How to Use heliosphere in a Sentence


  • This is where the Voyagers are, beyond the heliosphere.
    Marina Koren, The Atlantic, 4 Dec. 2020
  • The outermost layer of the heliosphere is known as the heliopause.
    David Grossman, Popular Mechanics, 5 Oct. 2018
  • The Sun’s solar wind makes up the heliosphere, which surrounds us and all of the planets in our solar system.
    Chelsea Gohd, Discover Magazine, 10 Dec. 2018
  • Solving these puzzles will require a better view of the heliosphere as a whole.
    Michael Greshko, National Geographic, 4 Nov. 2019
  • The interstellar medium — the wisps of atoms and molecules that flow between the stars — is pushed away by the heliosphere.
    Corey S. Powell, Discover Magazine, 31 Jan. 2021
  • The blowing of the solar wind creates an enormous magnetic bubble around the Sun, known as the heliosphere.
    Corey S. Powell, Discover Magazine, 31 Jan. 2021
  • Based on Voyager 2's crossing, the astronomers learned that the heliosphere has a smooth but defined boundary between the two types of plasma.
    Ashley Strickland, CNN, 4 Nov. 2019
  • The heliosphere’s outermost edge, called the heliopause, marks the start of interstellar space.
    Michael Greshko, National Geographic, 4 Nov. 2019
  • To some scientists, those readings meant Voyager 1 had left the heliosphere.
    Sarah Fecht, Popular Mechanics, 12 Sep. 2013
  • The probe is particularly well suited to study how the Sun generates its heliosphere and the solar wind.
    Eric Berger, Ars Technica, 15 Jan. 2020
  • Kurth once published a commentary in a science journal that said leaving the heliosphere was more or less the same as leaving the solar system.
    Marina Koren, The Atlantic, 4 Dec. 2020
  • But though scientists had measured the speed of the solar wind that forms the heliosphere, the properties of the matter beyond it had never been analyzed.
    Kim Tingley, New York Times, 3 Aug. 2017
  • But that wasn’t enough to prove that Voyager 1 had sailed through the heliosphere; knowing for sure required determining the density of plasma bathing the spacecraft.
    Adam Hadhazy, Discover Magazine, 5 Dec. 2013
  • In 2018, the spacecraft left the heliosphere, which is the outer layer of particles and magnetic field created by the sun, according to NASA.
    Eric Lagatta, USA TODAY, 3 Aug. 2023
  • And the sun’s region of influence—its heliosphere—could radically change in size.
    Jonathan O'Callaghan, Scientific American, 6 Jan. 2022
  • Its main goal is to answer the question: How does the sun create and control the heliosphere — the huge protective bubble that surrounds our solar system — and why does that bubble change over time?
    Amy Thompson, Scientific American, 10 Feb. 2020
  • Moving at hypersonic speeds, the wind blows out from the sun like an inflating balloon, forming what astronomers call the heliosphere.
    Tim Folger, Scientific American, 18 June 2022
  • Passage through one cloud in particular, located in the Lynx constellation, might have sent the heliosphere out of whack.
    Christian Thorsberg, Smithsonian Magazine, 14 June 2024
  • Thinking of the heliosphere like a wind sock, astronomers would want a probe that could essentially travel down the tail created by the sun's wind, extending the boundary of the solar system.
    Ashley Strickland, CNN, 4 Nov. 2019
  • Inside the heliosphere, space is dominated by particles of the solar wind, while outside of it, cosmic rays reign.
    Meghan Bartels, Scientific American, 14 June 2024
  • Both Voyager 1 and Voyager 2 are just outside the heliosphere, a bubble of magnetic fields and particles created by the sun.
    Ryan Prior, CNN, 3 Nov. 2020
  • Researchers studying exoplanets are keen to compare the Sun’s heliosphere with those around other stars.
    Jamie Carter, Forbes, 7 May 2022
  • And unlike the Voyager missions, the interstellar probe would be designed specifically to study the outer edge of the heliosphere and its environs.
    Tim Folger, Scientific American, 18 June 2022
  • Once scientists process that data here on Earth, scientists hope to have a clearer understanding of how the sun and its dynamic heliosphere works.
    Jennifer Leman, Popular Mechanics, 9 Feb. 2020
  • The heliosphere is important in keeping dangerous cosmic rays from the interstellar medium out of the main areas of the solar system.
    John Wenz, Popular Mechanics, 13 Dec. 2018
  • Typically, Earth and all our solar system’s planets are enveloped in a protective, giant bubble of plasma from the sun known as the heliosphere.
    Christian Thorsberg, Smithsonian Magazine, 14 June 2024
  • Less solar wind would mean that the heliosphere–a bubble around the solar system maintained by particles emitted from the sun–shrinks significantly.
    David Grossman, Popular Mechanics, 1 Feb. 2017
  • Solar Orbiter will connect what's going on at the sun with what's happening out in the heliosphere in unprecedented detail, mission team members have said.
    Amy Thompson, Scientific American, 10 Feb. 2020
  • Solar wind is in actuality plasma flowing from the sun, and the heliopause is the last segment of a bubble encompassing the entire solar system known as the heliosphere.
    David Grossman, Popular Mechanics, 10 Dec. 2018
  • Speedy particles that originate outside the solar system, they are partially blocked by the heliosphere.
    David Grossman, Popular Mechanics, 5 Oct. 2018

Some of these examples are programmatically compiled from various online sources to illustrate current usage of the word 'heliosphere.' Any opinions expressed in the examples do not represent those of Merriam-Webster or its editors. Send us feedback about these examples.

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