How to Use hegemon in a Sentence
Tech sector is what made the US the hegemon, but that may change.
—Julian Mark, Washington Post, 10 Mar. 2023
That is not to say the United States is the perfect global hegemon.
—Aron Ravin, National Review, 16 June 2021
Iran wants to be the regional hegemon and have all of the countries of the region bend to its wishes.
—Kenneth M. Pollack, National Review, 9 Oct. 2017
But in 2005 this backwater bank incurred the wrath and might of the world’s financial hegemon.
—The Economist, 19 May 2018
Quantum computing, we’re told, will be the next big techno-shock, and the country that gets the lead on it will become the world-hegemon.
—Tom Shippey, WSJ, 26 Feb. 2021
For the first time in centuries, Europe lacks a potential hegemon.
—Justin Logan, Foreign Affairs, 9 Aug. 2024
The hegemon exhibits power by rising above such tawdry tricks.
—Walter Russell Mead, WSJ, 24 June 2019
As Hans Kundnani put it, as a hegemon, the United States set the norms of the international order.
—Yascha Mounk, Slate Magazine, 5 Jan. 2017
Ever since, statesmen and scholars have grappled with the problem of how to deal with the reluctant hegemon at the heart of Europe.
—The Economist, 3 Oct. 2020
In spite of the series’s bleak themes, Lucas succeeds in engendering a new hope, a vision of the future in which the hegemon is deposed.
—Ruby Thélot, Artforum, 1 Oct. 2024
But if there is to be any hope of preventing Iran from becoming a regional hegemon, Trump will have to roll back the nuclear deal.
—Jonathan S. Tobin, National Review, 15 Sep. 2017
Following his death, Mr. McFall will not have a successor as hegemon of fiction; his duties, like most others at the Strand, will be shared.
—Alex Traub, New York Times, 30 Dec. 2021
If one man can block the industrial development of what is, for now, the world’s hegemon, then its hegemony must be very frail indeed.
—Robinson Meyer, The Atlantic, 15 July 2022
Britain, the hegemon of the day, had a uniquely powerful capacity to turn the propagation of shock to its advantage.
—Nicholas A. Lambert, WSJ, 18 Mar. 2022
Around the same time Nestlé was boasting about its world-beating Nescafé, another product was vying to become a global caffeine hegemon.
—John Kelly, Washington Post, 21 Aug. 2022
Perhaps in a decade or two historians will look back and point to this policy or that event as the turning-point in China’s emergence as a financial hegemon.
—The Economist, 28 June 2018
At the time, Thebes was one of the major players in mainland Greece and the hegemon of all Greece, from Macedonia southward, calling the shots thanks to its remarkable military distinction.
—Paul Cartledge, WSJ, 25 July 2021
There have been clear signs over the past two decades, however, that Americans are tiring of taking on this role, while much of the world, equally, is cooling on the US as its hegemon, and is eager to step into its shoes.
—Angela Dewan, CNN, 1 Nov. 2020
Instead of being investigated for a litany of abuses, Raisi is taking over the highest elected office in a country that is now the hegemon in the Middle East.
—Robin Wrigh, The New Yorker, 5 Aug. 2021
The New Concert of Powers A great-power steering group is the best option for managing an integrated world no longer overseen by a hegemon.
—Foreign Affairs, 10 June 2024
Not only does the winner automatically become the official hegemon of the Middle East, but the loser has to throw a wicked dope party for the winner.
—Alex Siquig, GQ, 12 Dec. 2017
In practice, pursuing this goal has meant preventing the emergence of a European hegemon.
—Justin Logan, Foreign Affairs, 9 Aug. 2024
That final was seen as conclusive proof that the club could now see itself as a legitimate European power and the equal of its nemesis and hegemon, Real Madrid.
—New York Times, 28 May 2021
Waging economic warfare in a serious and sustained way requires some wealthy nation (the ruling hegemon) to serve, in effect, as a lender of last resort.
—Nicholas A. Lambert, WSJ, 18 Mar. 2022
Foreign experts are noticing that Chinese elites are increasingly willing to talk about how the West is finished and how China is the benevolent hegemon of the future.
—Margaret MacMillan, WSJ, 28 Dec. 2018
But as the hegemon’s dominance begins to fade, so, too, does this natural harmony of interests.
—Andrew Byers, Foreign Affairs, 1 July 2024
In other words, for a long-dominant hegemon, the best response to a threatening upstart may not be to confront or try to defeat it but to use the international order to contain it.
—Manjari Chatterjee Miller, Foreign Affairs, 18 June 2024
States whose interests clash with the United States may now have opportunities to win gains while the United States, the global hegemon, is distracted with its internal crises.
—Henry Farrell, The Denver Post, 2 June 2017
The rise of new technology and a retreating hegemon are a combustible combination.
—Kenneth M. Pollack, Foreign Affairs, 19 Apr. 2022
Being a global tech hegemon has been lucrative for America.
—The Economist, 15 Feb. 2018
Some of these examples are programmatically compiled from various online sources to illustrate current usage of the word 'hegemon.' Any opinions expressed in the examples do not represent those of Merriam-Webster or its editors. Send us feedback about these examples.
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