How to Use globalism in a Sentence
It's become a stand-in for the pro-globalism elites that Trump railed against.
—Jeff Spross, TheWeek, 22 Jan. 2020
That did not mean Mr. Trump has joined the globalism chorus.
—Peter Baker, New York Times, 26 Jan. 2018
This is not globalism; this is the neoliberal stand-in for it.
—Soraya Roberts, Longreads, 30 Mar. 2020
And much of the reason is tied up in the history of the global spice trade, born of colonialism and borne aloft by globalism.
—Tamar Adler, Vogue, 9 Apr. 2021
After Trump mentioned globalism, there was a jeer about George Soros, the liberal donor who was the target of one of the pipe bombs.
—Catherine Lucey, The Seattle Times, 27 Oct. 2018
The 2016 election results in those battleground states showed that the heartland was not ready to state its freedom to the gods of globalism.
—Fox News, 7 Mar. 2018
But as progressives turned against globalism, Democrats made a sharp break against trade deals and, to some extent, against trade itself.
—Roger Lowenstein, Washington Post, 21 June 2019
The shifting fortunes of his company have inspired him to rethink how a new form of globalism might work.
—Charlie Campbell/tianan, Time, 11 July 2019
For the academy, this was supposed to be a time to celebrate a newfound globalism.
—Washington Post, 3 Apr. 2021
Macron, almost sure to win another term, promises to complete the job of retrofitting France for globalism, plus fund more police.
—Rachel Kushner, Harper’s Magazine , 25 May 2022
Since then, the term has grown more sinister, suggestive of elitism and even – shudder! – globalism.
—Jonah Goldberg, National Review, 10 Jan. 2018
Nationalism is on the rise, as well as distrust of globalism and alliances.
—Time Staff, Time, 22 Jan. 2021
The move is a significant departure for a brand whose growth across the world became the symbol of globalism and even the basis of a peace theory.
—New York Times, 16 May 2022
France’s president is on a mission to save globalism from itself and, lately, that has become a lonely road.
—Stacy Meichtry and William Horobin, WSJ, 20 Apr. 2018
The right flank of the party also sees the pandemic as reason to further restrict immigration and pull back from globalism and free trade.
—Tal Kopan,, 3 May 2020
My little town—like so many small manufacturing hubs felled by globalism and greed—has seen much better days.
—Emily Nunn, Outside Online, 3 June 2019
Globalism is a resurrection of the Western democratic confidence of 1913 that a world war could not break out.
—Victor Davis Hanson, National Review, 15 Aug. 2017
Keeping the World at Bay Does globalism subvert democracy—or strengthen it?
—Sadanand Dhume, Foreign Affairs, 10 June 2024
But McDonald's removing its arches is one of the most striking, given that its been a symbol for worldly peace and globalism.
—Scott Gleeson, USA TODAY, 16 May 2022
By contrast, the Tories’ old supporters in the south believe that leaving the EU will unshackle Britain and usher in an era of freewheeling globalism.
—The Economist, 13 Dec. 2019
Mr Macron’s campaign was marked by Kennedyesque optimism and a wholehearted embrace of globalism.
—The Economist, 19 Dec. 2017
The former president captured the hearts and minds of his followers, shifting opinions on issues of globalism.
—Lisa Lerer, New York Times, 15 Apr. 2021
All of this, whether it’s nationalism or populism or globalism, is driven to a great extent by self-interest.
—WSJ, 14 Mar. 2017
If this is Hollywood’s idea of diversity and globalism, no thanks.
—Armond White, National Review, 25 June 2021
Macron's globalism — to use a term loaded with political meaning over the past year — and the good intentions of jet-setting financiers have no real answer for what drives the fury of right-wing populists in France.
—Ishaan Tharoor, Washington Post, 13 Dec. 2017
President-elect Trump and his allies often describe that system with one word: globalism.
—Liam Stack, New York Times, 14 Nov. 2016
Because of his close ties to China, some of Trump’s advisers considered him the epitome of the kind of globalism the president said deplored during his campaign.
—Michael Kranish, Washington Post, 12 Mar. 2018
The magazine’s hopeful globalism, meanwhile, fit with the end-of-history triumphalism that permeated the late ’90s, in the wake of the Cold War but before September 11.
—Kyle Chayka, New Republic, 27 June 2017
Looking back at the 1920s should remind us that globalism is not the default position of the American people, but also warn us against stepping away from our global allies.
—Cyrus Veeser / Made By History, TIME, 10 Sep. 2024
The visit highlighted the gulf between the U.S. president, who has styled himself as a foe of globalism, and the German chancellor, a staunch defender of the liberal world order.
—Julie Hirschfeld Davis, Orange County Register, 18 Mar. 2017
Some of these examples are programmatically compiled from various online sources to illustrate current usage of the word 'globalism.' Any opinions expressed in the examples do not represent those of Merriam-Webster or its editors. Send us feedback about these examples.
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