How to Use geoscience in a Sentence
Predicting earthquakes is one of the holy grails of the geosciences.
—Jason Daley, Smithsonian, 3 Nov. 2017
In a sense, drilling into the mantle might be the geoscience equivalent of a moonshot … or a great white whale.
—Erik Klemetti, Discover Magazine, 28 Mar. 2011
At times, the EGU journals have led to confusion among reporters unused to preprints in the geosciences.
—Paul Voosen, Science | AAAS, 22 Sep. 2017
Leaning a ladder against the hard rock wall, Tullis C. Onstott, a geosciences professor at Princeton, climbed to open an old valve about a dozen feet up.
—Kenneth Chang, New York Times, 12 Sep. 2016
The technique is known in geoscience as distributed acoustic sensing, or DAS.
—Matt Simon, Wired, 28 June 2021
In the oil and gas industry, this leads to a silo of geoscience, a silo of well design, a silo of production management and so on.
—Francois Laborie, Forbes, 9 Dec. 2021
The number of Asian Americans earning geoscience degrees has decreased since the mid-1990s.
—New York Times, 20 Oct. 2021
Today, the geosciences, to which paleontology belongs, are by far the least diverse of all STEM fields.
—Christian Elliott, Smithsonian Magazine, 22 Feb. 2023
The caller proves to be her neighbor from two floors above, a geoscience professor at the New York Institute of Technology.
—Christine Dolen, miamiherald, 12 Mar. 2018
Using the website, users can zoom and pan around different thematic geoscience web maps of the region and even generate custom maps of their own.
—Stacey Leasca, Travel + Leisure, 24 June 2020
A follow-up survey will be done in November, said John Skalbeck, a geosciences professor at Parkside.
—Don Behm, Milwaukee Journal Sentinel, 28 July 2017
That said, the faculty at geoscience departments in the United States has more white faculty than some other sciences.
—New York Times, 20 Oct. 2021
The consequences of the lava-vs-mud debate may someday spill beyond the geoscience community.
—Charlie Wood, Popular Science, 21 May 2020
The agency announced the changes late last week in a meeting of its geoscience advisory committee at its headquarters in Washington, D.C.
—Paul Voosen, Science | AAAS, 22 Oct. 2019
Humes, who is double majoring in French and Geology, wants to work in the environmental sector of geosciences.
—Erika Rose, Post-Tribune, 8 Feb. 2018
Fox has obtained advanced degrees in meteorology, geosciences and mass communications, and has been the chief at KSEE for eight years.
—Matthew Cappucci, Washington Post, 1 Nov. 2017
These particles have been in wide use for decades, but new imaging techniques are expanding the field to the study of rocks and sediments for geoscience, nondestructive analyses of art and antiquities, and even living plants.
—James Riordon, Scientific American, 29 July 2022
The state-of-the-art Science Teaching Hub, which opened last year, is designed to provide specialized training and support for students in chemistry, medicine, biological science, geoscience and more.
—Janine Henni, Peoplemag, 18 Jan. 2023
Second, geoscience must be shored up in universities and colleges – these institutions, too, follow the money.
—Wood MacKenzie, Forbes, 21 Oct. 2021
Finally – and what prompted me to write this post – a superb example of effective crank-battling is this post by Suvrat on the geoscience blog Reporting on a Revolution.
—Brian Romans, WIRED, 8 Oct. 2008
In addition, Boise State geosciences professor Jen Pierce is measuring the effects of fires on our forests and rangelands, and using geologic records to understand how much wildfires today differ from those in the past.
—Mark Rudin, idahostatesman, 26 Jan. 2018
Exxon, like many oil and gas companies, employs scores of scientists, and plenty of those scientists have advanced backgrounds in environmental and geoscience.
—Katherine Dunn, Fortune, 9 June 2021
But there must be action from geoscientists and geoscience organizations as well.
—Meghana Ranganathan, Scientific American, 30 Mar. 2021
Our solution is to combine AI systems with geoscience expertise to figure out what piece of information reduces our uncertainty the most.
—Josh Goldman, IEEE Spectrum, 29 Apr. 2023
One member of the current team, however, adjunct professor of geoscience David Finkelstein, is planning experiments closer to home.
—Veronique Greenwood, Discover Magazine, 4 Dec. 2012
And this is going to be an opportunity to hopefully bring in a lot of members of the AI and geoscience community, also other experts and stakeholders, from different sectors, to start to look at the best way to tackle this this question.
—Stephen Ibaraki, Forbes, 2 Mar. 2021
My background is actually, not in production and operations; my background is in geoscience.
—IEEE Spectrum, 29 Mar. 2023
A study published in October 2016 revealed that women in geoscience were half as likely to receive excellent recommendation letters as men.
—Marissa Fessenden, Smithsonian, 16 Mar. 2017
Jianjun Yin, a professor of geosciences at the University of Arizona, found similar results in reviewing tide gauge and surface altimetry data.
—Dinah Voyles Pulver, USA TODAY, 12 Apr. 2023
Using a geoscience technique to see at what temperature dinosaur tooth enamel formed, scientists have found that at least two large dinosaurs, Brachiosaurus and Camarasaurus, had body temperatures similar to our own.
—Veronique Greenwood, Discover Magazine, 24 June 2011
Some of these examples are programmatically compiled from various online sources to illustrate current usage of the word 'geoscience.' Any opinions expressed in the examples do not represent those of Merriam-Webster or its editors. Send us feedback about these examples.
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