox News, 30 June 2018
In the 1940s, evangelical fundamentalism began to grow in the Dallas-Fort Worth area.
—Jeremy Schwartz and Jessica Priest, Anchorage Daily News, 30 Oct. 2022
Sharifi had already received death threats for her work when her homeland fell in August 2021 to the Taliban and its rigid fundamentalism.
—Dallas News, 25 Oct. 2022
Religious fundamentalism is one of the strangest things.
—David Marchesephoto Illustration By Bráulio Amado, New York Times, 12 July 2021
The growth of fundamentalism in science has taken place at the same time as the growth of fundamentalism in politics and religion.
—Arianna Huffington, TIME, 11 Dec. 2024
But Umrigar, whose eight previous novels have been set in both the United States and India, knows fundamentalism can spring from any faith.
—Los Angeles Times, 5 Jan. 2022
Fear of Islamic fundamentalism is a populist refrain for the right.
—Elisabetta Povoledo, New York Times, 29 Apr. 2018
Readers lacking knowledge of the Pilgrim family will miss a lot of the jokes, although the mockery of fundamentalism will be easily grasped.
—Alaska Dispatch News, 19 Aug. 2017
Ishiguro came of age as a writer in the early 1980s, when market fundamentalism was sweeping Britain and the West, a development that caught him entirely off guard.
—New York Times, 23 Feb. 2021
The film, which follows rebellious young women who refuse to bow down to fundamentalism, could not be released in Algeria but went on to represent the country at the Oscars.
—Elsa Keslassy, Variety, 7 Oct. 2022
Above all, John Kerry and Democrats understand that those who would spread radical fundamentalism and weapons of mass destruction are beyond the reach of reason.
—WSJ, 26 Aug. 2021
The victim, of both the rapist and Lloyd's fundamentalism, was in federal detention at the time, awaiting resettlement.
—Dan Sweeney,, 22 Dec. 2017
As the country’s right wing has gained influence, Ilan Ber has become more worried about the growing dominance of fundamentalism in public life.
—Shira Rubin, Washington Post, 27 Mar. 2023
In Mexico, there are many other forms of this fundamentalism.
—Wendy Fry, San Diego Union-Tribune, 9 Jan. 2022
What’s funny is that even as both parties drift away from market fundamentalism, market-style reforms are the most fertile ground for compromise.
—Robinson Meyer, The Atlantic, 20 July 2022
Moore also expressed concern that the Taliban would set back advances for women in Afghanistan, but argued that religious fundamentalism is prevalent in the U.S., as well.
—Brent Lang, Variety, 19 Aug. 2021
Christopher Hitchens, who became a friend of Rushdie, denounced Islamic fundamentalism and made that an important theme of his writing in his later years.
—Aryeh Neier, The New Republic, 14 Aug. 2022
And so, with political parties that are rooted in this fundamentalism, there's a lot of rhetoric going on in Puerto Rico also, that leads to some of this violence.
—Shannon Rae Green, USA TODAY, 20 May 2021
Her cruel punishments, borne out of stubborn adherence to misguided religious fundamentalism, are the cause of all the movie's pain.
—Clark Collis,, 1 Oct. 2024
Some of these examples are programmatically compiled from various online sources to illustrate current usage of the word 'fundamentalism.' Any opinions expressed in the examples do not represent those of Merriam-Webster or its editors. Send us feedback about these examples.
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