How to Use fundamentally in a Sentence
End of carousel The truth is that AI is fundamentally bad at many tasks.
—Shira Ovide, Washington Post, 25 June 2024
But just to talk finances, the game has so fundamentally changed.
—Marlow Stern, Rolling Stone, 5 Dec. 2023
The Portland Sea Dogs won, but that’s not why, fundamentally, the fans went home happy.
—Rich Lowry, National Review, 11 July 2023
The Biden administration has said that the cut won’t fundamentally change what the IRS can do over the next few years.
— Wire Service, The Mercury News, 25 Jan. 2024
The rules could fundamentally change the way Americans buy and sell homes.
—Samantha Delouya, CNN, 10 Aug. 2024
But the advent of body-camera video promised to fundamentally change how the agency worked.
—Eric Umansky, ProPublica, 14 Dec. 2023
So, this is all about restoring a process that will fundamentally change things back to what was working.
—Ellis Kim, CBS News, 6 June 2023
But data does allow for a peek at what fundamentally makes a ski hill great.
—Tom Corrigan, WSJ, 9 Nov. 2023
Will the type of student drawn to New College fundamentally change?
—Patricia Mazzei,, 14 Feb. 2023
Two types of aerospike engines—toroidal and linear—differ in shape (as their names suggest), but fundamentally work in the same way.
—Darren Orf, Popular Mechanics, 3 June 2023
That could fundamentally change how some of them work—and how Google monetizes them.
—WIRED, 4 Oct. 2023
The higher costs also fundamentally changed what tenants will be able to live in the complex.
—Kenneth R. Gosselin, Hartford Courant, 25 June 2024
However, the landscape of the war has fundamentally changed since last year.
—Adam Taylor, Washington Post, 8 June 2023
That fundamentally remakes the campaign universe in a state that was always a stretch for Democrats.
—Philip Elliott, TIME, 8 Oct. 2024
This points to how the map of our body is fluid, fundamentally shaped by physical experience as well as how the mind sees the body.
—Chip Colwell, Smithsonian Magazine, 26 Feb. 2024
To some candidates’ dismay, some counties fundamentally agreed with the use of the line.
—Annabella Rosciglione, Washington Examiner - Political News and Conservative Analysis About Congress, the President, and the Federal Government, 21 Sep. 2024
That fundamentally changes the nature of the challenge.
—Ally Schweitzer, NPR, 8 May 2024
Sims argued the school would fundamentally change if the charter was dissolved, and asked whether there was a less extreme option.
—Morgan Krakow, Anchorage Daily News, 4 Apr. 2023
The ways in which humans trade power and influence are still fundamentally the same.
—Gideon Lichfield, WIRED, 16 Aug. 2023
The Italian Knitwear Scion created the brand with a fundamentally female point of view.
—Cortne Bonilla, Vogue, 8 Sep. 2023
Yet that fact doesn’t change the experience of a piece that can sometimes be moving but that, in the end, feels fundamentally static.
—An Epic Set, Vulture, 16 Jan. 2024
The front spring rates are stiffer, but fundamentally the suspension package is the same as other Raptors.
—Carlos Lago, Car and Driver, 10 Mar. 2023
The present state of America is fundamentally opposed to the principles from which it was born.
—Armstrong Williams, Baltimore Sun, 3 July 2024
Aquarius Rising Not to sound too dramatic, but the shifts that take place in March will fundamentally change your life from this point onward.
—Kirah Tabourn, Condé Nast Traveler, 25 Feb. 2023
Well, a car that is easier to maneuver, place, and push through traffic is a car that is fundamentally safer.
—Brett Berk, Good Housekeeping, 4 Apr. 2023
And both stories are fundamentally about how love begins, and what happens to it after that.
—Marion Winik, Washington Post, 21 July 2023
The review board found the court-martial cases were so fundamentally unfair that all the convictions should be set aside.
—Reuters, NBC News, 14 Nov. 2023
The menu, too, is very grown up—fundamentally Italian, as much of the cooking in the Tarlow universe is, and built around a live-fire oven that crackles in the open kitchen, which fills the front section of one of the restaurant’s two rooms.
—Helen Rosner, The New Yorker, 8 Dec. 2024
To be sure, stock splits do not fundamentally change anything about a company.
—Brian Evans, CNBC, 5 Feb. 2025
Overall, the drastic way in which omega-6 fatty acids have entered the food supply and fundamentally changed our biological composition makes this an important area of study.
—Mary J. Scourboutakos, The Conversation, 7 Feb. 2025
Some of these examples are programmatically compiled from various online sources to illustrate current usage of the word 'fundamentally.' Any opinions expressed in the examples do not represent those of Merriam-Webster or its editors. Send us feedback about these examples.
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