How to Use gladiolus in a Sentence
Don’t be in a hurry to remove the green tops from gladiolus plants.
—Tom MacCubbin,, 24 July 2021
Lucky for you there are two great choices: dahlias and gladiolus.
—Jeff Lowenfels | Alaska Gardening and Growing, Anchorage Daily News, 9 Mar. 2023
This is, in part, because the season is longer and gladioli have more time to grow outdoors without getting cut down on frosts.
—Jeff Lowenfels, Anchorage Daily News, 27 Feb. 2020
The year’s bulb show kicks off with Gladiolus dalenii, a species gladiolus from South Africa.
—Nan Sterman, San Diego Union-Tribune, 6 Nov. 2021
After it blooms, the gladiolus corm sets to work developing a new corm for next year’s flower spike.
—Ottillia "toots" Bier, Orange County Register, 17 Jan. 2017
Plant gladiolus corms through March: Plant groups of corms every two weeks during the planting season to extend the display of flowers.
—, 17 Feb. 2018
To achieve this look, florists use flowers like bells of Ireland, hydrangeas, green gladiolus, as well as ferns, decorative leaves, and even moss.
—Lindsay Tigar, Vogue, 15 Sep. 2017
Florida gardeners and many in the more southern states have the option of leaving gladiolus bulbs in the ground or digging them and replanting in early spring.
—Tom MacCubbin,, 7 Aug. 2021
This is damage from a common insect pest of gladioli called gladiolus thrips.
—Dan Gill,, 26 May 2018
With saber-like leaves and colorful flowers, crocosmia (or its cousin gladiolus) will make a striking contrast to Orienpets.
—Andrea Beck, Better Homes & Gardens, 23 June 2020
The gladiolus and poppy also represent those born in August.
—Olivia Munson, USA TODAY, 24 July 2023
This is my first year growing gladiolus in Central Florida.
—Tom MacCubbin,, 7 Aug. 2021
Today, the gladiolus stands for integrity, remembrance, and strength.
—Samantha Lawyer, Woman's Day, 2 Feb. 2023
Some types of summer flowering bulbs, such as gladiolus or ranunculus, cannot survive cold winters.
—Arricca Elin Sansone, House Beautiful, 9 July 2020
Claudia Vasquez tucked stems of gladiolus into a rusting can of Peruvian soda, her grandmother's favorite.
—Elizabeth Roberts,, 7 Aug. 2017
Bulbs: African lily, agapanthus, amaryllis, anemone, bulbine, calla, crinum, day lily, gingers, gladiolus, pineapple lily, rain lily, society garlic, spider lilies, walking iris, watsonia.
—Tom MacCubbin,, 30 Sep. 2017
Bulbs: African lily, agapanthus, amaryllis, anemone, bulbine, calla, crinum, day lily, gingers, gladiolus, pineapple lily, rain lily, society garlic, spider lilies, walking iris, watsonia.
—Tom MacCubbin, Orlando Sentinel, 1 Oct. 2022
Aquarius flowers are the orchid (representing refined uniqueness) and gladiolus (a symbol of remembrance and strong character).
—Heather Arndt Anderson, Sunset Magazine, 29 Mar. 2020
Abyssinian Gladiolus Now 30% Off $7 at This gladiolus variety smells most potent after dusk.
—Molly Miller,, 8 June 2023
Aquarius Aquarius flowers are the orchid (representing refined uniqueness) and gladiolus (a symbol of remembrance and strong character).
—Heather Arndt Anderson, Sunset Magazine, 5 Mar. 2020
Bulbs: African iris, agapanthus, amaryllis, blackberry lily, bulbine, calla lily, crinum, crocosmia, day lily, gladiolus, kaffir lily, narcissus, society garlic, spider lily, rain lilies and walking iris.
—Tom MacCubbin,, 26 Aug. 2017
Bulb-type plants: Achimenes, African iris, bulbine, caladium, canna, crinum, crocosmia, day lily, eucharis lily, gladiolus, gloriosa lily, peacock ginger, society garlic, spiderwort, rain lily and walking iris.
—Tom MacCubbin,, 30 June 2018
Plant summer bulbs, including gladiolus, tuberous begonias and callas.
—Debbie Arrington, sacbee, 2 Mar. 2018
What began decades ago as a celebration of South Florida’s agricultural and horticultural resources — namely the vibrant gladiolus flower — has grown to feature artisans selling works of all types.
—Kari Barnett, Sun Sentinel, 12 Apr. 2023
Medium-height plants may include calendulas, peonies, gladiolus, lilies, standing cypress, echinacea, daisies, gaillardia, Swiss chard, zinnias or any annual or perennial that loves full sun exposure.
—Margaret Lauterbach, idahostatesman, 21 Mar. 2018
Bulb-type plants: Achimenes, African iris, agapanthus, amaryllis, blackberry lily, bulbine, caladiums, canna, crinum, crocosmia, day lily, eucharis lily, gladiolus, gloriosa lily, peacock ginger, society garlic, rain lily and walking iris.
—Tom MacCubbin,, 26 May 2018
Plant summer blooming bulbs including cannas, callas, caladiums, dahlias, gladiolus, lilies, tuberose, tuberous begonia, Nerine, Tigridia pavonia and Watsonia.
—Joan Morris, The Mercury News, 9 Mar. 2017
Southern California Plant summer-blooming bulbs, corms, and tubers, including acidanthera, agapanthus, tuberous begonias, caladiums, calla lilies, dahlias, daylilies, gladiolus, iris, ixia, montbretias, tiger flowers, tuberoses, and watsonias.
—Thad Orr, Sunset, 22 Jan. 2018
Some of these examples are programmatically compiled from various online sources to illustrate current usage of the word 'gladiolus.' Any opinions expressed in the examples do not represent those of Merriam-Webster or its editors. Send us feedback about these examples.
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